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== Boons ==
== Boons ==
== Status History ==
Artemis became a Recognized member of the Invictus in 1880, for her regular service to the Covenant. She was raised to Valued upon becoming a Maester in 1973, but was stripped of standing just ten years later.
== OOC Information ==
== OOC Information ==

Revision as of 02:54, 2 April 2015

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac."
Henry Kissinger

Template:PC Summary Requiem


Personal Information

A stalwart member of the Lords, Artemis was Embraced thanks to her refined desire to maintain control over her life. Before long, she was inducted into the Invictus at the behest of her Sire, and has been unflinching in her pursuit of power for her Covenant, her Clan, and herself. Her only real diversion from her ever-expanding ambitions is her love of hunting; she's created many an abundant herd or hunting ground for members of the First Estate.


Artemis tends to dress with faint modern flavors most members of the First Estate avoid, and does so with a flair for fashion and extravagance that has made many a Daeva jealous. And that doesn't even begin to cover her hair.


Charming, hedonistic, and ambitious, Artemis doesn't so much mix business and pleasure so much as slide from one to the other. The satisfaction from an decadent hunting excursion easily flows into a political conversation. A major victory over an enemy of the First Estate is quickly followed by a frantic and brutal fuck in a hotel room. Her urges give her the inspiration and drive her ambitions, and each conquest gives her a new opportunity to explore her vices.

Mortal World

Nothing. Artemis was left behind by the mortal world when the centuries changed, though she still finds it remarkably easy to manipulate them. While their tools might change, they don't.


Lady Maester Alvord, Atalanta of the Most Noble Fellowship of Artemis and Apprentice to the Judex's Guild.


  • 1827 - Born in Atlanta, Georgia, to a wealthy military family.
  • 1844 - Married to a military sergeant, and moved to the fledgling settlement of Austin.
  • 1846 - Mexican-American War commences. Austin is located less than an hour's ride from the frontline fighting.
  • 1848 - Embraced. Returns to Atlanta. Apprenticed to the Speakers' Guild.
  • 1861 - 1865 - American Civil War commences, and Artemis opts to stay in Atlanta and protect the First Estate's assets. She meets Clinton there, along with a particularly angry Inquisitor.
  • 1866 - After a couple of years of hunting for survival during the war, Artemis elects to resign as a Journeyman of the Speakers' Guild, and joins the Most Noble Fellowship of Artemis. The name appeals to her ego a fair bit.
  • 1869 - 'Carpetbaggers' start becoming more prevalent in the South, as the Invictus begin to lose power.
  • 1870 - Artemis' family assets are lost thanks to the seizure of slave properties, and she angrily leaves Atlanta. She runs into Gail Inslee as she prepares to board a train for Texas.
  • 1870 - 1879 - Travels with Lady Inslee along America's frontier. Eventually, the pair part ways when Artemis' lack of Protean makes travelling through the few untamed parts of America too dangerous - she promises to come back one day, to finish the journey.
  • 1879 - Travels to Dublin to pursue further instruction under the Fellowship of Artemis.
  • 1885 - Takes Esteban Cortes as her Lord.
  • 1901 - Travels with Lothar and Esteban to Australia.
  • 1903 - Accompanies Esteban to Japan.
  • 1890? - Fujita's Childe becomes her vassal
  • 1907? - Fujita's Childe returns, commits suicide
  • 1907 - Returns to Australia with Esteban. Meets Batavia for the first time.
  • 1910 - Residing in New England. She finds the lack of civilization distasteful.
  • 1939 - After nearly half a century under Esteban, Artemis and him finally part ways. She leaves his vassalage as a Lady of the Invictus, an Atalanta of the Fellowship, and a far more refined and calculating individual.
  • 1940 - 1985 - Cements a reputation as a clever and efficient member of the Fellowship. She's present for many major events in various cities, and becomes the subject of many a story.
  • 1960 - Takes a break from the hunt to visit her home of Atlanta, and assist with dealing with the Crimson Cavalry. They prove to be good hunting.
  • 1973 - Organizes a particularly notable hunt through the wilds of Oregon that attracts the attention of most of the Fellowship and wins her some significant acclaim and the title of Maester. The prey? A pack of 'wolf-men'.
  • 1980 - Present in Sydney. Regularly hunts with Fatimah al-Mu'allima.
  • 1985 - Returns to America and attempts to find a city to settle down in, as her blood starts to thicken and she contemplates claiming the title of Alder.
  • 1990 - Member of the Chicago Court.
  • 1992 - Vanishes from Kindred society. Presumed to be either dead or forced into an unexpected torpor.
  • 2000 - Quietly returns to greater Kindred society without significant fanfare. Becomes a mildly powerful lord, taking on a Knight of the Thorned Wreath as her one of her vassals, and starts an apprenticeship within the Judex's Guild.
  • 2009 - Assists in overseeing the monomacy challenge of Lord Estevan Booth, in which he reigns victorious over his destroyed opponent. She arranges his safe return to Australia.
  • 2014 - Parts ways with her Lord and travels back to Australia to engage in some good old-fashioned hedonism.
  • 2015 - Arrives in Brisbane.

To be fit in:

  • Vassalage to Batavia

Recent History


  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Known Grand-Sire

Known Childer

  • Charlotte Collins


"Pride is not a sin. Hubris is not a failing."
- Lord Solar Macharius, Warhammer 40,000

Quotes By

"There will be victory. I command it."
- During the American civil war.
"They provide some of the best hunting you'll ever find; the only problem is the fact their families take offense when you do so."
- on the wolf-men.

Quotes About

"I'm sure you understand my distaste for the Clan of Lords, and the heritage they deny so vociferously. Artemis is the only one I've met that remembers her namesake, and in doing so, remembers where she has come from. It's refreshing, and I value her for that."
- Fatimah al-Mu'allima
"Baik bercinta anda , anda rasis jalang"
- Jackie Stiles response to her saying that she "doesn't like ethnic weapons"


"Our last conversation here in this kitchen was interrupted, so I'd like to pick up where we left off. If memory serves, you were asking me if it would feel good to kill you."
"I expect you've given that some thought, and here we are again," replied Esteban, stepping over the body of the farmhouse's former occupant. "For decades, you've devoted yourself to the First Estate - but what has changed? What have you discovered about yourself?"
"You wanted me to embrace my nature, Cortes. I'm just following the urges I kept down for so long, cultivating them as the inspirations they are," Artemis shot back.
"You never answered my question. How would killing me make you feel?"
- an exchange between Artemis and Esteban Cortes, 1883.
"So, your name is Artemis? After the goddess, I assume."
"Actually, that's a common misconception. She was named after me."
- with Berengaria Lange


  • "It's common knowledge that she's a bit of a expert on the wolves. I hear there was an Alder from Atlanta who claimed that she would've been one of them, if it wasn't for the Embrace."
  • "She's an utter bitch. She keeps exerting more and more control of her vassals and refuses to take no for an answer."
    • "And then she rapes them when they do."
  • "Her and Batavia know each other. More than they let on."
    • "How can you be so sure?"
      • "Have you seen the way they look at each other?"
  • "She has never, ever hunted a lupine. They're clever rumors she's paid people to make to build her reputation."
  • "I'm fairly sure she's gay."
    • "Has to swing both ways - there's a few guys she's -"
      • "No. Actually, I don't think she cares at all."

Inspirations and Soundtrack

"Suetonius' case history (and it is precisely that) of Domitian is particularly fascinating. An intelligent man of some harm, trained to govern, Domitian upon succeeding the Principate at first contented himself with tearing the wings off flies, an infantile pastime which gradually palled until, inevitably, for flies he substituted men..."
— Gore Vidal, The Twelve Caesars
  • Vida La Vida, by Coldplay - for Esteban Cortes.
    • it was the wicked and wild wind / blew down the doors to let me in / shattered windows and the sound of drums / people couldn't believe what I'd become
  • When I Come Home, by William Fitzsimmons - for Batavia.
    • turn on the light, ready or not / i'm not what you wanted, i'm what you've got / open the door, roll out the mat / welcome is welcome but you'll take it back... / when i come home


Status History

Artemis became a Recognized member of the Invictus in 1880, for her regular service to the Covenant. She was raised to Valued upon becoming a Maester in 1973, but was stripped of standing just ten years later.

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Charlie Kay
Number: 2012040010
Domain: Domain