Vivi Lafleur

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

Vivi Lafleur Inspiration

Sire: Rose Justinius

Bloodline: California Xiao

Notable Traits: Flirty, fun, socialite, witty, always elegantly dressed, might be smarter than she looks

Titles: Meister Harpy

Coteries/Societies: Junior member of the Invictus Dynastic House Justinius

Information Known by Kindred Society


1912: Born Vivian Carrol
1931: Ran away from home to pursue a career as an actress
1935: Embraced by Rose Justinius to replace Isaac Winter as favoured childe and future Dynastic House member
1940: Released into Kindred society. Takes a "gap year" as a neonate to go to the US and get her dreams of hollywood out of her system
1941: Embraced Jessica Daywalt (Lady J) who she believed would be an invaluable asset to the Invictus
1942: Fell in love with a charismatic Daeva from the Cult of Xiao. She ran away to California to join the cult (and the bloodline) to be with her lover. The cult founder, Xiao, was in torpor during this time.
1943: Lady J attempted to get Vivi out of the cult, but struggled. She asked Vivi's broodmate Isaac Winter for help. Isaac sent his ghoul Jacob Quinn to California to assist. The two of them staged a daring rescue to convince Vivi to leave the cult before Xiao wakes from torpor. Something went terribly wrong during the rescue and Jacob was mortally wounded. Vivi embraced him to save his life. Jacob and Vivi returned to Australia. LadyJ followed years later.
1944: With his loyalties split between his Invictus sire and his Crone regnant, Jacob Quinn chose to become a Carthian in the hopes of one day reuniting the family.
1952: Vivi encountered a young woman very similar to herself as a mortal. Envious of the starry-eyed innocence she could no longer experience, Vivi embraced Claudia Munroe to preserve her emotional purity forever. But Claudia thought the cult sounded "cool" and eventually convinced Vivi to avus her into the bloodline. The two of them are now equally soulless.

Recent History

To be determined


Children of the Rose

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

Quotes About

  • "Now what can i say about Vivi Lafleur, She has the ruse mind of a fox, and the tongue of a rattle snake. Shame all my harpies could not be like that." Kaida talking in general conversation.



Inspirations and Soundtrack

Sophie-Anne, Queen of Louisiana from Trueblood Sophie-Anne Queen of Louisiana

Art deco inspiration for Vivi Inspiration for Vivi Lafleur Jean Harlow inspiration for Vivi Lafleur Inspiration for Vivi Lafleur

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Penny
Number: AU2002090430
Domain: Canberra