Archived-Canberra Sermon - Retribution

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The following Midnight Mass takes place during the month of June 2015, and was presided of by Inquisitor Lupo

For the complete liturgy of the mass, please refer to Archived-Midnight Mass - Canberra Rite

First Reading

The Second Book of Sanguinaria, Chapter 2 verses 5-8.

And so he perpetuates his condition, just as we perpetuate ours. Then he grows old, and watches his own children fall into the sins he fell into, and despairs, not understanding that he has done the same. The day comes when he dies. But as for the Damned, when we are Embraced by that Damnation, we cease to change; we remain as we were when we died to the light of day, and we always remain so, locked in the chains of sin and hunger forever.
So do not be surprised when the Damned do not recognise you; rather rejoice when God works the Dark Miracle in a dead heart, and a soul that cannot change itself is changed by God.

Second Reading

The Malediction of Longinus, Chapter 12, verses 5-7.

And I held the others in contempt: for though I could see that they slept and hunted and fed in the streets of the city, they were like the beasts of the wild. They were Damned, and they stalked inside the walls, and they snarled, and they behaved like wolves or lions, but they did not have the thoughts of men. They were thirsty, to no purpose.

The Homily

Rights of Retribution

Let me be clear, there is no creature, no Kindred, no force on this Earth save from God himself that can stop me from protecting the faithful and avenging their death.

Nothing. No one.

We are Sanctified. The very definition of the word means "set apart". We are called by God, and as St Monachus would say we raised higher than men but lower than angels. Acknowledging your purpose and starting on your predestined purpose sets you apart from the pagan and the ignorant. You become an instrument of God's wrath. You become what you were meant to be.

You become the Grandeur.

You become a brother or sister in faith.

Not all will accept this fact. As the Centurion suffered at thoughtless beasts parading as Kindred, so to do we stand amongst those that have given themselves to to the rulers of this world.

We stand apart. And we are not recognised by those that do not heed their purpose. Our mandate is not submitted to by those misguided fools that think they have power over us.

The Priscus council of this city admonished me for promising retribution for the murder of Doubting Thomas, to protect Zarkov Justinius. The Priscus council of this city admonished me for standing in front of the faithful against the Sheriff and deputies that would rather shoot their fellow Kindred then allow them to be restrained.

They are faithless automatons, and in their defiance of the Sanctified they cannot do anything accept serve God's purposes.

They have taken all of their leverage and power and thrown it into the sea in the pursuit of pride.

For that which does not kill me makes me stronger.

And my wrath is just, my aim is true. For God himself, the lord of hosts stands with me. Who are you to stand against me?

You, who would ask for my knowledge and foresight to protect this city that will now stumble in the dark of ignorance.

You, who would ask for my support in joining the faithful yet has no concept of what being Sanctified is.

You, who would offer your word like a whore offers love.

You, who would seek my aid in fighting the enemies of this city but burn the faithful at the first chance.

Who are you to stand against God? Who are you to stand against his servant?

If I am to be cast low before your eyes, I consider it to be badge of honour. I will suffer for my purpose, as the Dark Prophet, St Monachus, the Dark Apostles, the 100 martyrs and all the saints before me.

Like them, I am true. I am just. I am steadfast. While you do not value me on this Earth, think about what I will do to you in the pits of Hell, when I am raised up and flay the flesh off your worthless bones. And I will see you kneeling before me, and I will remember the slight you would give to a servant of the Lord almighty.

It does not have to be like this. Turn back from your pride, from your false hopes and your perishing desires.

Turn towards He who made you. He who choose you. He who damned you.

Reject your petty trinkets, your worthless empires and your futile endeavours.

Turn towards your purpose. Turn towards your destiny.

Turn towards your brothers and sisters in faith.

For we are the Grandeur,

We are Sanctified.


A Prayer for the Hunt

Heavenly Father, guide my aim as I serve as your Holy Spear, spilling the blood of the wicked in your name.


A Prayer of Thanks for the Martyrs

My Lord and God, thank you for the example you have given us of the saints and martyrs who walk in the ways of Longinus. May they through their selfless devotion to you and your will find some forgiveness in your almighty goodness.


A Prayer for the Passing of a Faithful

Lord Almighty, we thank you for our purpose to which you have given to us from the day we come into this world until the day we leave it. We give thanks for your servant Ella, and for the purpose to which she carried out in your name. Take pity on her Damned soul, and keep her until such time as she can serve you again in the Pit. For in everything we do, we are your servants on your holy purpose.
