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The following Midnight Mass takes place during the month of July 2013, and was presided of by Bishop Lupo

For the complete liturgy of the mass, please refer to Midnight Mass - Canberra Rite

First Reading

The Rule of Golgotha, Chapter 10.

“We are not as innocent as mortal man, who professes that none shall be crowned except he who has striven lawfully. Man is hypocritical in his quest for a noble ruler; he will scheme and murder and bribe to gain what little earthly power he can, and then expects his comrades to hail him a just and forthright man. The political mind is squirming and complex, twisting reason beyond recognition and pandering in all corners for the slightest advantage, both corporal and spiritual. We need look only to the cities of Rome to see and know that the governance of creatures of rational mind is a complex and bewildering undertaking."

Second Reading

The Torments of Longinus, Chapter 28, starting from verse 1.

“I push the lackey ahead of me as I walk into the abbot's chamber. No son of Rome ever looked so grand as this abbot does in velvets and silks, wiht a golden signet indicating his rank. With umbrage he rises to meet me and challenges my right to come before his holy presence."
"Pride is his sin and pride shall be his punishment. I throw the lackey to the side so that he made watch before joining the abbot in ignominious death."
"Methodically I strip him of his fine clothes and his golden trinkets until his sanguine frame stands bared and humbled before my wrath. I let him beg for mercy, crying and mewling until I am nearly wearied of it, and then he begs for death. With cal assurance I give him his due."
"His underling follows him to hell."

The Homily


The First Sin.

Pride built the doomed tower of Babel.

Pride is the sin of the Dark Prophet that caused him to carry to Spear to the side of Christ.

Pride is what caused Lucifer to forsake his purpose, rebel against God and be the first to fall.

Pride is the first sin. The most base of sins. It is the source of all the cardinal vices. It is the most pervasive, the most heinous, the most persistent and the most deadly of sins.

We have heard in the second reading the punishment the Centurion inflicted upon the proud abbot. That whole section of the Torments fills me with an innate sense of satisfaction. Of righteous judgement. Each of the abbots faced their judgement as an ironic form of their sin. And the proud, the leader, is last.

Interesting, is it not, that the Proud Abbot was the leader? The ruler of that den of inequity.

Saint Monachus recognised the necessary evils of the political mind. It is nights such as these, with a change of Praxis of the city, that I turn to words of the First Childe.

I find comfort in his words, guidance in his wisdom. Those that would walk the line of rulers seek power if only temporarily. All too often, those that rule, and those that would rule, succumb to pride.

Rulers are always presented with a choice. They can choose to dwell in their pride, wallow in their own self importance, and walk the path to oblivion.

Or they can recognise that their purpose is to serve the Lord. To be the wrathful angels of the Lord Almighty. To follow in the footsteps of the Dark Prophet. And walk in purpose and glory until the end of days.

And they are the Grandeur.

They are Sanctified.


A Prayer of thanks
My God, all praise is due to you for the miracle of transformation that you bestowed upon the Centurion. Blessed are we who know the truth of divinity in the world because of the blood of the Christ that gave the Centurion sight and life! May we ever walk in his ways and follow his example, by your power and will.


A Prayer for our Rulers
Lord of all, we thank you for the rulers you place over us, and those you groom to rule after them. Grant to them your wisdom, your strength, your vision, but most of all your purpose. Help them to lead us in your purpose and your truth.


A Prayer for the flock
God Almighty, we thank you for the brothers and sisters you have chosen. We ask that you aid them and strengthen them in their predations, so that we can learn from their example as they learn from ours. May their desires be realised and their aim true. May they be the Grandeur.
