Jack Rover

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Jack Rover
Seeming: Beasts
Kith: Archived-Hunterheart
Court: Loyal Court •••
City: Brisbane
Title: The Headhunter
Entitlement: None
Group: The Hunters
Player: NPC
Storyteller: Brisbane VST


Jack Rover.jpg

Personal Information

A huge man, both in size and personality. Jack has the kind of strength and confidence that only comes from someone with ultimate control over their body. He is known by the Freehold as a changeling who has chosen to remain Loyal to his keeper because he loves the hunt so much. While off duty he can be almost charming, making it at times difficult to remember that just the other night he took your friends skull as a trophy.


Mask: Large muscular man with white dreadlocks and a black eyepatch.

Mien: A huge White Lion-like man with a glowing yellow token in place of his eye.

Mantle: The Mantle of darkness that covers the loyalists lies heaviest over Jack out of all the Loyalists that are regularly seen.


The thrill of the hunt drives Jack, he takes supreme pride in his capabilities and always seeks to test them against the fittest, strongest and smartest, Free Changeling. He obsesses over defeats and boasts during his successes, but never lets his ego get in the way of the hunt.

Mortal World

When the Lost see or meet with Jack in the real world he wears suits and swaggers, like he owns every room he enters. It's unknown whether he actually has a job he wears those suits for or else how he affords them, but he has the air of a cut throat CEO while amongst the humans.

Information Known by Lost Society

Jack is an incredibly skilled hunter, tracker, marksman and killer. He leads the Loyalists of the Archerfield Trod. He has a strong sense of sportsmanship, which can often be taken advantage of to defeat him.


  • 1990 - First seen by The Lost, while retrieving a newly escaped Lost from a bear trap.
  • 2000 - Jack ambushes a newly escaped Lost, the newling seems to be more than Jack anticipated and manages to take out his eye before the two retreat.
  • 2010 - After disappearing since he lost his eye, Jack returns with a new fae designed eye. He seems more dangerous than ever.
  • 2013 - Jack continues to hunt the Lost to this day, reserving his utmost zeal for the one who took his eye.


The Archerfield Loyalists have at least thirty changeling. Jack's particular group of hunters includes;

  • Grant - A Stonebones brawler, not much of a talker, but hits like a train.
  • Chris Wavefall - A beautiful Fairest descriptions of her vary greatly.
  • Greg Weisman - A darkling lurkglider, a gargoyle like man. Genuinly seems unhappy with what he's doing.
  • Elise - A spider skitterskulk, sensual and deadly. You never see her coming until you feel the bite.
  • Tyson - A mist elemental, a beautiful charming man. Very hard to dislike.
  • Cain - Little is known about this wizened.


Quotes By

"Prey on the weak and you will survive, prey on the strong and you will live."
"Tonight we hunt!"
"You've earned a good death. I've earned the kill."

Quotes About

"It is not my place to hate but Jack Rover deserves the cruelest and painful of all punishments imaginable. I dream of dooming him to suffer in his own traps and watch him scream and cry as I drag him through the brambles. He will never die under my watch, I will make sure he lives as long a life as possible and that he lives every moment wishing he was dead. I will make the Gentry seem kind when I am through with him..."
- Erebus in one of his rare emotional moments


"Quote" - reference


  • He doesn't get allong with other Loyalists
    • He doesn't get along with anyone who isn't a hunter, or powerful prey
  • He remembers every kill, and has kept every trophy.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: NPC
Number: ---
Domain: Brisbane