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''''Weave the fey, feed the carrion''''
''''Weave the fey, feed the carrion''''
[[File:morrigan1.jpg|400px|middle]] [[File:feedthecarrion1.jpg|320px|right]] [[File:crowinboots.jpg|right]]
Clan:  Gangrel
Description: Members of House Morrigan (or 'the House of Morrigan') consist mainly of embraced mortal descendants of Irish convicts transported to Australia generations ago, although a mysterious line of Roma Gypsies is also appears accepted in the House. They are especially religious, existing in service to what they believe to be an ancient cause defined by the Gallic Goddess Morrigan. They are well-known for their signature animal form, the carrion crow. Attainment of this protean form is only thought possible once Morrigan herself has judged them worthy. Some are rumoured to be especially blessed, receiving this form before all others (including the traditional wolf or the bat). Young Morrigans who are yet to master this avatar are looked upon with suspicion and accorded the lowest status in the House; those who fail to demonstrate a focused progress toward this achievement are probably not long for this world.
'''Clan: Gangrel'''
Organisation: In Australia, House Morrigan is believed to descend from a slumbering ancient protected by the remaining House. The House is quiet regarding the identity and nature of this torpored kindred, and asking too many questions can invite a violent response. The House itself appears to have a loose organisation, broadly divided into the three portfolios of Morrigan; battle, strife and sovereignty.
'''Description:'''  Members of House Morrigan (or 'the House of Morrigan') consist mainly of embraced mortal descendants of Irish convicts transported to Australia generations ago, although a mysterious line of Roma Gypsies also appears accepted in the House. They are especially religious, existing in service to what they believe to be an ancient cause defined by the Gallic Goddess Morrigan. They are well-known for their signature animal form, the carrion crow. Attainment of this protean form is only thought possible once Morrigan herself has judged them worthy. Some are rumoured to be especially blessed, receiving this form before all others (including the traditional wolf or the bat). Young Morrigans who are yet to master this avatar are looked upon with suspicion and accorded the lowest status in the House; those who fail to demonstrate a focused progress toward this achievement are probably not long for this world.  
Battle:  The disciples of battle, or 'Stormcrows', are the clear spiritual guides of the House. It is acknowledged they have a special bond with Morrigan and when honouring the Goddess or divining her will it is the Stormcrows who lead the ceremony and perform the sacrifices. They are also the military leaders of the House, providing advice to others on strategems and battle plans. Technically speaking, they may call upon members of the House should a direct concern of Morrigan be at stake; a Stormcrow who abuses this privilege, however, might find their battle plans turning very much awry.
There is also known to be a line of Mekhet closely affiliated with the House of Morrigan. Those in either House understand the connection, but when asked most shrug and say that outsiders wouldn't understand.  
'''Organisation:''' In Australia, House Morrigan is believed to descend from a slumbering ancient protected by the remaining House. The House is quiet regarding the identity and nature of this torpored kindred, and asking too many questions can invite a violent response. The House itself appears to have a loose organisation, broadly divided into the three portfolios of Morrigan; battle, strife and sovereignty.
==Roles within the House ==
'''Battle (Stormcrow):'''  The disciples of battle, or 'Stormcrows', are the clear spiritual guides of the House. It is acknowledged they have a special bond with Morrigan and when honouring the Goddess or divining her will it is the Stormcrows who lead the ceremony and perform the sacrifices. They are also the military leaders of the House, providing advice to others on strategems and battle plans. Technically speaking, they may call upon members of the House should a direct concern of Morrigan be at stake; a Stormcrow who abuses this privilege, however, might find their battle plans turning very much awry.
<br>'''Favoured Bloodline: Children of the Morrigan'''
'''Strife (Banshee):'''  Call it the fey, the spirit world or the nexus, some members of House Morrigan are closer to the occult and the powers beyond; further from mortal trappings and concerns. The disciples of strife, or 'Banshees', pursue occult knowledge of the Morrigan and some are rumoured to possess pseudo magical powers. The typical Banshee is superstitious, eccentric and fails to conform to accepted social mores as they are generally understood by others. Members of the House seek out the Banshees when they come across matters of occult significance which are difficult to comprehend. Deciphering the riddles of the Banshee's however, or putting up with their ongoing social faux pars, can itself be an exercise in incomprehension.
<br>'''Favoured Bloodline: Vedma'''
'''Sovereignty (Bloodcrow):''' In so far as the House has any obvious direction, it is the disciples of sovereignty, or 'Bloodcrows', that are vested with this role. While the Banshee's uncover the signs, and the Stormcrows divine the omens, the Bloodcrows find a way to bring about Morrigan's desired ends. The typical Bloodcrow is down-to-earth, pragmatic and practical. They don't 'command' the house perse, rather they set general policy such as “support this elder,” or “work to undermine the Sanctified Bishop”, and setting an example for others to follow. Bloodcrows are also the hunters and scouts of the House, locating the places and signs that are of interest. Finally, Bloodcrows are rumoured to have Morrigan's own fearsome hunger, and seek to slake her thirst by ritually hunting sacrifices in her honour.
<br>'''Favoured Bloodline: Hounds of Actaeon''' 
Strife:  Call it the fey, the spirit world or the nexus, some members of House Morrigan are closer to the occult and the powers beyond; further from mortal trappings and concerns. The disciples of strife, or 'Banshees', pursue occult knowledge of the Morrigan and some are rumoured to possess pseudo magical powers. The typical Banshee is superstitious, eccentric and fails to conform to accepted social mores as they are generally understood by others. Members of the House seek out the Banshees when they come across matters of occult significance which are difficult to comprehend. Deciphering the riddles of the Banshee's however, or putting up with their ongoing social faux pars, can itself be an exercise in incomprehension. 
'''Archetype:'''  House members generally favour physical attributes as stout and determined warriors of Morrigan. Knowledge of the occult is also highly prized, especially among the Banshees, while investigation and other perception based skills are valued among Bloodcrows. Stormcrows, by contrast, tend to develop skilled oriented toward introspection and connection with the Morrigan, including those such as expression or crafts.
== Covenants ==
Sovereignty: In so far as the House has any obvious direction, it is the disciples of sovereignty, or 'Bloodcrows', that are vested with this role. While the Banshee's uncover the signs, and the Stormcrows divine the omens, the Bloodcrows find a way to bring about Morrigan's desired ends. The typical Bloodcrow is down-to-earth, pragmatic and practical. They don't 'command' the house perse, rather they set general policy such as “support this elder,” or “work to undermine the Sanctified Bishop”, and setting an example for others to follow. Bloodcrows are also the hunters and scouts of the House, locating the places and signs that are of interest. Finally, Bloodcrows are rumoured to have Morrigan's own fearsome hunger, and seek to slake her thirst by ritually hunting sacrifices in her honour. 
Covenants:  The vast bulk of the House of Morrigan find themselves in either the Circle of the Crone or the Ordo Dracul. The religious orientation of its members and the honouring of the Morrigan obviously lends itself to the pagan rituals of the Circle. Stormcrows in particular feel at home among the Acolytes, and are often identified as prime recruits by the local Hierophant. The familiar organisational structure and an interest in the occult also draws members of the House to the Ordo Dracul. Morrigan Dragons tend to serve as occult investigators or seekers of Wyrms nests, while a number of Bloodcrows even become Oathsworn. The Carthians have comparatively fewer Morrigans, with Banshees especially unlikely to be attracted by their political motivations. Occasionally, however, a House member may find a place in an experiment thought to be pleasing to Morrigan. Morrigans are even less likely to be drawn to the Invictus, although the odd Bloodcrow can find comfort in its rigid structures.  None as yet are known to have joined the Lancea Sanctum as their demonstrations of devotion to Morrigan are inimical to the teachings of even the most unusually tolerant local Bishop.
Archetype:  House members generally favour physical attributes as stout and determined warriors of Morrigan. Knowledge of the Occult is also highly prized, especially among the Banshees, while investigation and other perception based skills are valued among Bloodcrows. Stormcrows, by contrast, tend to develop skilled oriented toward introspection and connection with the Morrigan, including those such as expression or crafts.
== [[File:Tribal_Paw(Small).jpg]]Covenants[[File:Tribal_Paw(Small).jpg]] ==
Valdyr aren’t bound to any Covenants like many other families, they place family above all politics. However memebers that choose to align themselves with are covenant are predominantly found in the Circle of the Crone or the Carthian Movement.
'''Invictus:''' The Concept of following someone blindly simply because they are older than you is something that the Valdyr can not comprehend. The Valdyr follow someone because they have proven themselves and will do what is best for the family.
<br>''"They have a system in place to keep the powerful powerful and the oppressed oppressed."''
'''Lancea Sanctum:''' Believing in the Christian God is something that Valdyr would not consider. While they may not believe that Fenris actually existed, they would almost never find themselves conforming to the structure of the Church.
<br>''"Fenris made some mistakes, but he wasn't someone's bitch. Longinus was a puppet."''
'''Circle of the Crone:''' The Old Gods are the Right Gods. Most of the religious Valdyr will find themselves within the Circle of the Crone. Worshipping those of Norse Mythology, aknowlodging Fenris' presence and influence within their blood.
<br>''"We are filled with the blood of Wolves, why act like anything but what we are"''
'''Ordo Dracul:''' The Valdyr as a whole havent formed an opinion of the Ordo Dracul. They simply don't know enough about them.
<br>''"Others say they are some secret society, we know they are simply scared."''
'''The Carthian Movement:''' Being free, able to think the way one want and having the support of a strong close-knit group is something that is very familar to the Valdyr. They feel almost at home amongst others of the Movement.
<br>''"We come for the freedom, we stay for the tenacity."''
Those of the Valdyr that join the ranks of the Invictus or the Lancea Sanctum, find themselves torn between loyalities. Ever since the feud with the Volmark started, there has been very little middle ground. No longer trusted by either side, they get left behind and forogtten.
'''<font color="Red">It looks like the Custom Bloodline will not be going ahead, so the Valdyr will continue as a House without the mechanical changes.</font>'''
== [[File:TripleHorn.jpg]]Important Roles in the Family[[File:TripleHorn.jpg]] ==
'''Chronicler:''' A position of great respect that tracks both the mortal and immortal genealogy of the family.<br>
'''Skald:''' The family storyteller, oath-bound to gather the stories of the Valdyr and to share them within the family at gatherings. (Sort of an internal Harpy)<br>
'''Vinr:''' The Leader of the Valdyr within a certain location. Each group of Valdyr follows a Vinr because they trust this person to make the right decisions when the time comes.<br>
'''Dyr Tala:''' The representative of the Valdyr to the animal kingdom of a specific location.
== [[File:Tribal_Paw(Small).jpg]]Unspoken Edicts of the Valdyr[[File:Tribal_Paw(Small).jpg]] ==
'''Age:''' Those that came before you have seen it all, played all the games, watched all the wars. Follow them with respect and honor and they will protect you.
'''Clan:''' We are Valdyr, THAT is our blood. We are NOT Gangrel. We support them the same way one supports a younger sibling.
'''Family:''' We watch those we left behind, we protect those of the family be their blood warm or cold.
== [[File:Tribal_Paw(Small).jpg]]Origins and Progenitor[[File:Tribal_Paw(Small).jpg]] ==
=== [[File:TripleHorn.jpg]]The Family Lineage[[File:TripleHorn.jpg]] ===
'''Covenants:'''  The vast bulk of the House of Morrigan find themselves in either the Circle of the Crone or the Ordo Dracul. The religious orientation of its members and the honouring of the Morrigan obviously lends itself to the pagan rituals of the Circle. Stormcrows in particular feel at home among the Acolytes, and are often identified as prime recruits by the local Hierophant. The familiar organisational structure and an interest in the occult also draws members of the House to the Ordo Dracul. Morrigan Dragons tend to serve as occult investigators or seekers of Wyrms nests, while a number of Bloodcrows even become Oathsworn. The Carthians have slightly fewer Morrigans, with Banshees especially unlikely to be attracted by their political motivations. Occasionally, however, a House member may find a place in an experiment thought to be pleasing to Morrigan. Morrigans are even less likely to be drawn to the Invictus, although the odd Bloodcrow can find comfort in its rigid structures.  None as yet are known to have joined the Lancea Sanctum as their demonstrations of devotion to Morrigan are inimical to the teachings of even the most unusually tolerant local Bishop.
== The Ties That Bind ==
== [[File:Tribal_Paw(Small).jpg]]Timeline[[File:Tribal_Paw(Small).jpg]] ==
*'''1628'''-Vilrec is Embraced by Hringr
*'''1645'''-Vilrec captures [[Batavia]] and holds her captive for a number of months.
*'''1700'''-Battle of Holstien - Vilrec scars [[Batavia]]'s face during single combat. This battle remains legend for many Reasons
*'''1704''' Stellan Embraced by Vilrec
*'''1820'''- Berengaria Embraced by Vilrec
*'''1830'''- Aksel Embraced by Vilrec
*'''1831'''- Stellan is killed in Germany and Vilrec put into Torpor
*'''1895''' Alvis embraced by Aksel
*'''1901'''- Berengaria & Aksel tussle with Merrick [[VV001 | in The Netherlands]]
*'''1905'''- Rasmus Embraced by Berengaria
*'''1906'''- Rasmus handed over to Godric Volmark in exchange for Vilrec . Volmark deceive Berengaria and try to murder her. Volmark retain Vilrec's topored body.
*'''1920'''- Valdyr/Volmark truce (The Pax of Fear and Fang)
*'''1934'''- Vilhelmiina Embraced by Berengaria
*'''1945'''- The remaining Valdyr relocate to Australia
*'''1954'''- Vilrec is returned to the family. Is awoken from Torpor.
*'''1956'''- Vilhelmiina is put into Torpor
*'''1958'''- The "Dirty" Brood War starts
*'''1970'''- Aksel embraces Mr Desmond
*'''1974'''- Adrian Embraced by Berengaria, to help with the Brood War
*'''1975'''- The "Reclamation" War & the Canberra Incident
*'''1976'''- Vilhelmiina wakes from Torpor
*'''1982'''- Muninn Embraced by Vilhelmiina
*'''1983'''- Jim Embraced by Berengaria
*'''1990'''- Berengaria is put into Torpor
*'''1993'''- A series of training sessions begins, in which a few times a year the family all get together and practise fighting to keep on the ball. 1993 to 2000 are jokingly referred to as "The Montage Years"
*'''2003'''- The Livian War
*'''2004'''- Aksel enters first Torpor
*'''2005'''- Berengaria wakes from Torpor
*'''2006'''- Eira Embraced by Rasmus
== [[File:Tribal_Paw(Small).jpg]]Tales Of The Family[[File:Tribal_Paw(Small).jpg]] ==

Latest revision as of 11:43, 13 December 2017



'Weave the fey, feed the carrion'


Clan: Gangrel

Description: Members of House Morrigan (or 'the House of Morrigan') consist mainly of embraced mortal descendants of Irish convicts transported to Australia generations ago, although a mysterious line of Roma Gypsies also appears accepted in the House. They are especially religious, existing in service to what they believe to be an ancient cause defined by the Gallic Goddess Morrigan. They are well-known for their signature animal form, the carrion crow. Attainment of this protean form is only thought possible once Morrigan herself has judged them worthy. Some are rumoured to be especially blessed, receiving this form before all others (including the traditional wolf or the bat). Young Morrigans who are yet to master this avatar are looked upon with suspicion and accorded the lowest status in the House; those who fail to demonstrate a focused progress toward this achievement are probably not long for this world.

There is also known to be a line of Mekhet closely affiliated with the House of Morrigan. Those in either House understand the connection, but when asked most shrug and say that outsiders wouldn't understand.

Organisation: In Australia, House Morrigan is believed to descend from a slumbering ancient protected by the remaining House. The House is quiet regarding the identity and nature of this torpored kindred, and asking too many questions can invite a violent response. The House itself appears to have a loose organisation, broadly divided into the three portfolios of Morrigan; battle, strife and sovereignty.

Roles within the House


Battle (Stormcrow): The disciples of battle, or 'Stormcrows', are the clear spiritual guides of the House. It is acknowledged they have a special bond with Morrigan and when honouring the Goddess or divining her will it is the Stormcrows who lead the ceremony and perform the sacrifices. They are also the military leaders of the House, providing advice to others on strategems and battle plans. Technically speaking, they may call upon members of the House should a direct concern of Morrigan be at stake; a Stormcrow who abuses this privilege, however, might find their battle plans turning very much awry.
Favoured Bloodline: Children of the Morrigan

Strife (Banshee): Call it the fey, the spirit world or the nexus, some members of House Morrigan are closer to the occult and the powers beyond; further from mortal trappings and concerns. The disciples of strife, or 'Banshees', pursue occult knowledge of the Morrigan and some are rumoured to possess pseudo magical powers. The typical Banshee is superstitious, eccentric and fails to conform to accepted social mores as they are generally understood by others. Members of the House seek out the Banshees when they come across matters of occult significance which are difficult to comprehend. Deciphering the riddles of the Banshee's however, or putting up with their ongoing social faux pars, can itself be an exercise in incomprehension.
Favoured Bloodline: Vedma


Sovereignty (Bloodcrow): In so far as the House has any obvious direction, it is the disciples of sovereignty, or 'Bloodcrows', that are vested with this role. While the Banshee's uncover the signs, and the Stormcrows divine the omens, the Bloodcrows find a way to bring about Morrigan's desired ends. The typical Bloodcrow is down-to-earth, pragmatic and practical. They don't 'command' the house perse, rather they set general policy such as “support this elder,” or “work to undermine the Sanctified Bishop”, and setting an example for others to follow. Bloodcrows are also the hunters and scouts of the House, locating the places and signs that are of interest. Finally, Bloodcrows are rumoured to have Morrigan's own fearsome hunger, and seek to slake her thirst by ritually hunting sacrifices in her honour.
Favoured Bloodline: Hounds of Actaeon


Archetype: House members generally favour physical attributes as stout and determined warriors of Morrigan. Knowledge of the occult is also highly prized, especially among the Banshees, while investigation and other perception based skills are valued among Bloodcrows. Stormcrows, by contrast, tend to develop skilled oriented toward introspection and connection with the Morrigan, including those such as expression or crafts.


Covenants: The vast bulk of the House of Morrigan find themselves in either the Circle of the Crone or the Ordo Dracul. The religious orientation of its members and the honouring of the Morrigan obviously lends itself to the pagan rituals of the Circle. Stormcrows in particular feel at home among the Acolytes, and are often identified as prime recruits by the local Hierophant. The familiar organisational structure and an interest in the occult also draws members of the House to the Ordo Dracul. Morrigan Dragons tend to serve as occult investigators or seekers of Wyrms nests, while a number of Bloodcrows even become Oathsworn. The Carthians have slightly fewer Morrigans, with Banshees especially unlikely to be attracted by their political motivations. Occasionally, however, a House member may find a place in an experiment thought to be pleasing to Morrigan. Morrigans are even less likely to be drawn to the Invictus, although the odd Bloodcrow can find comfort in its rigid structures. None as yet are known to have joined the Lancea Sanctum as their demonstrations of devotion to Morrigan are inimical to the teachings of even the most unusually tolerant local Bishop.

The Ties That Bind



  • Taoiseach NPC


