Category:Lodges CofD

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Holding a nebulous place somewhere between tribe and pack, lodges honor lesser aspects of Forsaken society. Lodges can form around auspice or common ethos, but tribal lodges are common as well. Some focus on one particular aspect of the tribe’s oath or sacred prey, like the Storm Lords’ Lodge of Thunder, whose members believe that only the mightiest werewolves are worthy of leadership. Others have a broader purview, like the Iron Masters’ Lodge of Wires, whose devotees pledge themselves to understanding the strange new spirit broods birthed from the technological revolution.

Despite being smaller than tribes, lodges have a wider social net. A given Blood Talon likely knows (and sees at moots) most of the Suthar Anzuth in her state, and maybe the states surrounding it, but she probably knows every member of her lodge on the same continent — and with rise of global communication, even beyond. As lodge members move around and spread their teachings, they’re more likely to keep in touch.