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=This is a CPC (Custodial Player Character) and is under the office of the GST Masquerade=
=This is a CPC (Custodial Player Character) and is under the office of the GST Masquerade=
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Revision as of 20:58, 29 August 2013

Please note the great, big, honking TRIGGER WARNING for references to torture and sexualised violence.

Sect: The Camarilla ••••• •
Clan: Nosferatu (Masquerade) ••••• •
City: GST
Pack/Coterie: Chaturanga
Sire: Cassius
Embraced: 549 AD
Generation: 6th
Player: CPC - Custodian: A-Rod
Storyteller: GST VST

This is a CPC (Custodial Player Character) and is under the office of the GST Masquerade

"Fear not the world, for it is the truth that will end you."

Information Known by Kindred Society

Luther is a kindred, thought to have come from the Goth Empire, though exactly which of them is uncertain. That places him to being born somewhere around the early to middle of the first millennia of the Common Era. A soldier in his younger years, as were all men, but details of his life at embrace are conflicting. It is thought that he was no longer a soldier, retried by either injury, age or both, but that he was taken in a foreign city, which had just been overrun by Goth armies.

With the regions in Europe in almost constant dispute for many years, details are unknown of what happened to him towards the latter part of that first millennia, as it’s not until reports of his appearance in England, as part of the Normans siege after the infamous 1066. Given the historical speculation of the progression of Goths into becoming Normans, it’s not overly surprising, thought it places him most likely in and around the European continent for those missing centuries.

A broker is secrets and practitioner of lies, and some say, an architect of truths and other things. He is most certainly not a surface dweller. His domain is deep down, with the things that go bump in the night. He keeps company with the whispers and groans of the earth as it stretches and moves, the laughter of the water that creeps through its wells and springs, and the other things that shy away from the light of the sun, including the truth.


The terrible visage of Luther distracts and averts most eyes, so most may struggle to recall what it he wears. A semblance of at slaughtered child’s face gazes out onto the world, as though his skin was pulled tight and taught during his embrace, pulled so taught that it simply tore away, such was the horror and torment of his embrace.

He moves something between a shamble and a loping gate, hunched over, tending to look with crooked neck upwards. So, he generally moves around and appears to be little more than 5’ tall, but is able to stand aloft approaching something around 6’. His age is unable to be determined, but perhaps he once was a middle aged man.

His clothes, an assortment of dark and shredded rags, layered over a contorted torso, a drab, torn and stained medley, with an absence of any style or era. A motley of blacks and greys, tarnished whites, and washed out blues or browns.


Rarely seen in public, thankfully. He, as Nosferatu tend to do, remains to the edges of a room avoiding the lights and the throb of bodies, and falseness that tends to occupy the centre of the room. Leaving the light to those that want to be seen, and want to be seen to be seen. He is solemn, cold and speaks with a low, raspy voice, an amalgamation of dialects from ages and suffering. He is comfortable with the fact that he is little more than a monster, and perhaps more comfortable with the fact that is does unsettle others. He is not one for idle politeness, friendly greetings or salutations, and distains discussions on how the weather is going.

He struggles with the understanding of humour, and seems quickly offended when people laugh at jokes in his proximity, believing them to be making a mockery of him. He is not someone that welcomes a friendly chat about nothing, to waste away eternity. If you have time to waste, he prefers it not be wasted on him.

Unlike a typical elder, he is not against young kindred approaching him to speak with him, for any may have stumbled upon a secret that has value, but ensure you do not take advantage of this openness, to act your age. More than one body has been flung, unmoving across a room, for doing so.

Mortal World

Luther is almost never seen in the world of lights by mankind. Any necessary excursion to the surface is done with purpose, most often hidden with his mastery of obfuscate so no one would know anyway. The closest he is thought to come for feeding is in the closest areas to the streets. The subways, the storm drains and the service tunnels, have more than an adequate spectrum of humanity, from misguided youths spraying their marks upon the walls, the homeless that wander to the service men and women, that care for the infrastructure of the cities above, and that come down below to travel.


  • 514 – Verona (Italy) – Born;
  • 549 – Rome (Italy) – Embraced by Cassius, after sack of Rome by the Ostrogoths;
  • 1066 – ‘’Battle of Hastings and the start of the Norman assault on the Saxons’’;
  • 1073 - First confirmed reappearance of Luther, in England. Following the Normans and the fortifications built to defend the nation from their occupation
  • 1231 – Start of the Inquisition. As the Inquisition purged the holy lands, Luther travelled, following no doubt on their search for relics, and secrets of the lost cities.
  • 1240 – Commencement of the Anarch revolt.
  • 1334 – Bubonic plague spreads into Europe.
  • 1450 – Formation of “the Camarilla” as an entity.
  • 1486 – First global conclave called to order. Luther was in attendance at Conclave, being seen at the main gathering called by Hardestadt. Also attended an enormous Nosferatu Hosting, presumed to be held somewhere beneath the city.
  • 1493 – Convention of Thorns
  • 1496 – Treaty of Tyre
  • 1528 – Giovanni and Camarilla sign the Promise
  • 1699 – Travelled to New Holland (Australia) on the Cygnet, captained by William Damier. Left ship to remain on land, not knowing he would become stranded for almost a century, before a vessel would return him to civilization. After a difficult initial relationship with the native peoples, an understanding of the continent developed, and of their tales of legend.
  • 1788 – Arrival of first fleet to Sydney Cove.
  • 1790 – Returned to England, on the return leg of the many ships arriving at the colony.
  • 1843 – Travel to North America, to explore the new world.
  • 1890 – Birth of HP Lovecraft
  • 1911-14 – WWI
  • 1939-45 – WWII
  • 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis
  • 1969 – Woodstock
  • 2000 -

Recent History


I am Luther, Childe of Cassius, Childe of our Matriarch, Childe of Absimiliard, Childe of Zillah, Childe of the First.

  • Caine
    • Zillah
      • Absimilliard
        • The Matriarch
          • Cassius

Known Siblings

  • Sibling 1
  • Sibling 2

Known Childer

  • Bryson (NPC) – Destroyed 1243.

Known Grand-childer

Known Great Grand-childer

Those of greater Descent


Quotes By

Quotes About

"aaaaaaarrrrg!!!!" by a middle aged woman, running off into the night, after catching a glimpse of the truth.
"Run. Run for your unlife Luther, before their rage scatters your ashes to the winds. They come for us all, like a fire through brush" – 1243. Bryson, Childe of Luther.
"cast this product of Satan back into the fires of hell from where it crawled" – 1854 – Pastor William Dawson, as he led a somewhat perturbed group of Christian folk, to burn down some temporary accommodations in the Mid-West United States.


  • Has a brood of his childer with no name, deep down in his catacombs, as a last resort defense.
  • Had a unhealthy obsession with Mrs Lovecraft, the mother of HP Lovecraft, and as a result, may be a source of his father’s tales of horror, that went on to inspire his son.
  • Was burned and nearly found his one true death in the London fires of 1666.
  • Luther once stood in for the Nosferatu Justicar, who was abroad in Egypt.



  1. Acknowledged as a Member of the Camarilla
  2. Elder by virtue of Blood
  3. Venerated as an Elder
  4. Established by virtue of Age
  5. 5
  6. 6


OOC Information

Very happy to form OOC ties, childer, enemies, etc for this CPC... Please do contact the GST

Member Information
Player: CPC - ARod
Domain: [[]]