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(Created page with "'''NOX IMMORTALIS VSS: REQUIEM 2.0''' Effective Date: 17 August 2016 Last Updated: 17 August 2016 This VSS is organised into the following sections: VENUE INFORMATION: Pos...")
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Last Updated: 17 August 2016
Last Updated: 17 August 2016
This VSS is organised into the following sections:
VENUE INFORMATION: Position holders, contact details, and reminder of the golden rule.
STYLES OF PLAY: Helps to show the type of game going to be run based on what the players want to play.
STORYTELLING MECHANICS: Rules that impact playing under this venue
CHARACTER SHEETS: Explains who is responsible for what, and more info on your character approvals.
EXPERIENCE: How do you get a better sheet, why earning and spending XP of course. How is here.
DOWNTIME: Some information for those wanting to submit downtime.
PROXY RULES: Playing abroad, or coming here from elsewhere, needs to be a Proxy.
This VSS is written for the Toowoomba Domain, Nox Immortalis, and their Requiem 2.0 venue, set in Shadow play International’s live-action Chronicles of Darkness chronicle. The bulk of the VSS is universal in all venues, with some additional entries at the Venue level.
This VSS is written for the Toowoomba Domain, Nox Immortalis, and their Requiem 2.0 venue, set in Shadow play International’s live-action Chronicles of Darkness chronicle. The bulk of the VSS is universal in all venues, with some additional entries at the Venue level.

Revision as of 02:44, 3 October 2016


Effective Date: 17 August 2016

Last Updated: 17 August 2016

This VSS is written for the Toowoomba Domain, Nox Immortalis, and their Requiem 2.0 venue, set in Shadow play International’s live-action Chronicles of Darkness chronicle. The bulk of the VSS is universal in all venues, with some additional entries at the Venue level.

IC. Toowoomba has grown quickly into a vast and constantly evolving city, a transportation hub to the west of Brisbane, that was founded in the mid 1800’s on a fertile farming landscape that has become centre for innovation, industry and agricultural development. It is unlike any other city, with its own complex blend of country heritage, with a thriving desire to be different to the capital a stone’s throw away. It’s got a deep seeded, artsy culture, with painted alleyways and urban café’s, stealing some features out of a Melbourne landscape, set among a diverse multicultural tapestry of residents, from wealthy baby boomers, a myriad of migrant and refugee resettlement from overseas and ‘down south’, an aspiring GenY community, and a vast retirement community. With miners, farmers, battlers, families, and everything else. The region rates highly for education, both public and private, and has produced its fair share of sporting royalty and political infamy. The heart, the CBD, a mix of cuisines in many varied cafes, restaurants, bars and clubs, and new development, as former industry, fades away, either into memory, or expansion far from the city centre. Factories, foundries, flour mills, all formerly around the city, are no more, having closed their doors, with the lucky few moving further field.

The city continues to grow, spreading out along the compass points, with endless views over the valleys below to the east. Head south towards beef and wine growing, and west, towards vast stretches of farmland, for beast, crop as well as mining resources of coal and gas, and heading North out along the edge of the range, brings you out into a number of small towns, on the edges of forests and various farms. Our dams located out this way, aside from water supply, are popular for recreation, camping and fishing.

The full OOC History can be viewed here [History] , and connections to this historical timeline are encouraged, if you want a character to have had a long history with the region.


Domain Details

Domain : Toowoomba

Domain Staff

Coordinator: Ian Humphrey (2014050004)– dc@toowoomba.beyondthesunset.org.au

Storyteller : election to occur ()– dst@toowoomba.beyondthesunset.org.au

Venue Details

Genre: Requiem 2.0

Name: Shadows Of Chance and Killable Sorrows


Approval Number: (DNST 17 Aug '16)

VC – James Carghil - #1999090279 – vc.requiem2(at)toowoomba.beyondthesunset.org.au

VST – Rod Austin - #1997100188 - vstrequiem2(at)toowoomba.beyondthesunset.org.au

Golden Rule

LARP is not a “shoot-em- up”. You don’t get notches in your belt for killing other PC’s. You don’t win by making the game miserable for everyone else. This is a storytelling game, and you win by telling a good story with others.


The following table is a simplified view of what the local game will be like. These ratings are worked out by discussion between the storyteller and the players of the venue, in efforts to have the game they want to see being run, and is a useful guide for both players and storytellers.

  • Style of Play Description Rating

Action Combat and Challenges 3

Character Development, personal dilemmas and choices 4

Darkness PC death or corruption 1

Drama Ceremony and grand story 3

Intrigue Politics and negotiation 3

Manners Social etiquette and peer pressure 3

Mystery Enigmas and investigation 4

Pace How fast do stories emerge, develop and resolve? 2


(May be altered at Low approval)

  • Starting Levels - Vitae

Chance number on Die Roller, to yield a result between 1-10.

Certain Merits will adjust this number.

Fame 1 & 2. +1/level
Fame 3 : - 1
Fame 4 : - 2
Fame 5 : - 3
Resources 4 or 5, +1
Safe Place, +1
Haven, +1

The final result is you’re starting Vitae for the game. If the result is 2 or less, you will need to “Resist for Frenzy” To improve this starting value, a character may sacrifice ½ hour of game time, for a second change die, to add to the first, to reflect the character hunting upon waking.


  • Influences of the Human World

In order to maintain consistency across all of our 2.0 venues, and to help with having a single and cohesive Chronicle of Darkness, all influence-type Merits (Allies, Contacts, Fame, Retainer, and Status) are categorised as follows:




Emergency Services


High Society











Merits that specify into specialised areas, do so within these categories, and may be used generally in that sphere with lessened effectiveness, in exchange for heightened effectiveness in that specialist area.

  • Character Death

Character death does happen, however it is something that needs to be seen as a last resort. A story is about a beginning, middle and end, time to tell the story, but also be a part of that story, sharing and growing it with others. Death brings an end to that story, and no one enjoys getting into a great story, to only find that it taken away.

Refer to “the golden rule” I.C.1

Rule Interpretations

  • CofD Universal Addendum. IV.B.1.a – Further restriction.
“AUSTRALIA: Add 1 EXP for each Membership Class level.”

This is added at the rate of 1 EXP / Month, after character is approved and from the date the character first enters play. This means all characters are created the same, with 30xp. The bonus XP is awarded like bonus to earned XP, for a number of months equal to their MC level, and can only be spent through appropriate Downtime actions.

Visiting characters that have spent their bonus EXP are subject to to restrictions by the lead Storyteller, based on those items acquired last (where necessary)

  • Firearms remain Mid Approval.
  • Condition Cards

Players are required to have condition cards relevant to the powers on their character sheet. If you want to impose a condition onto another player character, you will need to provide them with a condition card, detailing the effect, the end condition, and the beat condition, as well as the character and player name.

At the end, all condition cards are to be returned to either the player, or the storyteller.

  • Status from Afar.

Given the isolated nature of requiem, those with status in other cities don’t hold the same resonance in this city. One cannot be considered less than Acknowledged, if in fact they have been, no matter how far from the safety of their home they may find themselves

Brisbane: -1 city status.

Armidale: -2 city status.

All others: -3 city status.

Status cannot be reduced below one, but will be treated accordingly when comparing with others on one city status.

  • Toowoomba in Backstory

Any time spent greater than 1 month, spend in or around the Toowoomba area in a character past, needs to be approved by the Toowoomba DST. So players are not able to have a character ‘from Toowoomba’, unless the Toowoomba DST knows about it and approves it.


  • Management

The VST is the holder of the true copy. Any changes to the character sheet are the responsibility of the VST. If a player finds a fault with a copy, the player is required to inform the VST of the issue via an email to the VST email account. Verbally pointing out something missing at a game, is not sufficient.

  • Merits

Be aware that non-supernatural NPC’s are controlled by the DST. This includes those indicated by Allies and Contacts.

Refer to categories under Mechanics (above)

  • Equipment

Firearms remain mid approval to own.

All discharges of (non-silenced) firearms require DST notification.
All gun related violence among mortals requires DST notification.
  • Approval Requirements

All character sheets, backgrounds and other associated documentation must be submitted electronically, on the correct sheet to the VST’s email. All approvals must follow the storyteller hierarchy.

  • Character Retirement

A Player Character can be retired in 3 ways.

Choice - The player sends an email to the VST of that venue, informing them that they wish to retire the character. The VST will confirm, before changing the status.
Another Character - Bringing another primary character of the same venue into play, will instantly retire your other character.
Expired membership – 2 months after membership has expired, characters will be made NPC’s. If you would like to keep your character, you need to remain a current member of the BTS.

Note that for reversing this process, it is High Approval (addenda)


  • Earning Experience / Beats

The following table is the EXP awarded by the VST.

Game Attendance 5 Beats / Hr (Max 3Hrs).
If multiple characters, max 1hr / character.
Grand costuming (as determined by the ST) – +2 beats

Note: “Grand costuming” is simply something that takes some effort to change and create, taking time to prepare for at each game event, to make your character appear very different and improve interactions for other players.


  • Volunteer Beats

1 beat - Event first aid officer. Max ratio - 1/10 members in attendance. (VC)

1 beat – Room set up / reset. If helping at VC request, with set up/reset. (VC)

1 beat – Driving one or more passengers (from another domain) to game. (VC)

Players need to inform the VC (or event coordinator) at point of signing in. “Hi, we 3 came from lands afar, and this person drove our chariot”

  • New Players

New players are considered “White Lanyards” for 3 months, and during that time, will earn full XP award for each of those 3 months.

  • Visiting Players

Shared beats. Any visiting characters will take part in the shared beats for the game. These beat awards are to be forwarded to their home VST within 7 days for adding to the attending players character sheets.

Drivers may be entitled to a beat (see above)


  • Downtime Actions

There is one downtime cycle each month.

Submitting a downtime [+3 beats]
Including your character story for the month [+0 to +3 beats (VST Discretion)]
  • Spending Experience

You can only increase one ‘Category’ on your sheet in any month. The categories are, Attributes, Skills, Merits, Advantages, Supernatural Powers. So you can’t increase Strength and Wits in a single month. You could increase Dexterity, and increase or purchase a skill, and a merit.

This does not include those dots that need to be purchased to:

Reflect something earned in game
Purchase dots of a potential loss of a shared merit. (Global Addenda VII.A.2)
  • Feedback

Sometimes, downtime is the only way for your VST to reach out to you with questions. It might be to get clarification, to get additional information about your character or to even fix something on your sheet.

If you are asked by the VST to provide feedback, it’s important you send email that to the VST.

While it is much easier to just tell them at game, with everything going on, it is unlikely to be actioned. Players need to email the VST with any updates or answers.

  • Due Date

The due date for downtime actions / experience spends, is the first Friday of each Month.

Downtime received on or before that day, will be processed in full and returned to the player during the week, prior to game. If not sent electronically, a printed copy will be brought to the game and handed to the player.

Downtime sent after the first Friday, may or may not be processed by the storyteller.

Downtime sent on or by due date [+2 beats].
  • Late Submissions

Downtime sent after the first Friday, may or may not be processed by the storyteller. The VST will still try to give you some feedback, depending on time and how late it was received.


By sending your character as a proxy to the Toowoomba domain, you accept that you are surrendering that character to the local storytellers, and you release control to them, to carry out the intended actions as best they can. This does not mean success will occur.

Character sheet must be send by the home VST, through both DST’s to the Toowoomba VST.

The adjoining email must also include the Toowoomba Proxy form, available on the Toowoomba wiki, domain page. [TO BE CREATED]

It includes things like some usual who what, where, when, how questions.

How does your character arrive, and when.
What is the intended activity while visiting
Which other local characters know of the visit, or may recognise the character.
What is your escape plan.
Declaration that local decisions are final, including acceptance of possible character death.

Results will be sent back from the Toowoomba VST, to all ST’s in the chain. It is then up to the local ST to communicate with the player, updating the sheet where necessary.