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Personal Information

Template:PC Summary Requiem



Sawyer idolises himself as the quintessence english lad whom dresses surprisingly neat and casual for the type of work that he is in. Proud of his English heritage he is often seen proudly displaying the British flag on his trademark singlet top. His face shows a life of violence and crime with a notable scar running just below his dead green eyes. Often seen with a grin on his face Sawyer seems to enjoy the life he has created for himself.

Drug lab.jpg


Sawyer is a silver tongued crime lord with an insatiable thirst for power. He trusts very few in the world, however thoughs that have earned his friendship have made a strong ally for life. Yet it is known that Sawyer can also be a very petty man and many who have found themselves on his dark side truly know what it is to live in constant fear and thats only if he lets them live.

Kings Cross.jpeg

Mortal World

Sawyer is a known crime lord working out of Kings Cross, it is thought that nothing happens in the Cross without it passing through his fingers. Those that have actually met him often witness his his more sadistic nature as he flaunts his power over those that are below him.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Sawyer has held the title of daeva priscus for the past 15 years and is a member of the Carthian Movament. He is a known drug lord working out of the Cross and has criminal, police and transport connections.


Carver Family

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer

Known Great Grand-childer


Quotes By Sawyer

"It's probably in your best interest to tell me where ya hid my drugs. Otherwise you're beautiful wife may have an unfortunate accident, do you get me?"

Quotes About Sawyer

"Maggots crawl higher off the ground than Sawyer!" - Mr Hobbes

"Daeva trying to be as frighting as a Nosferatu is like a Nosferatur trying to be as charming as a Daeva. I have succeeded at my part, lets see how much of a monster Sawyer can be." - Ferdinand Wolfe

"He 'aint my Son. He 'aint my puta. He 'aint my esclavo. He's my Hermano. Born free. And all the Saints help any pendejo who tries to get in his way. He don't need me to fuck shit up for him. He got that covered all on his own." - Mendez


  • Has orders hits on countless mortal to make a dollar.
  • You can question his honour and drag his name through the mud all you like, but if you take something that belongs to him and your life is forfeit.


           Badger - Firefly                         Tony Montana - Scarface                       English Lad
Member Information
Player: Kizzeatworld
Number: AU2005100727
Domain: Sydney