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Sect: The Camarilla
Clan: Nosferatu (Masquerade)
City: Canberra •••
Pack/Coterie: None
Sire: Izzy
Lineage: Unknown
Embraced: Unknown
Generation: 12th
Player: [mailto: Liz]
Storyteller: [mailto: Canberra VST]

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Personal Information


Rat looks like she is in her early 20’s, she has a large burn scar on the right side of her face, but as a Nosferatu it blends in easily with the rest of her deformities. Her skin has a greenish tinge, and around her eyes the skin is sunken and red. Her eyes are a red colour. She has skin flaps that she uses to glide from buildings, but usually hides them under her clothes.

Ragged and bloody, Rat dresses in whatever clothes she finds comfortable. She rarely changes these clothes, so they end up covered in whatever she encounters – Blood, sewerage, dirt, other unmentionable substances... Rat likes to keep her arms bandaged, it has made it easier for her to adapt to her new appearance as a hideous monster. She is used to her face looking hideous, but her hands have always been a source of pride for her. So now she hides them, for her sanity. Of course the bandages she uses aren’t really ever clean.

Rat has a real fondness for rats. Around them she shows her rare motherly side. She carries around her ghouled retainer rat named Mange, a rather quiet rat with a nasty habit for biting vampires. Rat tends to fiddle with her bandages as a habit. It isn't a nervous tell; she just tends to fiddle with them when she doesn’t have anything to do with her hands.


Rat finds that there is a great joy in making things better, just not always for other people. She can be very altruistic in the right setting but if she feels you don’t deserve what she’s dishing out then you’ll get the cold shoulder. Rat would rather listen than speak, and is more likely to go along with whatever madness is going on than speak what is really on her mind. She'll follow the crowd until it suits her.

She loves her rats and the Nosferatu in her own way. She has a sort of vindictive pity for those who find her repugnant. She’ll get them back in her own way later, and it’ll sting. She hates people who treat vulnerable people like shit for the hell of it.

Mortal World

Rat isn't really well known at all in the mortal world. She used to be a normal citizen, and with her distinctive face she was remembered, but her embrace has changed all that. Rat will never willingly admit who she was before she became Nosferatu


Timeline ((OOC Knowledge))

  • 1992 - Born
  • 1998 - Caught in house fire - horribly burned
  • 2009 - Finished High school
  • 2010 - Gap Year in Europe
  • 2013 - Embraced
  • 2014 - Appeared at court
  • 2015 -

Lineage ((OOC knowledge))

Known Sire


Known Siblings


Known Childer


Known Grand-childer



Quotes By

"Call a rat a rat, call a spade a spade"

- Rat

Quotes About

"We _will_ take care of you" - Tarantula to Rat when he found her starving... (Because Nos Reasons)


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack

Termination Bliss - Deathstars


  1. Acknowledged as a Member of the Camarilla by Göksel Ahmet Prince of Canberra
  2. Cunning by word of Seneschal Elsa von Lichtenstein
  3. Resourceful by word of Elsa von Lichtenstein Prince of Canberra


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Liz Hickey]
Number: 2014100010
Domain: Canberra