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   "Yes, that is right"
   "Yes, that is right"
   Both Drake and Sakura look back at the blank faced neonate smiling
   Both Drake and Sakura look back at the blank faced neonate smiling
- Conversation between Sakura, Drake and a Brisbane Neonate.  
- Conversation between Sakura, Drake and a Brisbane Neonate.  

Revision as of 01:04, 22 March 2015

Aiya by moustachi-d4j1xy6.png

General Information

Sire: Marius - The Fruitful

Bloodline: Unknown to Kindred Society.

Titles: Alder Senator Sakura Grimm, Lady Grimm, Childe of Marius The Fruitful, Knight Thresh of the Order of the Scythe

Nickname: The Knife in the Dark

Coteries/Societies: House Grimm, Order of the Scythe

Personal Information


Slender beautiful if you can look past her dark red eye and eye patch she wears a katana at her hip with hidden daggers. A hooded vest with a harnass across it matched with a slit skirt with boots. For more formal events dresses in a kimono



Sakura has a very strict and direct personality and accepts everyone else around her to be direct as well. She speaks with purpose sometimes her english is out of context because she trys her hardest to keep up with modern English but fails often. She's determined and expects her family to be the very best failure is not accepted. Despite her hard shell there is a centre that is cheeky and fun that you dont expect it and then its gone like it never happened. Her soul is by her knife's and by the sense of success killing gives her.


Sakura was born in 1795 in Edo (now modern Tokyo) Sakura was born in to the clans of Kōga ninja she was trained as young as a trained killer she barely knew her birth parents the proud and the glory was to please the Koga clan. Sakura was born in to Nippon when it was in the peroid of Sakoku the 200 years of isolation of Japan very limited trade or influence from foreign countries she had been apart of the killings of foreigners that came into Japan.

Sakura was a skilled in her field and became a very deadly assassin ninja in later years she become a assassin to the Emperor himself his list was all that mattered child, old men if death was their sentence by the Emperor's decree then so be it. Sakura had no conscience when killing it what she had been trained all her life it was like breathing her daggers, her katana's her soul that striked her enemies that provided the air that she breathed.

In late 1814, all that changed a simple job Sakura's identity was found out a ninja's assassin's code is to be the shadow never known a cat in the shadow, the knife that is never known Sakura knew she should killed herself with honour. But she couldnt she wanted to live selfishly neglecting all honour of the Koga clan she wanted this all be a dream this didn't happen without knowing truly herself Sakura flee with her strength.

Not knowing where her feet would take her with all her training she sneaked to the ports of the white men the dutch men the only trade that was really permit in Japan the Port of Dejma before she got there some of her comrade's found her on the way on to the port "we should kill you at the very sight of you, you are nothing no honor you run from your fate you know the way of our life be honourable and take your death with a heavy heart"

Sakura sobbed " I cant i want to live I fear...I fear death..I am a coward..but if i die here I fear what death will do to me has my life been good? was it good to kill or was it wrong? I dont know i cant ...I CANT DIE NOT NOW NOT NOW PLEASE LET ME GO!"

Her clan members looked at her with shock a friend Sakura had grew up with trained with looked at her in disguise then spoke "You are blinded within, you will be blinded on the outside as well to show your dishonor on the outside you will wear it as a badge as a disgrace your were once my sister, we will take your beauty ,your ability to be a ninja with one eye, you will never again be kunoichi this is your price to live your penalty " And with that her clan members held her down and took her right eye out.

Sakura had passed out with the pain and awake up on the fields where she had been attacked blood everywhere and her eye lay in her hand Sakura cried from the pain ripped her clothes to dress her eye that was gone to the best she could.

Every step to Dejma hurt she knew she wasnt allowed to be near Dejma noone was but she had lefted Japan she was never permit to return. She sneaked on to a boat the dutch captain found her when the boat had already departed to the Netherland he let her stay by doing chores on the ship she was barely fed.

By the time Sakura got to the Netherlands she was very sick from hardly eating from sickness that bred on the ship Sakura was dying. As soon as the ship got to the first port of the Netherlands Sakura was kicked off onto the streets Sakura fought her best to survive even killing to get food but her eye was a dis advance infection had also spread in her taken eye.

In early 1815, Sakura laid on the streets of the Netherlands kicked by the white people she awaited death on the streets welcomed it like a old friend. " I have killed. murdered, i was darkness now im a pathetic shadow that dies i should of died by honor and died by own hand im too weak to even do that now" In her delusions Sakura screamed in the streets about dying she was going crazy her victims came to her at night. A voice in the still air spoke it wasnt a delusion it was real it was made of flesh "Child do you wish to escape this fate? you have travelled so far to die now! Will you serve me?" (all spoke in Japanese )

Sakura looked into the man's eye a man that called him self Marius "Marius..I will" with such defend that he was a illusion that death was here not hope. That night hope did come she became a kindred. Sakura become Marius's student she travelled with him along with her brother Drake she learnt more about the world then she ever did in her mortal life. Sakura fall in love with Marius, her savior, he became her world her key to knowledge. Their love was real he teached her there was more to life then her blades there was family and there was in love in darkness. In a mortal sense they spend a lifetime together 105 years together to be exact that went on their missions and were separated for period of times but always came back with stories and the love was always there.

Marius gave her the world he teached her the world english, knowledge, travel as a kindred she became a whole being more then she ever was in her mortal years. Sakura teached Marius there was more then raising a family and fortune that there was love and knowledge and trust he learnt that childe could be more then ever dreamed Sakura was the one he trusted the most along with Drake but with Sakura he could relax and not always be the family founder but just be Marius.

In London 1910, Marius and Sakura were staying in a hotel and meet a blonde happy child named Elizabeth that was staying with her father he was away on business alot

Sakura had bonded with the child and fell in love with her , the child didnt fear Sakura at all Sakura wanted a family with Marius. They both had bonded with this human child and agreed to embrace her Marius gave Sakura that honor. Sakura embraced the child as her own the next night she saw a kindred standing over her childer's body and killed her childer before Sakura could do something the kindred was gone. Sakura sweared vengeance if she ever saw that kindred again she would kill it on sight.

After the death of Elizabeth they were staying in France Sakura become distant towards everyone including Marius three months after Sakura declared that she was going to England alone she needed time on her own. Sakura disappeared on her own for five years, doing her duty finding those whom were worthy of her embrace but Sakura was picky didnt embrace alot or frequent. All of her requiem she had stayed unaligned but after Elizabeth's death she decided it was time to decide she joined the convenant of the Lance in England in 1912 she joined not because she was a crusading christian but she believes in redemption and that if she is to be a monster let it be for a greater good then maybe her existence is worth something.

In 1920, Marius decided to go into torpor rather than have his blood become so potent that he had to feed off his own family. As such he appointed his two surviving childer, Drake and Sakura to run the family until his return.

Information Known by Kindred Society



1800 - 1900's

1815 - In the Netherlands Marius finds Sakura dying on the street with only one eye intact. He sees that she is injured and far from home, but she still has fight and honour. He embraces/saves her and teaches her the way of the western world, they become lovers for a time.

1900 - Current

1912- Sakura joins the covenant of the Lance in England
2014 - Drake and Sakura decide to move the family to Australia after reports from some of their childer living there about the state of the court and the country.
2014 - Using their vampiric contacts they find out that the territory for the Mekhet is Milton and get their retainers to organise a suitable haven.
2014: - Using the families expansive resources they buy a 10 story ex government building in Milton, changing the ground level into an upper class dance club and restaurant called "The Trees Hollow" and extensively renovating it to be sophisticated and modern.



Quotes By Sakura

Quotes About Sakura

  • "Sakura and I are matched perfectly, one of us is the Dark and one is the Light. One of us is Rash and the other Calculating. Often we change roles many times a night. She is my family and I love her, I pity the kindred that raises a hand to her."

- Drake to Lena when asked about Sakura.

  • "Outta all o' tha members of tha Family, Sakura be tha only one whom I'd consider ta be suicide ta fight, on'a good day. But if'n ye stupid enough ta actually get on her bad side, then ye must'a anger'd some divine entity, cause thar ain't no punishment more severe than diein' at tha hands o' a piss'd off Sakura..."

- Marcus to two idiots that broke the unwritten rule of House Grimm; never piss off Sakura.

  • "Lady Sakura, why are you called the knife in the dark?"
  Sakura looks to Drake
  "Drake how can you put this in English?"
  Drake looks at the neonate
  "A tree is called a tree, because it is a tree."
  Sakura looks to Drake
  "Yes, that is right"
  Both Drake and Sakura look back at the blank faced neonate smiling

- Conversation between Sakura, Drake and a Brisbane Neonate.


She will murder anyone if she contracted to do it She has no heart

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Mei Misaki from Another[1]
  • Akame from Akame Ga kill[2]
  • Tokyo Ghoul OP-Unravel ♫ [3]
  • Dir en Grey-Vinushka ♫ [4]
  • The GazettE- The Invisible wall ♫ [5]



  • City 1 - Not given yet


  • Mekhet 2 - Entered play with Mekhet 2 because of past deeds


  • Covenant 2 - Entered play with Lance 2 because of past deeds

OOC Information

  • OOC Info
  • Name - Contessa Ashes
  • Twilight Alliance - Brisbane