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The Fourfold Scepter

The Gold Laws / The Atlantean Laws

1) For a Law to be of Golden standing upon the Pentacle Orders of the World it must be proven by Artifact , Harmony and Supremcy with a Convocation to ascend any Laws.

• By Artifact Laws recorded upon Atlantean Artifacts that could not be reproduce for over a thousand years Testimony from Inteligent Artifacts

• By Harmony The Law is known to a min of 3 Consilii or more who have no recollection of its creation and practice the law prior to the Consilii ever commended communications and must be of distance and not close neighbours to be consider Gold Law

• By Supremcy The Law has stood in several Consilii without it being Contested and of unknown provenance with only needing a Lesser or better Convocation for it to be recognized Atlantean Gold Law

• With Lesser Convocation it is not uncommon that different Nations have different interpretations of Gold Laws than others and this is when Grand Convocations try to synchronize such Gold Law , when majority of Nations Attend.

High Speech

High speech is considered the true language of Atlantis as are it Runes as its written words

The Orders of The Pentacle

The Silver Ladder

The Vox Draconis , The Voice of the Dragon

• Appoint a Magister amongst it membership within its own internal workings for Convocation Gathering of attending Consiliums membership .

The Mysterium

The Alae Draconis , The Wings of the Dragon

• Appoint a Magister amongst it membership within its own internal workings for Convocation Gathering of attending Consiliums membership .

The Adamantine Arrow

The Ungula Dranconis , The Talons Of the Dragon

• Appoint a Magister amongst it membership within its own internal workings for Convocation Gathering of attending Consiliums membership .

The Guardians of the Veil

The Visus Draconis ,The Eye of the Dragon

• Appoint a Magister amongst it membership within its own internal workings for Convocation Gathering of attending Consiliums membership .

The Free Council

• Appoint a Magister amongst it membership within its own internal workings for Convocation Gathering of attending Consiliums membership .


The Gross Arcanum

• Forces

• Life

• Matter

• Space

• Time

The Subtle Arcanum

• Death

• Fate

• Mind

• Prime

• Spirit

Consilium Council

The Consilium Council of each City shall be like that of Atlantis and be the Authority in all things Supernal in the Fallen Realm


The Declaration is the Foundation speech of the Consilium of which all members must quote & live by when joining as a member within that Consilium

The Tribunal

The Paths

The Pathmasters

Their shall be 5 Pathmasters to represent each Tower and the Strongest within their Tower art shall be Pathmaster as they are the most blessed with Knowledge by the Oracles that guide the Pentacles of their City

• The Pathmaster of the Obrimos shall represent the Tower & Realm of Aether

• the Pathmaster of the Acanthus shall represent the Tower & Realm of Arcadia

• The Pathmaster of the Magistos shall represent the Tower & Realm of Pandemonium

• The Pathmaster of the Thyrsus shall represent the Tower & Realm of Primal Wilds

• The Pathmaster of the Moros shall represent the Tower & Realm of Stygia

Dutys of the Pathmaster

Powers of the Pathmaster

B) With the Pathmasters Of the City representing the Supernal Worlds they shall be chosen by the Traditions of the each Order own inner workings .

The Heirarch

Dutys of the Heirarch

• The Figurehead of all that is meant to be of the Consilium

• Be Honorable and to his word spoken & written

Powers of the Heirarch

• Appoint and remove the City Sentinal's

• Appoint and remove the City Herald

• Appoint and remove the City Archivist , if it is a recognized position within the Consilium Laws

• Appoint and remove the City Interfector , if it is a recognized position within the Consilium Laws

• Appoint and remove the City Warleader , if it is a recognized position within the Consilium Laws

The Councilors

The Voting Council of the Consilium that is made of persons from the Body of it membership to the chosen form of Governance it has chosen it City to be lead under its Lex Magica ,

• Be Honorable and to his word spoken & written

• Nominate , Electing or Removal of a Heirarch

The Provost

Dutys of the Provost

• Serve their Councilor or Heirarch to whom they serve under honorably and faithfully within the paramiters assigned to them within the legal confines of the Lex Magica

• Make sure the Consilium Council laws and verdicts are enforced

• Dispurse given information by their Councilor or Heirarch

Powers of the Provost

• Gather aid from the Sentinal and other Concilium official offices to make sure Laws and punishements are for filled as decreed by Order , Tower or Consilium legality

The Lictors

Powers of the Lictor

• It is for a Consilium Council to decided if a Lictor can be used outside the Silver Ladder internal Order to the General body of the Consilium when appointed to be as such

• It is for Consilium Council to choose within their Silver Law if Lictor Laws stand legally with their Consillium

Dutys of the Lictor

• To work within the legal confines of the Consilium Lex Magica and it Four Spectre confines

The Sentinal

The Duty of the Sentinal

• Protect the Concilium and it's members

• Enforce the Consilium Court Edicts & Laws , Hierarch & Councilors commands ,

The Powers of the Sentinal

• Arrest & Detain Crinimals

• Use Powers Of Authority granted by the Consilium Court

• Allowed to use appropriate Force in forfill meant of Sentinal Duties

• Allowed into Cabal territory without permission for forfillment of Duties

The Consilium Herald

The Duty of the Consilium Herald

• Announces the Opening & Close'ing of the Consilium Council to The General Forum

• Introduces the Person/Group and reasons of approaching the Consilium Council

The Powers of the Consilium Herald

• When given official messages speak with Authority upon all Communication of the Consilium Council locally , Nationally and Internationally

The Interfector

The Dutys of the Interfector

The Powers of the Interfector

• To Forfill the Commandments of the Heirarch and The Consilium Council without repercussion of for filling all legalized duties

• Lienced to kill only those legally by the Consilium Courts

The Leigeman / Leigewoman

These are the respected proven loyal members of the Consilium ( ooc local status 2 + )


Duty of the Mentor

• To teach his Student the Art of Magic

• Ensure his understanding of Atlantean High Speech and writting

• Protective measures are taught and placed with all learning

Powers of the Mentor

• Those given to him by his student in their agreement of Student & Mentor which comes under Iron Law agreements

• restrict his student from learning from others while under his tutorage

• Choose the Foci of the student usage


Duty of the Student

• To Honor the argreements made between Mentor and Student for Tutualage

• To respect and obey their Mentor

• To Follow the teachings of their Mentor and no other without instruction to do so

Power of the Student

The Warleader

The Duty of the Warleader

• Lead and co-ordinate all Martial Forces available towards the war effort

The Powers of the Warleader

• May punish freely those that disobey orders during wartime

• Arrest , detain and incapasitate those that betray , purposely sabotage or go AWOL during wartime

• Take items off Consilium members or vistors within the Consilium territory for the war effort , but must return after the war is finish and have the Consilium make the proper resituitions

The Convocation

Least Convocations

Is held Annually

Lesser Convocations

Every 2-3 years

Great Convocations

Held every 5 years

Grand Convocations

Held every 7 years

The Magisterium


Magisterial appoint Pages to handle catering , visitor lodging and organizing the equipment & places need for the Convocation

Dutys of the Page


Dutys of The Chancellor

• Announcing the Agenda of the Convocation

Powers of the Chancellor

• Co-ordinating the Pages of the Convocation

• Compel delegates to maintain their decorum or have the Orichalcum Stick removes them and barred until the Magisterium permit it so


Duty of the Harlequin

Powers of the Harlequin

• To be the Last Position to be removed from any Convocation

• Allowed to Disrupt and comment during the Convocations while others can't

Orichalcum Stick

This esteemed position is the Magisterium body guard and also the Chief of Security officer in charge of the Convocation security .

Dutys of Orichalcum Stick

• It is the Duty of the Orichalcum Stick to bring the Convocation Ceremonial Mace to signal the opening of the event and he also removes the Ceremonial Mace at the closing of the Convocation

Powers of Orichalcum Stick

• May use force with the Command of a Magister , Chancellor or upon his judgement to expel unacceptable rude or violent delegates


The Dutys of the Scribe

• To be the Offical historical recorder of the Convocation and the events taken place within it

• a scribe can not alter or omit any detail from the Convocation with corrections being permitted by a Magister or Chancellor

• The Scribe is obligated to provide copies of all Offical records to all Consilium Heralds who were in Attendance at the Convocation

Powers of the Scribe


The Talonist role is to forfill all punishement that have been handed out legally at the Magisterium command without repartitions for action done inline with authorized dutys. A Ceremonial Sword is usually given to those that hold this position during the Convocation.

The Convocation Days

Day of Silver

This day or segment is considered the time that Consilii , Orders and Paths have their discussions upon common policies and internal issues

Day of Swords

This Day or Segment is when The Mysterium hear about Enemies & dangers that effect the Consilii attending and have the information gathered recorded into official records . It also a time that the Warriors of the Consilii have their noble deeds told and rewarded .

Day of Scrolls

This Day or segment is when delegates talk & discuss about new discoverys ,new rotes , treatises and eyewitness reports

Day of Sleep

This Day or segment is about debates of things Supernal & sleeper incursion , sleeper politics and sleeper general business

Day of Justice

This Day or segment is when Mages can approach the Convocation to speak out about formal grievances that

The Tetragrammaton

• Minor Reprimand

• Major Reprimand

• Payment of Debt

• Minor Penance

• Major Penace

• Severe Reprimand

• Incarceration

• Banishment

• Spiritual Scourging

• Spiritual Oblivion

The Favors

The levels of Favours that be be given , rewarded or punished by others to it's recognized degree.

•Minor Favor

• Favour

• Favour

• Favour

• Favour

The Cabals

1) Cabals have the right to punish those within their Cabal membership for Transgressions within their Territories and Laws

2) If other Cabals transgress in the territory of another that Cabal has the right to Prositicute the offending Cabal / Mages via the Consilium Court

3) Cabal laws fall under Iron Laws

Cabal Protocols



Directed Protocols

• The Great Rights of Mages

These Great Rights are for Cabals to choose what they wish to honor within their Territories And those Cabals that honor all the Rights will be seen in greater standing than those that choose a few or none of the Rights .

The Right of Crossing

The Right of Emeritus

The Right of Hospitality

The Right of Nemesis

• The Nemesis is never to be used for political gains in the Pentacles , slights , rivalries , slander , petty theft , disagreements , dislikes , legal opposing view points of Orders / Paths / The Four Spectre interpretations

• Nemesis is for those that have stolen Artifacts and do not return , murdered unlawfully , Traditional Enemy's of the Pentacles ,

• Those that try to use The Right of Nemesis for threat leverage and unproven reasonings shall be deemed low and can be charged as criminals if misuse of the Right of Nemesis is performed

The Right of Sanctuary


The Restrictions of a Cabal placed upon membership and those within its territories


Alterations & added pieces to the Cabal Protocols after its initial creation by its membership

The Duel Arcana

Can not be used for

The Enemies of The Pentacles

These are the Orders , Legacies , Malavent Spirts , Mystical Creatures and Supurnal Entities that are a recognized threats and athnema towards The Pentacle goal of creating a New Atlantis and The reunion of the Fallen world with the Supernal world , Closing of the Abyss and Destruction of the Lies that withhold mankind from Awakening and keep them enslaved & denied their Supernal birthrights and a major threats to the Safety & wellbeing of Sleepers

• The Exarchs

False Gods , The Power behind the Lie,

• Seers of the Throne

These Mages are servants of the Exarchs and thus seek to stop the Rise of Atlantis and the reuniting of the fallen World with the Supernal , thus they are enforcer of the Exarchs lie of Reality to enslave mankind and steal the Supernal gifts from them

• The Tremere / The Liches

A Lefthanded Leagacy that devoures the Soul of Men & Mages To extend their lives beyound a normal person life time

• The Selcesti / Abyssal Worshipers

Mages that Worship and increase the rift of the Abyss that separates the Fallen world and the Supernal worlds more that prevents the reuniting the Worlds

• Banishers

Crazyed Mages that hunt other Mages

• Vampires

These Corrupted Abyssal creatures are echos of souls and body's dead thus these abominations are a athnema towards mankinds Awakening & wellbeing

• Nanonite Cyborgentic Plague

This Paradox manifestation trys to infect Mages and transform them into a Assimilating force of Mage Cyborgs , these outbreaks have appeared in more modern nights and have been the most recent Clarification of Gold ranked enemy's

• The Tick-Tockmen

The Silver Laws / The Consilium Concords

Silver law are those laws that have been approved by the Majority of the Consilium Councilers .

Silver laws are only enforceable within the area of the Consilium Territory

Lictoral and Consilium Common Law have to be voted as being Harmonous for Lictoral Law to be considered Silver law within a Consilium Concord

Accords between Consilii that are added to The Consilium Concords shall beconsidered Silver Law


Consilium Council choices =

• Assembly

• Celestial Court

• Circle of Elders

• The Scales of Aletheia

the Arbitrator

The Consilium Council or argue'ing groups can appoint a Arbitrator to settle a dispute. This can happen when a Consilium fails to be highly impartial and a Consilium does not recognize a Lictor and thus uses a Arbitrator instead or a Lictor is unavailable .

The Percept of Secrecy

The Percept of Recognition

The Percept of Protectorate

The Percept of Hubris

The Percept of War

• Street Warfare

• Spiritual Warfare

• Sanctum Warfare

• The Duel Arcane

The Bronze Laws / The Common Law

The Precedent of Decesions made by the Consilium Court upon Cases that will be used for future cases as a reference for similar punishment

The Iron Laws / The Oathbound Law

Vox Contractus

Mages make a Wriiten Contract of Obligations between each other and if either party fail in said obligations the Consilium will use it's power and authority to help make resituitions are properly made to the offended group .

Vox Publicus

A Oath sworn between Awakened with witness

For every Two Mages that make agreement need 3 witness , One wittiness for each Mage , One witness as a third neutral party

Vox Libertas

No Contract or agreement have to be honored if forced upon a Mage / Cabal with a threat of death or Supurnal influence in making such agreements

Cabal Protocals are considered Iron Law and Iron Contracts or Oaths can not break the Higher Laws of the Consilium Gold , SIlver or Bronze laws