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===Council Response:===
===Council Response:===
The council selected option 4 and sub option d.
The council selected option 4 and sub option d.
=Project Plan=

Latest revision as of 00:51, 13 July 2016

Project Proposal


To seek clearance from the Concilium Council with the release of information regarding the current status of the Canberra Supernal and Spiritual Landscape to the Concilium and seek approval for the appropriate options to fix the issues.


Approximately 66 to 75 years ago a Category 4 Spirit of Politics was bound into parliament house by the Hierarch at the time. They had determined through magical means that the spirit would eventually destroy Canberra and took prudent actions to entrap it to avoid this possibility. Within the last 6 months this spirit was released from its imprisonment.

The Banishers attacked Canberra in full force in 1949 and within 12 months had killed all the mages who resided in the city at the time and continued to have overwhelming influence of the city until recently.

The Concilium and (previous Concilium) have faced conflicts with Tass Corrupted creatures and items in the past.


After review from the original designs of Canberra and extension investigation into the current status of the city, there has been deliberately or as a result of other actions degradation of the cities leylines, which in combination of other spells tainted the city with a high level of abyssal resonance (See Attachment A [OOC: Map with levels listed in different areas of Canberra]). In addition to this these degraded leylines are not promoting healthy city growth and in a significant amount of places causing harm to the mortal populous (See Attachment B [OOC: Map listing crime rates in different area of Canberra]).

It is general consensus among researcher into the area of Resonance and the Abyss of the pentacle that places with high levels of tainted resonance significantly increase the chance of Abyssal creatures rising on their own, and decrease the difficulty of deliberately summoning these creatures. Consultation with several other members of local and interstate Concilium members we believe that there is a minute chance that the tainted resonance levels will natural drop of their own, and a high risk that due the current flow of the city they will grow more saturated leading to a significant chance of greater abyssal presence in the city.

The two methods of dealing with tainted resonance is to destroy the corrupted item or to cleanse the area, with a purified source. The former would require on average the first 7 metres below the surface of Canberra, and the majority of buildings and other ground cover in Canberra.

After a discussion with Tinker, and other Masters of Prime, a Tower based filtration method was devised. Using the primary concepts of the Towers, and their movement from the gross (physical realm) to the subtle (supernal realm), (e.g. the physical form of life to the supernal state of spirit) we can strip out the corrupted flows purifying them. By bouncing these flows from a central point we can slowly but reasonably cleanse the city. By weighing down a place with thorium containing the resonance of the different towers we should create a well which will allow the cleansing. This will likely have the side effect of creating nodes (Hallows) and or loci in these places which will likely grow very powerful in time.

It is an established fact that nodes (Hallows) and loci which have not been attuned end up with unstable mana (ooc: if there is no xp spend on the node Hallow/Loci you can’t use it), which then leads to the creation of tass corrupted creatures and objects which are dangerous. The easiest way to reduce the growing amount of these tass corrupted creatures is the regular tapping of nodes (Hallow), but doing this creates unstable Tass which needs to be safely stored otherwise its likely to cause similar issues. Currently there are a vast number of these overflowing nodes although Atlas and BlurVapour have been tapping them to reduce the impact, the problem is likely to grow in time. One method of reducing this issue is the redesigning the city flows with a reduced number of nodes which resultantly would become more powerful but less work to maintain.

Secondary to this the current design of the city is empowering that spirit of Politics that is seeking the Concilium destruction and causing havoc in the spirit realm. Its home and key feeding area is the central node and loci of the city, all the cities flows are moving through and around it making the spirit more powerful every day. By realigning the cities flows we can begin to reduce its food source and weakening the spirit slowly until we are able to properly face it. Due to the concept of the parliamentary hill and previous divinations it is risky to leave a powerful node (Hallow) and loci in that area as it will promote another similar spirit to settle there with likely the same results.


There are four primary options:

1. End the stop gap measures, leave the city leylines as they are, and review the levels across the next decade on a regular basis to see if they are dropping natural
2. Continue the stop gap measures and review and review the levels across the next decade on a regular basis to see if they are dropping natural
3. Obliterate all the tainted objects within Canberra and rebuild it from scratch after removing all the corrupted
4. Create a filtration system reducing the number of nodes, and using it to cleanse the leylines and flush the resonance out of the land, and reducing the powerbase of the Politics Spirit.
a. Create the system of towers on key current nodes
b. Create the system on new nodes based upon populated density areas
c. Create the system of towers around cabals manses
d. Combination of ac & b, with some Cabals moving in to populated density areas to monitor and tap the excess mana.


Due to the low chance of the resonance dropping on its own, and high chance of the resonance increasing which will lead to a significant likelihood of dangerous aberrations becoming common place we would not recommend options 1 or 2, although would rank option 2 over option 1.

If we are supporting the cleansing of the city of Canberra, we would recommend Option 4 over Option 3, as it will have less detrimental effects on the mortal world, and the resources required to fake a natural disaster and rebuild the city for option 3 significantly higher than the cost of option 4. Option 3 will likely lead to reprisals from other organisations and supernatural creatures.

The filtration system will not come without dangers, the Towers will likely become nodes and loci which if not watched over can cause detrimental effects or used by enemies of the Concilium. As there are already tass corrupted creatures moving around the current nodes whom would likely seek to interfere with the efforts to cleanse and maintain the towers I believe there is a lower chance of success with creating the towers in the current locations.

Option b, will reduce the chance of current corrupted creatures interfering with the towers, be less work as populated areas are easier to create the filter towers, but less secure as there are no mages directly watching over the towers and attuning the node and loci. These places could also be utilised by our enemies in secret.

Under option c it will be more difficult to build the towers and require more work to reshape the leylines to flow. But this option provides greater safety of the towers due to mages spending time within them and more stable mana output meaning less likely to create tass corrupted creatures.

Option d would allow those Mages willing to move to key population area’s to do so and the rest of the tower backbone to be built around the manses of current cabals.

Required Action of Council

  • Vote on selection either option 1, 2, 3 or 4
  • If option vote on for is selected vote on a, b, c or d
  • Vote the publication of the attached information to all Concilium members

Council Response:

The council selected option 4 and sub option d.

Project Plan