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General information

This is a page detailing the national NPC groups for the Australian Requiem game. Each of these groups are open to be used by local STs in making local stories. These groups will best fit a particular type of story. The astute reader will notice some differences between these groups as presented here and their original write up in The Danse Macabre. These differences are deliberate, in order to create groups more suited to our chronicle.

The Society of the Accord


The Society of the Accord beleives that the Beast is something that shouldn't be fought against. It's not something that you overcome, or get overcome by. To The Accord, the Beast is an ally. It's something you work with.

This attitude towards the Beast informs all their other decisions. For example, most vampires feel the supernatural weight of the Traditions on their Beast and accept them as limitations, if not absolute rules to be obeyed. The Accord sees the Traditions as enemies of their ally, and thus something to be fought against and overcome. They take pride in being able to break the Traditions.

Night to Night

Vampires of the Accord spend their nights in constant communion with the Beast. They provoke one another to frenzy with fire, blood or violence. They declare their vampiric nature to passers by. They embrace excessively, and send their childer into the world with little to no explaination of what they have become. They even hunt other vampires (usually from outside the cult) to drink their souls and feast on their power. They are rough, tough, and dangerous to be around.


To a vampire who considers the Traditions as essential to their continued existance, the Accord presents a clear and present danger. They threaten the Masquerade as a matter of course, which means if they aren't stopped, sooner or later the mortal world will turn against all vampires.

The majority of the time the Accord is going to facilitate two main types of stories:

- Combat heavy scenes where bad guys can get beaten up

- Masquerade protection stories relying on influence in the mortal world and specialised skills

While these are relatively simple stories, the themes run a lot deeper. the Society of the Accord helps the PCs to define themselves be being a counter point. By showing contempt for the Traditions, they encourage PCs to care deeply about them. By reveling in frenzy, they encourage the PCs to value their control. Their rejection of Requiem Society's norms encourages the PCs to accept those norms and care about them in a personal way.

The Nemites


Nemites beleive in loyalty to the group. They beleive in the good of their ommunity coming before the good of a single individual. They reject the exploitation of the young by the old through the use of Boons and Status. They beleive in Love, Community and Penance. While this might make them sound like a Socialist Hippy Commune, the truth is far darker.

Love comes from the Vinculum, Dominate and Majesty. All members of the cult are bound into it using these tool. This love is real in a way mortal love can never be; if a mortal catches their best friend and their partner together in bed, the love the mortal felt for them is destroyed by feelings of anger and betrayal. Nemite love, enforced with supernatural strength, endures. It is completely unconditional and enduring.

Community builds off this Nemite love. Giving to one another is the right thing to do. If another Nemite needs something you have, you should give it to them to show your love for them and for the community as a whole. People to track who has given what to whom with Boons and reward the powerful with Status are selfish creatures just out for themselves. The more you give, the better you are.

Penance is a little more complicated. To explain

 Let us concern ourselves with one of our type named Leucippus. Leucippus feeds on a mortal 
 woman, and he is thereby burdened with sin. He is selfish and callous. Similarly, if a woman of 
 our ilk, let us presume to name her Xanthippe, feeds on a mortal man, then Xanthippe has polluted herself.
 If Leucippus gives his woman to Xanthippe, Leucippus is innocent and, indeed, has shown moral kindness. 
 He has relieved Xanthippe’s suffering by assuaging her thirst. But Xanthippe, now, is bearing the burden. 
 Not only has she harmed the mortal woman, and thereby done wrong, but she risks becoming a burden on 
 Leucippus and causing suffering through sloth.
 The resolution of this dilemma is for Xanthippe to feed her man to Leucippus, and for Leucippus to 
 feed his woman to Xanthippe. Through this, the sins of each are mitigated and the generosity of each
 is placed in balance. Neither is obligated to the other and each has put selflessness before greed.
 Nemites who feed one another are morally neutral, whereas Nemites who feed themselves are guilty
 and Nemites who permit themselves to be fed without reciprocating are doubly guilty.
 Relieving suffering is the standard by which expiation is measured, and whose suffering is best 
 relieved? Why, the suffering of one’s beloved fellows, of course. Thus Nemites are known to beg one
 another to permit some act of generosity. Refusing aid from one’s beloved brethren is prideful and therefore 
 merits penitence. 
 The greatest act of penance, of course, is to sacrifice yourself, not though suicide, but by accepting 
 destruction to save your fellows. 

That's the theory, at least. In practice there are two groups; those who are directly controlled by the God-King, and everyone else. The God-King is the leader of the Nemites, and has most of the powerful members of the cult directly Blood Bound to himself. Each of these Priests then binds the rank and file of the cult to themselves, creating sub-cults

Night to Night

Nemites aren't generally an obvious threat. They quietly take up residence in a Domain, in an area that they won't be noticed. Usually a group that moves into a PC controlled Domain will be a splinter cult; a small group of Priests taking their bound lackeys with them

The Nemites have three philosophies: Love, Community and Penance. Love comes from the Vinculum, Majesty and Dominate. Community


The Nemites are a more subtle and nuanced antagonist group.