Tobias Mol

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

Tobias - photo thanks to Matt Archer

Personal Information



Tobias is a bit of a contradiction.

There are many that would describe Tobias as an odious, petty little man, critical of everyone and everything that passes under his beady little eyes. His manner swings from caustic and abrasive to crotchety and cantankerous. If he were an animal (as some of his unkinder critics insist he is), he would be a cockroach. Mol by name, mole by nature; Tobias has, most often, been described as unfavourable vermin. The weight and scope of his glowering disapproval has become legendary in Sydney and elsewhere.

If Tobias were a drink, his personality would be described as curdled milky tea; clotted, lumpy, sharp, and stringent. If he were food, it would be casu marzu; sharp, rotten, and an acquired taste.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1900 - Embraced in Sydney (Holdsworthy)

Recent History

  • 1870 - Born in Lubeck(Prussia). Family owned plantations in Papua near Rabaul (German New Guinea)
  • 1890 - Arrived in Australia as a free settler, part of the gold rush and land grab
  • 1895 - Arrested and interned as an enemy alien at Trial Bay (near Wollongong), later moved to Holdsworthy internment camp(near Liverpool) after repeated escape attempts.
  • 1919 - Becomes Fourth Governor of Sydney after the third Governor, his sire, steps down and flees Sydney under a cloud of controversy. Tobias arose more through the machinations of his sire, though there were rumours at the time of skullduggery, blackmail, and undisclosed 'French letter' photographs of potential rivals.
  • 1919-1958 - Tobias instituted an open door, 'hands off' approach in court in the name of tolerance and acceptance. Where he did appear at court, he appeared disinterested in its workings. What few laws existed (Amaranth and 'My word is law') were ruthlessly enforced when brought into question.
  • 1935 - Embraces Murdoch Tyron and casts him out from Sydney later that same year.
  • 1958-1975: After he was deposed by Gallagher and the Brood, where most left the city (or were killed), Tobias stayed behind. There were rumours that the Brood offered him a deal. There were rumours that he collaborated. There were even nasty nicknames for Tobias (like "Moley Moley Moley Mole"), though the unknown Kindred that started those taunts hasn't been seen in years. Tobias provided intelligence to the Carthian Movement which became instrumental in Ferdinand Wolfe's reclamation of the city.
  • 1976 - Tobias asked for (and was given) a major boon by the then Governor Wolfe for his intelligence work during the Brood occupation.
  • 1995 - Tobias' childe Jack Wolfe ascends to become Seventh Governor of Sydney on the abdication of Ferdinand Wolfe. There were rumours of political interference that were never proven.


  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details

Mortal Society


Template:House Pendragon Lineage


Quotes By

  • "This is my town. You want to move that shit in my town, you pay just like everyone else. Are we clear?"

Quotes About

"Tobias has got this thing for the 'little guy'. I mean it suits me fine now, but I'm not sure how he's gonna feel about me in a few years..."
- Les Crassus 1976

"He may not be someone to love, but he is someone we should respect."
- Bernard Estera

"Not a problem. A challenge"
- Mr Hobbes

"He's a hard man when it comes to business, I like that, I respect that. But one the other hand, he's a right cunt... which honestly aint a bad trait either!"
- Sawyer

"Get outta here ya sick fat fuck!!"
- Mr. C

"Sort of an over-sized social grenade. Those have their uses, beyond kicking you out of town for a few decades"
- Murdoch Tyron

"Hey Dad, can I borrow the car? I've gotta take me dags to the vet."
- Lou

"Alright, it's a plan: I'll support your Myrmidon claim, as long as you can make sure Sydney doesn't act out - if they do, it's going to make my job a misery."
- Eira, showing Tobias exactly where to plunge the knife in her back.

"Cooperation, regardless of one's differences, is vital to any efficiently functioning society."
- Eira, going back to Tobias - and hopefully with an armored back.

"I was wrong; some souls can't be saved. An' it is a mystery to me why your Court tolerates such vileness to endure. The biggest cancer in your Court ain't Brood, an' it ain't Hunters, sir. You're lookin' too far afield for threats when the greatest corruption's sittin' right there, bold as brass, poppin' its buttons an' callin' itself a war hero."
- a shaken Connie Gambrell privately to Sawyer, during the events of the 2014 Night Of Three Princes celebration.



  • There were rumours that the Brood offered Tobias a deal to infiltrate the city during his reign.
  • Tobias collaborated with the Brood during their occupation to save his own miserable skin.
  • Tobias eats small children and bathes in the bloody tears of the damned.
  • Tobias murdered hundreds of Kindred during the civil war and Brood occupation.

Inspirations and Soundtrack



  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  • 2 x Minor boon owed by Emmanuel De La Seirra to Tobias Mol for swaying negotiations for the Lance(2014).
  • Major boon owed by Ferdinand Wolfe to Tobias Mol for providing intelligence during the Brood occupation (1979).
  • Major boon paid to Ferdinand Wolfe by Tobias Mol to sway negotiations for Jack Wolfe to become Governor (1995).


Member Information
Player: Jason Hunter
Number: AU2007090010
Domain: Sydney