Archived-PVE Carthians

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Triple Threat

"To play the Invictus game is to have already lost. Instead we play our own game, and we play to win."

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Name: Pruflas
Clan: Daeva
Titles: Ass
Age: 30 to 40
Concept: Non-political thug
Player: Stephen Justice

Name: Ambrogio Mangiafaccia Marcellarius
Clan: Ventrue
Titles: The Italian Stallion
Age: TBA
Concept: Non-political chef
Player: Kane Edwards

Name: Happy
Clan: Nosferatu
Titles: Runt
Age: TBA
Concept: Angry Leprechaun
Player: Graham Schnider

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 2004 Formed in Canberra

Recent History

Since its formation in 2004 the coterie Triple Threat (Name might change if we get more members) has been a constant group at every court gathering. They've refused to join in with any of the politics of the city, and don't even seem to further any Carthian goals, instead saying by not getting involved they've won.

Despite being an annoyance, and often rude, they've been useful in helping deal with any threat to the city that pops up. While not skilled at subtle manipulations, they're always handy when you just need something beaten down until it won't rear its head again.

At the recent Praxis claim of Tiberius Harkonus Augustus Marcellarius they abstained from voting despite liking both the man himself, his policies, and the fact his Childe is in Triple Threat.
They then refused to vote again when his Praxis was challenged, and he lost it to someone whose policies will be worse off for them.





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Quotes About





Invictus, as much as we don’t like them for it, are good at what they do. The question is what are they good at? Most people would say it’s politics, or rather their version of politics called court. Personally I like to call it playing lords and ladies.

As soon as you try to take on the Invictus in this way then you’ve lost, but their trick is that they’ve convinced all of you that their way is the only way to do it. So people line up, walk through the door, and they play the status game. They bicker, they fight, they squabble, all in the name of titles and renown. All the while the Invictus watch and laugh, they see everyone else play their game and know they have won, even when they are not Prince, they know they have won.

Well one way to win is not to play. Who said any of that matters, who said I should care whether you’re a Lord, or even just a harpy? If it weren’t for one very small fact it would be so easy to tip this glass house over. The problem is that we’re both predators, beasts, but we’re also human, and like humans we need company. Now I have a few good mates, but they’re not enough. I like them, but I need to interact with more then just them to stay sane, but poor Joe down at the pub isn’t going to understand when I bitch to him about how much it sucks fighting this internal beast within me, especially when all I can think about is how juicy Joe’s neck looks.

So with this in mind we gather, we turn up to this court to chat and meet, and find ourselves drawn into the Invictus web of politics, into their game. Well I’ll turn up, but I’m not going to play by their rules. Do I care if I’ve never been more then ‘acknowledged’ within the city? Hell no. Do I care if the Crone have ended up with all the Priscus positions and they harpy they elected doesn’t like me? Hell no! I’m here to hang out, I’m here to chat and waste time, and then when I’ve had my fill I’ll go out and kick some ass to let off some steam.

Me and my mates, we’re a society both within and outside of a society. We’ll play by the nice rules, because lets face it no one wants everyone trying to kill each other, but do we don’t give a damn who’s in charge as long as they don’t think they have some fake power over us. If we ever get enough of us who think the same way, then maybe we’ll make our own game, our own sets of rules. One based upon more modern and up to date ideas, but one where there is none of this pompous attitude, because lets face it, we’re in this mess together.

So if you’re interested then come speak to us, we tend to be down the pub most Thursdays. I’ve got a killer pool arm and like to keep up the practice, so I’m always up for a chat over a game or two.


Hey all,

So how this goes is that me, Kane, and Graham are looking at making a Coterie with a focus on PVE and plot. While we’re interested in many of the roleplay aspects of being a monster of the night and trying to get by, we’ve got next to no interest in the political side, or really any heavy PVP besides maybe throwing insults back and forth in true Aussie style.

If you’re interested in the same, then we’d be happy to have you on board. Just understand that we’re keeping a strict Switzerland approach to court and politics. You get involved in politics and screw it up, then we’re not the people you run behind of for protection, we’ll just hand you over to whoever wants your blood. As long as you’re not getting involved in politics however, then we’re there for you.

As a Coterie we’ve mostly got a combat focus, sort of like a street gang feel, but if you’ve got an idea that would be useful for taking on plot then I’m happy to discuss any ideas and work out how it fits in. I would like anyone joining to be able to just jump in and get their hands dirty with plot, so Ally or DT focused characters might feel a bit left out if they join up with us. I’m not saying they’re not useful, but you might find yourself feeling a bit left out when the rest of us run head on into trouble.

So if any of this catches your interest please feel free to shoot me a line at Even if you’re just looking for background ties to such a group, I’m happy for positive and negative relationships. Just don’t expect us to be your political allies or opponents; you’ll end up quite disappointed.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Stephen Justice
Number: 2006090005
Domain: Canberra

Member Information
Player: Kane Edwards
Number: ???
Domain: Canberra

Member Information
Player: Graham Schnider
Number: ???
Domain: Canberra