Category:Dusk Court

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Dusk Court 180.png

Nicknames: The Glacial Axe, The Umbral Court, The Court of Dooms

Emotions: Fatalism

Heraldry: White, Black, Red & Dark Blue

Contracts: Entropy, Lucidity, Goblin

The Dusk Court is one of the two transitional Courts of the Changelings. Members of this Court have accepted the fact that they are doomed, that the hunt of the Fae will eventually catch them and every day that passes brings them closer to this fate. But this does not stop the Dusk Court from fighting against it. There are no happy endings, they believe, so all that matters is the epic story that is told along the way.

When things in Changeling society seems to be bright and safe, only very few adhere to the Umbral Courts way. But when the tides changes, there an always those who stand ready to fight despite a victory isn't achievable and who follow the Dusk.

The Dusk Court is a grim Court, knowing the inevitable doom that approaches them and using its emotion to inspire themselves to deeds of true glory and heroism. Laziness, cowardice and weakness are frowned upon, as they are not give into their fate, but strive to accomplish something great despite of it.

The court is divided into two informal groups: The Gallants and the Unfettered. While the Gallants are striving for glory and greatness in the face of the apocalypse and are throwing themselves at near-impossible tasks to accomplish, the Unfettered have given into amoral behaviours and disdain laws and social niceties, for they are only delaying the end.

Many of the Court’s traditions are focused on giving its members the opportunity to laugh in the face of doom and embrace life to its fullest while they may. They love life, and the fact that things are bad now and doomed only to get worse serves only as inspiration and motivation to enjoy every aspect of it to its fullest.

Dancers in the Dusk pg 136-140

Pages in category "Dusk Court"

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