Adelaide Masquerade V5 Rumours

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Adelaide | Masquerade V5

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Midnight Radio


21/02/2021 - 12:09am

  • “Goodevening licks, capes and children of the dusk and you’re listening to the Midnight Channel the only place to find the juiciest gossip throughout Adelaide’s boarders. I am your host, Mezzanotte, We have heard a little bird tell us that the warehouse the Camarilla were using as a Ward Host has been taken by the Anarch Movement and burned to the ground. How will the Camarilla react? Listen in tomorrow or the next night when our birds tell us more”

19/02/2021 - 12:32pm

  • “Goodevening licks, capes and children of the dusk and you’re listening to the Midnight Channel the only place to find the juiciest gossip throughout Adelaide’s boarders. I am your host, Mezzanotte, We have heard a little bird tell us the boarder of the Ward separating Anarch Territory from Woodcroft to Belair has weakened and is ripe for the taking. Let’s hear what happens next”