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'''Born:''' 13 July 1961
'''Born:''' 13 July 1961
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'''Age:''' 54 (appears in her mid  30s)
'''Age:''' 54 (appears in her mid  30s)
'''Rank:''' Adept of Time, Dual Disciple of Fate and Space
'''Titles/Memberships:''' Tracker of The House of Ariadne
'''Titles/Memberships:''' Tracker of The House of Ariadne Legacy, Apostate of the Adelaide Concilium
'''Various nicknames and aliases:'''
'''Various nicknames and aliases:'''
'''Physical description:''' Average height and weight, short red hair, blue eyes with a green shine to them, pale skin. Appears in her late 30s, though is actually older. A number of tattoos adorn her skin, some mundane, a few that can be recognised as being reminiscent of mystical symbols. Feathers are woven into her hair. Carries a feather quill that she always writes with - whether it's a serious thing or a bit of an inside joke is hard to tell, considering her Shadow Name. Always has a scarf or shawl around her shoulders, and carries a pocket watch. Adapts her clothing to blend with the city she currently resides in, taking her cues from what is popular among the Sleepers. Often defaults to dressing a little like a hippie, with bright colours and flowing clothes.
'''Physical description:''' Average height and weight, short red hair, blue eyes with a green shine to them, pale skin. Appears in her late 30s, though is actually older. A number of tattoos adorn her skin, some mundane, a few that can be recognised as being reminiscent of mystical symbols. Two chains of charms hang in her hair, framing the left side of her face. Always has a scarf or shawl around her shoulders, and carries a pocket watch. Adapts her clothing to blend with the city she currently resides in, taking her cues from what is popular among the Sleepers. Often defaults to dressing a little like a hippie, with bright colours and flowing clothes.
'''Nimbus: ''' Continually changing eddies, swirling in unidentifiable knots and patterns reminiscent of labyrinth images, surrounded by a green, ethereal light that speaks of her Acanthus Path.
'''Nimbus: ''' Continually changing eddies, swirling in unidentifiable knots and patterns reminiscent of labyrinth images, twisting all things seen through it into a distorted kaleidoscope, surrounded by a green, ethereal light that speaks of her Acanthus Path, small motes of bright green light floating within. Time seems to distort around her, causing things to seem to slow or speed up depending on your perspective.
'''Personality: ''' Quill is enthusiastic and bubbly, though she has been described as flighty and irresponsible at times. She rarely forms deep attachments to people, seeming to prefer to keep things superficial and simple. She rarely makes it through a conversation with other Awakened without mentioning the City-God or Ariadne's Thread.
'''Personality: ''' Quill is enthusiastic and bubbly, though she has been described as flighty and irresponsible at times. She rarely forms deep attachments to people, seeming to prefer to keep things superficial and simple. She rarely makes it through a conversation with other Awakened without mentioning the City-God or Ariadne's Thread.
'''Awakened:''' 14 July 1977
'''Awakened:''' 14 July 1977
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Quill was born and raised in New York, one step above homelessness. After her awakening she traveled extensively, visiting cities worldwide. Some may know that she was a member of the Mysterium for a few years, though she is no longer.
Quill was born and raised in New York, one step above homelessness. After her awakening she traveled extensively, visiting cities worldwide. Some may know that she was a member of the Mysterium for a few years, though she is no longer.
==Recent events==
===Recent events===
Quill is spotted in Ireland several times over the next few years, though she stays out of the territories of the Consilli there.
Quill is spotted in Ireland several times over the next few years, though she stays out of the territories of the Consilli there.
Quill returns to New York and remains there for a time.
Quill returns to New York and remains there for a time.
Quill travels all over the globe, sometimes seen in the company of Dornelia.
Quill decides to take a bit of a holiday. Germany sounds nice, so she opens a portal and steps through...
Earlier in the month Quill decides to take a bit of a holiday. Germany sounds nice.
==Quotes by==
Quill appears in Adelaide, stepping through a portal right into the lion enclosure. After getting over the initial shock, her sentiment is 'how's that for an entrance??' Lions, portals and seers, oh my!
==Quotes about==
Having spent just over a month in the City, Quill has begun to get attached to the people here. Perhaps it's due to the number of new mages, or the low Pentacle numbers, but she finds herself getting settled and having little desire to head off to somewhere new already.
Towards the end of the month, Quill decides to give some of the younger mages a lesson in the Occult and the Supernal. She finds herself enjoying this foray into being a teacher. She spends an afternoon covered in cat fur and seeing through feline eyes after a particularly amusing paradox while teaching [[Usagi]].
The Seer Treaty take effect in Adelaide, and Quill is cut off from the heart of the City-God. This is quite distressing for Quill, so when [[The Zali]] mentions heading to Perth Quill offers to portal her over, thus delaying having to deal with the Seer issue and giving her an excuse to catch up with [[The Director]].
Quill spends time visiting with both her old friend and [[Dornelia]], and is surprised and delighted to find another old friend - [[Elijah]], whom she didn't recognise over the forums as she previously knew him by another name.
Back in Adelaide, Quill debates with herself over what to do about the Seers.
Quill is torn between remaining an Apostate and her growing sense of wanting to carve out a real place for herself in this City, to belong somewhere again. She's even found herself agreeing with a lot of what the Guardians stand for and getting along quite well with resident Guardian [[Tempest_(Mage)|Tempest]], something she never in a million years thought would happen.
Quill's demeanour has changed a fair bit over the last couple of months. She's not nearly as upbeat and cheerful as she once was, and seems to wander around in a state of perpetual exhaustion. Dark circles under her eyes have become normal.
==Other Info==
===From the Forums===
'''[http://btsawakening.boards.net/thread/361/game-day-off The Day Off]:''' Awesome question that popped up on the forums. Kudos to Charlie for this one.
Your character has an entire Saturday - a whole 24 hours - with absolutely no commitments or responsibility, whatsoever. What do they do?
Quill doesn't really do commitments or responsibility, so this could be any given day of the week for her.
* 5.00am - Wake up. Get up, pick a random direction and start walking. Keep walking until she finds a new vantage point from which to watch the sunrise.
* 6.00am - Watch the sunrise. Then go to find some food.
* 6.30am - 'Liberate' someone of their wallet, treat self to breakfast. Generously tip the prettiest waitress with a wink.
* 7.00am - Wander through the City for a while, happily watching the populace wake up and begin to go about their day.
* 10.00am - Morning snooze. Find a sunny spot in a park somewhere and sleep under a tree for a little while.
* 12.30pm - Follow the Thread to somewhere new in which to eat. Charm someone into buying her lunch.
* 1.00pm - Find a library or internet cafe, research the latest sleight of hand magic tricks.
* 2.00pm - Spend a few hours busking. Alternate between magic tricks and flirting with onlookers.
* 5.30pm - Dinner. Happen to run into pretty waitress from that morning. Charm her into joining.
* 7.00pm - Drinks with pretty waitress. End up back at their place.
* 12.00am - Wake up, slip out quietly.
* 12.30am - Walk the Knot for a few hours, aiming to find something new - a new club, a new cafe, a new sight to see.
* 2.00am - Eventually curl up somewhere that resonates with safety, whether that's a church or shelter, or simply a particularly comfortable looking bench.
* 2.30am - Drift off to sleep after watching the stars for a while.
The following stories are snapshots of Quill's past. This information is not widely known in Awakened society. If you want to explore the possibility of character ties based on this or other info, message me on the forums or drop me an email! :)
Quill lay back, watching the light from the stars shift and play across the ceiling as clouds passed through the night sky. The subtle scent of Sara’s perfume fills the air.
“What’re you thinking about?”
Quill turns to look at the woman lying next to her. Dark hair hastily tied back from her face, loose strands falling to frame brown doe-eyes watching Quill sleepily, love written in her expression.
“Nothing much. Just how I never want to leave this place.”
“So don’t.”
Quill chuckles. “Well alright then. I’ll just stay right here next to you forever.”
Sara’s expression turns serious. “I mean it Quill.” Sitting up, she reaches into the drawer next to the bed and pulls out a small box. “I love you. I know it’s hard for you to stay in one place so long; you’ll always
want to stretch your wings. I don’t want to anchor you here – I’d never do that to you. Your freedom is one of the things I love about you. But so long as I live, you’ll always have a place to come home to. And maybe someone to travel alongside.”
Quill stares, wide-eyed, as Sara opens the box to reveal a gold ring with a central sapphire. “You… you’re serious, aren’t you?”
“Very much so. I love you Quill. I know it doesn’t mean much, legally speaking, and you don’t have to say anything right now, but-“
Closing the distance between them, Quill cuts off Sara with a kiss. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Stomach clenches. Panic sets in. What have I done? Why did I say yes?
Soft light of dawn begins to creep into the room. Gentle, even breathing from beside her.
She’s a Sleeper. I can never really be part of her life, not like this. She wouldn’t understand, not really. And what if something happened? Banishers or Seers or any number of things. Sara wouldn’t stand a chance.
No. I have to end this. Have to… have to say goodbye. A little hurt now, better than the alternative.
Quill stands, begins casting.
Shimmering portal opens. Beautiful ring weighs heavy on hand.
She removes the ring, places it on dresser with note. Note just says ‘sorry’. Turns to leave. Reconsiders.
Puts ring back on other hand.
“Goodbye Sara.”
Shimmer of light. Then silence and dark once more.
=====Threads and Knots=====
Colours danced all around. The busy hum of traffic reached Quill’s ears despite the late hour. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been walking. Seemed like forever. Nor did she know where Walker was. He’d ditched her way back.
She knew this was a test. That much was obvious, even to an uneducated runaway like her. She’d never cared much for tests. Just another way for her teachers to stand there and tell her all the ways she was a complete failure. But this was different. She knew she couldn’t afford to mess this up. And yet, it seemed that was exactly what she was doing.
Tears began to sting her eyes and blur her vision. Scrubbing at them angrily, Quill lashed out with her fist to connect with the wall, the sudden movement dislodging her pack of cards from her pocket and sending them flying to scatter far and wide. With a yelp, she raced after them, trying in vain to catch them before the wind took them beyond her grasp forever.
“God dammit!” Scowling, Quill fans the cards and counts them. One short. “Where the hell…?” A quick scan of the area revealed nothing. Feeling the tears well up once more, Quill choked back a sob. “Whatever. Should’ve known this wouldn’t work out.”
Slipping the incomplete deck into her pocket, Quill sighs and begins walking once again. Paying no attention to her surroundings, she just… walks. No more thoughts of tests. No more worrying about living up to everything Walker thinks she can be. Just the city streets.
Taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly, Quill begins to feel calm and a sensation of safety, of home, falling over her. Glancing up, she blinks and rubs her eyes.
Seeming to float in the middle of the alleyway before her, a shimmering golden thread stretches out and around the corner. Reaching her hand out, Quill finds that though her hand passes straight through it, the moment she thinks about touching it, she already knows that if she just follows, she’ll find her way to Walker. Eyes widening in wonder, she jerks forward and abruptly breaks into a hasty jog. Following the Thread for a short while, she suddenly stops. Stooping down to grab the small flash of white that had caught her eye, Quill grins. Slipping the playing card into her pocket with the rest of the deck, she picks up her pace once again.
Murmuring quietly, Quill’s voice is barely audible and heard by none but the silent alleyways of downtown New York.
“I can hear you now. Sorry I wasn’t listening properly before. Thank you.”
===Quotes by===
===Quotes about===
:"Smart, funny, experienced, savvy as anything, and up for hanging shit on [[The Director|Dad]]. I might actually have a bit of a fucking crush, if there wasn't at least a thirty per cent chance the old man'd been there before me." - [[Sash]], with a grin.
* "Awww, those are cute." Ruby mocking at Quill's fate offence during their Dual Arcane together.
* "Fate doesn't look kindly on those that mock her." - Quill, after thoroughly trouncing Ruby in the aforementioned Duel Arcane.
=Inspirations and Soundtrack=
==Inspirations and Soundtrack==
* [https://youtu.be/lwlogyj7nFE City of Angels - Red Hot Chili Peppers]
* [https://youtu.be/fBoYZqmcZuc Logical Song - Supertramp]
* [https://youtu.be/K7l5ZeVVoCA What's My Age Again - Blink 182]
* [https://youtu.be/sXd2WxoOP5g Here's to Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne]
* [https://youtu.be/BWUXcmoPZxw Where the Streets Have No Name - U2]
* [https://youtu.be/wE66MPAO3Es We Danced Anyway - Deana Carter]
* [https://youtu.be/xB5ceAruYrI Hakuna Matata - The Lion King Soundtrack]
* [https://youtu.be/DxYyHHR0Q1c Hallelujah - Panic! at the Disco]
* [https://youtu.be/Yk8jV7r6VMk Girls/Girls/Boys - Panic! at the Disco]
* [https://youtu.be/TuXJSnDFUFs Wanderlust - The Weeknd]
* [https://youtu.be/9IIbbFIQTKI Wanderlust - Wild Beasts]
* [https://youtu.be/a9eNQZbjpJk Around the World - Red Hot Chili Peppers]
=OOC Info=
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee1eLQa10m4 Killing Heidi - Weir] - By Dornelia, for her:
** ''Old friend of mine / we will never lose the time / that we shared all these years / these years''
** ''Will you make it in the end? / through all the twists and bends / will you fulfill your dreams? / not as easy as it seems.''
==OOC Info==
Testing [http://btsawakening.boards.net]
Testing 2 [http://btsrequiem.boards.net]
{{OOC Info
{{OOC Info

Latest revision as of 05:25, 15 July 2016

Template:PC Summary Awakening


Born: 13 July 1961

Age: 54 (appears in her mid 30s)

Rank: Adept of Time, Dual Disciple of Fate and Space

Titles/Memberships: Tracker of The House of Ariadne Legacy, Apostate of the Adelaide Concilium

Various nicknames and aliases:

Physical description: Average height and weight, short red hair, blue eyes with a green shine to them, pale skin. Appears in her late 30s, though is actually older. A number of tattoos adorn her skin, some mundane, a few that can be recognised as being reminiscent of mystical symbols. Two chains of charms hang in her hair, framing the left side of her face. Always has a scarf or shawl around her shoulders, and carries a pocket watch. Adapts her clothing to blend with the city she currently resides in, taking her cues from what is popular among the Sleepers. Often defaults to dressing a little like a hippie, with bright colours and flowing clothes.

Nimbus: Continually changing eddies, swirling in unidentifiable knots and patterns reminiscent of labyrinth images, twisting all things seen through it into a distorted kaleidoscope, surrounded by a green, ethereal light that speaks of her Acanthus Path, small motes of bright green light floating within. Time seems to distort around her, causing things to seem to slow or speed up depending on your perspective.

Personality: Quill is enthusiastic and bubbly, though she has been described as flighty and irresponsible at times. She rarely forms deep attachments to people, seeming to prefer to keep things superficial and simple. She rarely makes it through a conversation with other Awakened without mentioning the City-God or Ariadne's Thread.



Awakened: 14 July 1977

Initial Master:

Walker, Acanthus of the House of Ariadne Legacy


Quill was born and raised in New York, one step above homelessness. After her awakening she traveled extensively, visiting cities worldwide. Some may know that she was a member of the Mysterium for a few years, though she is no longer.

Recent events


Quill is spotted in Ireland several times over the next few years, though she stays out of the territories of the Consilli there.


Quill returns to New York and remains there for a time.


Quill travels all over the globe, sometimes seen in the company of Dornelia.



Earlier in the month Quill decides to take a bit of a holiday. Germany sounds nice.

Quill appears in Adelaide, stepping through a portal right into the lion enclosure. After getting over the initial shock, her sentiment is 'how's that for an entrance??' Lions, portals and seers, oh my!


Having spent just over a month in the City, Quill has begun to get attached to the people here. Perhaps it's due to the number of new mages, or the low Pentacle numbers, but she finds herself getting settled and having little desire to head off to somewhere new already.

Towards the end of the month, Quill decides to give some of the younger mages a lesson in the Occult and the Supernal. She finds herself enjoying this foray into being a teacher. She spends an afternoon covered in cat fur and seeing through feline eyes after a particularly amusing paradox while teaching Usagi.



The Seer Treaty take effect in Adelaide, and Quill is cut off from the heart of the City-God. This is quite distressing for Quill, so when The Zali mentions heading to Perth Quill offers to portal her over, thus delaying having to deal with the Seer issue and giving her an excuse to catch up with The Director. Quill spends time visiting with both her old friend and Dornelia, and is surprised and delighted to find another old friend - Elijah, whom she didn't recognise over the forums as she previously knew him by another name.


Back in Adelaide, Quill debates with herself over what to do about the Seers.


Quill is torn between remaining an Apostate and her growing sense of wanting to carve out a real place for herself in this City, to belong somewhere again. She's even found herself agreeing with a lot of what the Guardians stand for and getting along quite well with resident Guardian Tempest, something she never in a million years thought would happen.


Quill's demeanour has changed a fair bit over the last couple of months. She's not nearly as upbeat and cheerful as she once was, and seems to wander around in a state of perpetual exhaustion. Dark circles under her eyes have become normal.

Other Info

From the Forums

The Day Off: Awesome question that popped up on the forums. Kudos to Charlie for this one.

Your character has an entire Saturday - a whole 24 hours - with absolutely no commitments or responsibility, whatsoever. What do they do?

Quill doesn't really do commitments or responsibility, so this could be any given day of the week for her.

  • 5.00am - Wake up. Get up, pick a random direction and start walking. Keep walking until she finds a new vantage point from which to watch the sunrise.
  • 6.00am - Watch the sunrise. Then go to find some food.
  • 6.30am - 'Liberate' someone of their wallet, treat self to breakfast. Generously tip the prettiest waitress with a wink.
  • 7.00am - Wander through the City for a while, happily watching the populace wake up and begin to go about their day.
  • 10.00am - Morning snooze. Find a sunny spot in a park somewhere and sleep under a tree for a little while.
  • 12.30pm - Follow the Thread to somewhere new in which to eat. Charm someone into buying her lunch.
  • 1.00pm - Find a library or internet cafe, research the latest sleight of hand magic tricks.
  • 2.00pm - Spend a few hours busking. Alternate between magic tricks and flirting with onlookers.
  • 5.30pm - Dinner. Happen to run into pretty waitress from that morning. Charm her into joining.
  • 7.00pm - Drinks with pretty waitress. End up back at their place.
  • 12.00am - Wake up, slip out quietly.
  • 12.30am - Walk the Knot for a few hours, aiming to find something new - a new club, a new cafe, a new sight to see.
  • 2.00am - Eventually curl up somewhere that resonates with safety, whether that's a church or shelter, or simply a particularly comfortable looking bench.
  • 2.30am - Drift off to sleep after watching the stars for a while.


The following stories are snapshots of Quill's past. This information is not widely known in Awakened society. If you want to explore the possibility of character ties based on this or other info, message me on the forums or drop me an email! :)


Quill lay back, watching the light from the stars shift and play across the ceiling as clouds passed through the night sky. The subtle scent of Sara’s perfume fills the air.

“What’re you thinking about?”

Quill turns to look at the woman lying next to her. Dark hair hastily tied back from her face, loose strands falling to frame brown doe-eyes watching Quill sleepily, love written in her expression.

“Nothing much. Just how I never want to leave this place.”

“So don’t.”

Quill chuckles. “Well alright then. I’ll just stay right here next to you forever.”

Sara’s expression turns serious. “I mean it Quill.” Sitting up, she reaches into the drawer next to the bed and pulls out a small box. “I love you. I know it’s hard for you to stay in one place so long; you’ll always want to stretch your wings. I don’t want to anchor you here – I’d never do that to you. Your freedom is one of the things I love about you. But so long as I live, you’ll always have a place to come home to. And maybe someone to travel alongside.”

Quill stares, wide-eyed, as Sara opens the box to reveal a gold ring with a central sapphire. “You… you’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Very much so. I love you Quill. I know it doesn’t mean much, legally speaking, and you don’t have to say anything right now, but-“

Closing the distance between them, Quill cuts off Sara with a kiss. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

Stomach clenches. Panic sets in. What have I done? Why did I say yes?

Soft light of dawn begins to creep into the room. Gentle, even breathing from beside her.

She’s a Sleeper. I can never really be part of her life, not like this. She wouldn’t understand, not really. And what if something happened? Banishers or Seers or any number of things. Sara wouldn’t stand a chance.

No. I have to end this. Have to… have to say goodbye. A little hurt now, better than the alternative.

Quill stands, begins casting.

Shimmering portal opens. Beautiful ring weighs heavy on hand.

She removes the ring, places it on dresser with note. Note just says ‘sorry’. Turns to leave. Reconsiders.

Puts ring back on other hand.

“Goodbye Sara.”

Shimmer of light. Then silence and dark once more.

Threads and Knots

Colours danced all around. The busy hum of traffic reached Quill’s ears despite the late hour. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been walking. Seemed like forever. Nor did she know where Walker was. He’d ditched her way back.

She knew this was a test. That much was obvious, even to an uneducated runaway like her. She’d never cared much for tests. Just another way for her teachers to stand there and tell her all the ways she was a complete failure. But this was different. She knew she couldn’t afford to mess this up. And yet, it seemed that was exactly what she was doing.

Tears began to sting her eyes and blur her vision. Scrubbing at them angrily, Quill lashed out with her fist to connect with the wall, the sudden movement dislodging her pack of cards from her pocket and sending them flying to scatter far and wide. With a yelp, she raced after them, trying in vain to catch them before the wind took them beyond her grasp forever.

“God dammit!” Scowling, Quill fans the cards and counts them. One short. “Where the hell…?” A quick scan of the area revealed nothing. Feeling the tears well up once more, Quill choked back a sob. “Whatever. Should’ve known this wouldn’t work out.”

Slipping the incomplete deck into her pocket, Quill sighs and begins walking once again. Paying no attention to her surroundings, she just… walks. No more thoughts of tests. No more worrying about living up to everything Walker thinks she can be. Just the city streets.

Taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly, Quill begins to feel calm and a sensation of safety, of home, falling over her. Glancing up, she blinks and rubs her eyes.


Seeming to float in the middle of the alleyway before her, a shimmering golden thread stretches out and around the corner. Reaching her hand out, Quill finds that though her hand passes straight through it, the moment she thinks about touching it, she already knows that if she just follows, she’ll find her way to Walker. Eyes widening in wonder, she jerks forward and abruptly breaks into a hasty jog. Following the Thread for a short while, she suddenly stops. Stooping down to grab the small flash of white that had caught her eye, Quill grins. Slipping the playing card into her pocket with the rest of the deck, she picks up her pace once again.

Murmuring quietly, Quill’s voice is barely audible and heard by none but the silent alleyways of downtown New York.

“I can hear you now. Sorry I wasn’t listening properly before. Thank you.”


Quotes by

Quotes about

"Smart, funny, experienced, savvy as anything, and up for hanging shit on Dad. I might actually have a bit of a fucking crush, if there wasn't at least a thirty per cent chance the old man'd been there before me." - Sash, with a grin.


  • "Awww, those are cute." Ruby mocking at Quill's fate offence during their Dual Arcane together.
  • "Fate doesn't look kindly on those that mock her." - Quill, after thoroughly trouncing Ruby in the aforementioned Duel Arcane.


Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Killing Heidi - Weir - By Dornelia, for her:
    • Old friend of mine / we will never lose the time / that we shared all these years / these years
    • Will you make it in the end? / through all the twists and bends / will you fulfill your dreams? / not as easy as it seems.

OOC Info

Testing [1] Testing 2 [2]

Member Information
Player: Vanessa Lamb
Number: 2015020001
Domain: Adelaide