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Adelaide Awakening - Venue Style Sheet  
== Adelaide Awakening - Venue Style Sheet ==
''Venue Name:'' A Pylon too Far (APF)<br>
''Venue Storyteller:'' Vanessa Lamb<br>
:vst.awakening@adelaide.beyondthesunset.org.au <br>
''Venue Coordinator:'' Morgan Petrie<br>
:vc.awakening@adelaide.beyondthesunet.org.au <br>
''Game Location:'' Glenelg North Community Centre<br>
[https://www.dropbox.com/s/p66bxi5ajqg3x91/Adelaide%20Awakening%20VSS%201.05.pdf?dl=0 Adelaide Mage 1.0 VSS]
Venue Name: A Pylon too Far (APF)
====City History====
[https://www.dropbox.com/s/bgak93n9pijr79k/DoA%20MtA%20Timeline.pdf?dl=0 Adelaide Mage City Timeline]
Venue Storyteller: Christopher Bond
Venue Coordinator: Jack Rochow
Game Location 59 Regent St South, Adelaide SA 5000 - The Box Factory Mailing lists, websites and other online resources used at DoA.Wikidot.com  
Genre: Mage the Awakening
'''Setting & History
During the late 17th century, a group of Pentacle mages from the Silver Ladder began searching future history for a village or town that they could fashion into a beacon of light for all Mage  kind.  That place would become a focal point for magical exploration and development, where like minded individuals of the Diamond could research, and work without conflict or interference from the Seers of the Throne.
During the planning stages of Australis the Silver Ladder found they could never associate themselves with the penal colonies that were sprouting up around the land.  Those places in Van Diemen's Land, New South Wales or Queensland, would never be suitable as they harboured the seeds of rebellion within their untrustworthy and villainous histories.
Adelaide was that shining beacon, a new town, planned by regular people, but forged by the kingmakers into a place where all could dwell in safety.
In its infancy The Great Planning Council League of the Silver Ladder of 'The Empire' made up of three Acanthus, one Mastigos and one Moros divined the location of the next city of power as the others were too far advanced to be manipulated. The process according to the league could be performed on just about any virgining city as long as it held to a few essential maxims.  Closely guarded secrets, those maxims could be used to undo years of work in those created cities around the globe if they were to ever get out.
During the early 1800s 'The Empire' joined fleets heading to Australia to survey the area that was to be Adelaide. Sending a contingent from each of the paths of the Silver Ladder, a Thyrsus from the Mysterium and two Obrimos from the Adamantine Arrow the group set about collecting samples of Fauna and Flora, observing the natives and the white man's interaction with them.
After a year reports along with the Mysterium and Adamantine Arrows were returned to London; orders were sent back to Australia to begin influencing and educating people in the best place to have the city situated. 
In 1830 Orders were to educate but not control William Light, therefore Proximi were introduced to assist in the planning stages and work as friends and advisors.  With their help Light was able to have the city form its streets into free flowing rivers of energy that would allow mages to develop and grow in an unhindered fashion so their true goal could one day be recognised.
The goal of the Silver Ladder were to have the Proximi fashion a shadow world where Adelaide could be controlled more easily as a large Cryptology.
Later they worked with Light to form the Land and Survey Office adjoining his hut, unfortunately this burnt to the ground and did so under a cloud of mystery.  Shortly after William Light contracted tuberculosis, died and his associate James Hurtle Fisher became the inaugural Mayor of Adelaide, and the Land and Survey Office merged with the government.
Throughout Adelaides history Proximi will work to develop a grand plan, however the arrogance of the Silver Ladder would leave the Proximi Dynasties to go unchecked post WW1.
1840s - The great experiment begins as the Silver Ladder leading the charge along with other members of the Diamond and begin formulating construction and development of a secret city as fear of the Fall of Atlantis grips those in the planning offices.  It is decided that Adelaide will have two faces, 1) where the humans live and prosper and 2) a secret city where the mages live and prosper.
The Guardians of the Veil work with the Mysterium build a barrier to obscure the power emanating from the flows into and out of the city, making it appear to be like any other normal human construct.  The barrier is very effective.
North Terrace Holy Trinity Church is constructed and is hailed an engineering feat of its time.  It is suspected that Mages were directly involved.
1841 - Governor Agrius is pronounced first hierarch as a Silver Ladder Thyrsus, he is praised in keeping with the orders of his mandate.  Agrius is first to learn and speak with Aboriginals and their languages, whilst he finds no firm links between the native people and supernal magic he does announce that after three years a new soul being found amongst them.  This new soul (one of the now educated natives) goes on the join the Silver Ladder as a Moros named The Nulla Wanderer.
1850s - Unaligned Mages from Europe flock to Adelaide bringing insight into strange new technologies, much to the disappointment these new Unaligned the established Diamond force them out through edict and new rules regarding unaligned supernals to live in Port Adelaide.  Those unaligned that don’t conform and join orders become marginalised in that place; passed in by William Light the Unaligned enjoy the new commercial and industrial hub the port is becoming.
1855 - Rules regarding mages being forced out of Adelaide are shelved due to heavy lobbying of the Mysterium by the unaligned and later Guardians of the Veil. The Mysterium and Guardians realised that an uneducated Unaligned group of mages were causing breaches in the Veil. Prejudicial treatment of unaligned mages remain through to present day by the Adamantine Arrows and Silver Ladder.
1860s - Port Adelaide is adopted further by those who are not of the Diamond, attracting all manner of new visitors to that place.
1862 - First unaligned Chinese Cabal ZingBo is set up in Port Adelaide, it contains two Moros and one Acanthus, after three years of digging in the gold fields they return to China wealthy people.  They return to Adelaide periodically to setup and manage importers.
1864 - Unaligned mages form a coalition of Proto-Libertines in Adelaide looking to solidify their stake in the world, buoyed by reports of other groups forming around the world at this time.
1870s - The Diamond begin using Lake Eyre as a testing ground for large scale rituals, due to its scale and remoteness. Until habitation of the surrounding area the Diamond would conduct all manner of rituals that have left indelible supernal and supernatural marks.  Many mortals have said they have heard ghostly sounds coming from walks across the lake, some put it down to wind whistling across the salt marsh cracks; tourist operator have been known to make money taking ghost tours to the lake (1990 to present day).
1880s - Port Adelaide gets a fully fledged telephone exchange ahead of Adelaide funded by German unaligned magi.  This was connected to Hahndorf, which housed Diamond and unaligned Germanic mages in the first test case for cohabitation.
1890s - As population grows and successive droughts hurts the catchment areas Thyrsus and Obrimos mages openly work to and influence the land and the skies.  Dams are refilled including Lake Torrens and Lake Eyre.
1891 - The formally announced New Libertine Council is formed from unaligned Magi around Adelaide meet with the Diamond to discuss a machine that has been secretly made.  This machine (The Dyna-Gate) is suspected to be able to potentially bridge the Abyss and return Mages to the Supernal, something that is never proven.
1893 - The Diamond is approached by The Seers of the Throne in an attempt to foster good relations in a hope that each group can coexist peacefully.  The Diamond react in a hostile fashion capturing the two messengers and interrogating them at length about their relationship to their enemies.  They accidentally die during questioning from unknown reasons when asked about the Abyss and their knowledge of it.  Many believe they were just killed.
1894 - All the creators except one of the Dyna-Gate are killed by food rioting humans in the city.  When the humans are questioned as to why this happened none can furnish a reason, other than they thought the people were greedy merchants keeping land and food from the populace.  How six powerful individuals were able to be killed by humans is still unknown to present day.
The last member of the cabal Francis Strezlecki was heard to have fallen asleep in the city somewhere and awoken a blood drinking manic.  Many believe he became a soul drinking fiend and sleeps in the city somewhere hidden from view.  The story is considered an Urban Myth used to scare young mages as no one could live so long hidden from view.
The Dyna-Gate goes missing and is never found again though fragments are found at the construction site suggesting it imploded or exploded.  When magic is used to try and reconnect the molecules, nothing happens and people think it may have been sucked into the Abyss.
(The Dyna-Gate - is a machine made in Adelaide by the Strzelecki Foundation a prominent cabal containing three Ritualists and four alchemists.  This group spent 12 years building this machine reach the Supernal and bypass the Abyss all together.  Rather than build a new tower, this machine was supposed to open a negative energy gate through the Abyss that would fool it into thinking this was merely part of itself.  Two experiments were conducted where the machine was able to open a gate into the Abyss over some distance whereby they created a safe place to repel the Abyss and land safely. The only problem was that no one really knew where the edge of the other side was...)
1899 - The Libertine Council after succession wars forms into the Free Council on New Years Eve being accepted as the Fifth Order. Though they are never really accepted by the other four orders and are often only paid lip service to keep them happy.
1900s - The Free Council Work to help humans to develop and install power grids across greater Adelaide.
1910s - War breaks out and many Silver Ladder return home to The Empire to defend it against Seer incursions.  Hahndorf is renamed to Ambleside as German expats are interred at the Torrens Island Internment camp.
Members of the German Pentacle collaborate in association with other Germans internationally to build a Ley Enrichment Matrix (LEM).  The LEM is designed to covertly redirect energy from one place to and through another.  Annoyed at being ostracised and interred the German faction develop the machine to divert energy away from Adelaide to the Torrens Island camp.
1915 - Shortly after the LEM is activated a battle insures on Torrens Island as furious Pentacle mages war with the Torrens Island German Federation.  The war results in heavy casualties and deaths on the German side, however a few of camps former commanders escape to never be seen again.
The LEM is taken to Adelaide to undo the energies directed at the island, however as the machines creators are dead and/or scattered to the wind the Silver Ladder and other groups are unable to successfully repair the damage leaving the city relatively impotent.  The Silver Ladder experiment is over...
1920s - Growing anger at the greed displayed during the previous decade by the Silver Ladder boils over as fact about the LEM becomes more rumour as time goes by.  Border skirmish wars take place as former friends within the Diamond take aim at their former leaders.  The Adamantine Arrows strike first taking key ley-lines from the Silver Ladder to bolster their weakened power bases.  The Mysterium attack the Guardians who have decided to back the Ladder in an effort to keep the peace; outnumbered the Guardians are locked in their own jails as the Mysterium appropriate tomes and knowledge kept hidden from them over the years.  The Mysterium feel this information should be theirs alone as they are the keepers of knowledge...
1928 - The Free Council halt the war as they themselves are recovering from being attacked by the Seers of the Throne who seem to have been living and hiding well within Adelaide proper.  Skirmish wars take place as common enemies become friends to fight the Seer horde. After beating the Seers back and forcing them to leave the city, the Pentacle reforms in an unsteady alliance once more.
1930s - Early on during the great depression prominent figures in the Pentacle are surprised to find the hardship of the mortal human world affecting the magical as many Mages leave Adelaide and Australia to never return.  WW2 begins and the depression quickly comes to an end as Australia begins printing money to fund its war effort.
1932 - First Mysterium Hierarch is appointed Prometheus is his name as he is credited with building Adelaide's first fully fledged Athenaeum with a student base of nine pupils.
1933 - An exploratory mining operation is reported missing in a place called Woomera, eight men and women go missing over a period of three days.  Rural State Police are dispatched and also go missing as the military are moved in to assist in the search.  Over a period of two weeks those who went missing are reported by the Army as lost in an underground aquifer attached to the borehole.  A memorial is placed at the front gate of the new testing range the Army has just set up near by.
Mages are reluctant to investigate the area as spirits warn them off when they explore to resolve the missing persons mystery.  Spirits not normally being scared of things won’t venture into the Army test range.
1940s - Many Free Councillors return to Port Adelaide to assist mortal humans with their interests in creating new businesses with repurposed factories left over from WW2.
1950s - Many groups that used to solely be active in Adelaide City leave to set up their own cabals outside the city in remote locations.  The city becomes a ghost town of supernal energy as only three Mages remain behind to form a tight hidden cabal, who later become known as 'The Elders Cabal' by many of the new inhabitants.  The Elders only reveal themselves to those heads of the Orders in Adelaide; naturally suspicious of any unaligned, they live out their existence hidden from mage society.  They are Mistress Jane (Mysterium), Huxley (Free Council) and The Oracle (Adamantine Arrows).
1970s - The last of the Free Council move away from Port Adelaide as investment dries up.  The Vietnam war takes its toll on Free Speech and the spirit world becomes a blackspot in that place.  The Torrens Island energy field becomes too hard to go near as the Vis that bubbles to the surface is unable to be contained or handled by Mages.  Supernal seems to work on its own, reforming the island into a nature reserve that Mages are unable to approach.
1974 - Pentacle cabal ‘Lục cung thánh mẫu’ (Mother’s Heavenly Earth) arrive in Adelaide with the assistance of local Mysterium as the group flee oppression from humans working for the Seers of the Throne near the Red River Delta.  Leader and Thyrsus ‘Thánh Gióng’’ with his boyfriend Mastigos ‘Tản Viên Sơn Thánh’, with Thyrsus ‘Chử Đồng Tử’ and his wife Acanthus ‘Liễu Hạnh’, immediately turn to helping farmers ravaged by drought this year produce good crops settling into the McLaren Vale wineries district.  The group was naturalised in 1976 and became citizens then permanently settled in McLaren Vale.
1977 - Adelaide is beset by disappearances within the Awakened community, this includes many within Port Adelaide as well.  People fearful begin accusing each other of wanting to claim more magical territory from one another, however this is quickly dispelled after it is found humans are responsible for committing murder amongst Awakened society.  These untouched mortals have no connection to any known mages nor links to supernal society, but have an overriding need and want to target, murder and make disappear any mages that they know.  Fear grips Awakened society as just about any idea is floated, tried and fails to solve why the targeting goes on.  After six months 14 mages are dead and numbers in Adelaide are beginning to dwindle, 11 are dead in Port Adelaide and they have been all but wiped out.
1978 - Mages stumble upon a new powerful pylon of Seers inhabiting the Adelaide CBD and it is they who seem responsible for the deaths in Pentacle society.
War immediately breaks out between the two parties as Pentacle mages go on the offensive. Adamantine Arrows with Guardians backing up pulverise three buildings in the city that house Pylon headquarters and human living arrangements and blame the ruckus on student protests and new building construction.  The Silver Ladder, Mysterium and Free Council protest the killings as hubris reverberates through the pentacle as a whole causing much wisdom loss.  The central Adelaide Pylon counter attacks the Pentacle killing eight more constituting almost the entire Pentacle community in the city.
Adelaides Pentacle community evacuates as a very well informed Seer community begins torching Cabals, spoiling Tass supplies, and targeting families and their true names to eradicate any Pentacle influence.
Elders of the city go into hiding and disassociate themselves from each other and anything supernal.  In a last ditch effort to protect new mages awakening in Adelaide or coming to Adelaide from out of town the Pentacle gifts spirits of hope, and ghosts left behind after the destruction to ward off new arrivals in the city.
January 1 1979 - Adelaide is a Pentacle ghost town…
1990s - Building heights increase and Proximi families move in to fill the gaps left by exiting Awakened Magi.  Proximi feel they’ve been largely been ignored by the Pentacle, however they’re not fussed as they were careful enough to not raise the ire of the Seers of the Throne during the purge in the
1970s. The Architects of the Golden Tower (The Brown family) in Adelaide have influence almost everywhere and are made up of Terata, Stratiotai and Polemarchs development and they assist in the lowering of height restriction rules for buildings.  Whilst the golden Tower aren’t the largest of the families they are most respected as they’re able to ‘share-the-wealth’ with other families who until now have suffered without input from missing mages.
2000s - Pentacle mages return to Adelaide as many ley-lines have repaired themselves, though not nearly to the levels the city founding fathers would wish for.  Those torrents are now just very small streams, however they are flowing in order and using the streets as they once did previously.  Technology influences much within Adelaide and man has forgotten much to do with anything magical.  The city is now a bustling megalith and skyscrapers are everywhere without the apparent need for magic or the Pentacle to hold them there.  Mages who now explore the city find the Proximi who once helped William Light have spread out to form families in various city councils around Adelaide; seven in total.  Port Adelaide Enfield, Charles Sturt, Prospect, Tea Tree Gully, Adelaide, Mt Barker, and Holdfast Bay.
2010s - Mages fear a wave of Seer activity as rules for freedoms leech away to corporations and special interest groups.  Adelaide is more tightly controlled by media and liberty seems to be suppressed through use of security vision keeping mages out of common eyes.  Some see this hiding as a necessity, other a curse as personal freedoms seem to be eroded in favour of tighter organisational innovation outcomes.
'''Theme(s) & Mood
Thriller - Ancient horrors and Insidious enemies, war with one another for control of power, resources and influence, sometimes without genre input. If something isn't done Mages may risk the fabric of reality becoming unwound... Sitting back and watching from the shadows without intervening can call it's own issues; sometimes people need to get their feet dirty to stop things from happening.
Mystery - Adelaide is a diverse group of cultures jammed together to form the futuristic city it has become today. Buried within its archives, earth and walls is lost lore and hidden secrets that could potentially unleash great suffering, undo years of work, and or reward those who use it wisely.
Consequences - Mages can expect to benefit or suffer for bad decisions and be rewarded for their quick thinking; sitting on ones hands whilst safe can have untoward consequences... Which person are you active, inactive or proactive?
Action - War has come to Adelaide and it's time for the pentacle to take power back into their own hands. What are they willing to do? What and who are they willing to sacrifice?
Power - All the world's power at your fingertips. Now what?
'''Preferred character types, and restrictions
Players are encouraged to read the city and venue history and make a character that is in keeping with those themes. Newly awakened are welcomed as well experienced character types as well.  Sleepwalkers and similar types including Proximi are welcomed...
Players are encouraged to enter game with a large spread of skills representing modern day human beings. Characters who have been awakened for longer than 6 months should have at least one dot in Occult to reflect their age.
Characters should have attributes which are reflective of capable characters. Character sheets with attributes of one represent characters who are severely handicapped in what they can do (socially inept, physically disabled or mentally challenged) and roleplaying should reflect this.
Transport In/Out Information (threats, methods etc)
Adelaide has many methods in and out of it, Trains/Planes/Motor Vehicle. Presently there is no impediment to travel in our out of the city, pending updates to the domain style sheet or information from the Domain Storytellers office.  
Control of the forms of transport is controlled by the Domain Storyteller and changes should be developed through the venue and domain offices for integration into the domain landscape and plot.
'''Experience Awards (for a single table-top game in a calendar month)
3 - Game Attendance
2 to 3 - Downtime Submission
1 - Props and/or Costuming
2 to 3 - Real Time Role-Playing (RTR)
1 to 2 - Participating in a National Sanctioned Path and/or Order Mailing List (report necessary)
1 to 2 - Participating in a Global Sanctioned Path and/or Order Mailing List (report necessary)
'''Experience Awards (for more than one table-top game in a calendar month)
3 - Game Attendance
2 - Downtime Submission
1 - Props and/or Costuming
2 to 3 - Real Time Role-Playing (RTR)
1 to 2 - Participating in a National Sanctioned Path and/or Order Mailing List (report necessary)
1 to 2 - Participating in a Global Sanctioned Path and/or Order Mailing List (report necessary)
'''Experience Awards (for a single LARP game in a calendar month)
2 -  Game Attendance
2 -  Costuming
2 - Real Time Role-Playing (RTR)
2 - Downtime Submission
1 - Participating in a National Sanctioned Path and/or Order Mailing List (report necessary)
1 - Participating in a Global Sanctioned Path and/or Order Mailing List (report necessary)
1 - Updating and maintaining a wikipedia page
'''Experience Awards (for more than one LARP game in a calendar month)
2 - Game Attendance
2 - Costuming
2 - Real Time Role-Playing (RTR)
2 - Downtime Submission
1 - Participating in a National Sanctioned Path and/or Order Mailing List (report necessary)
1  - Participating in a Global Sanctioned Path and/or Order Mailing List (report necessary)
1 - Updating and maintaining a wikipedia page
'''Downtime Handling Procedure
Email Downtimes to vst.awakening@adelaide.beyondthesunset.org.au downtime templates can be accessed from the VST or DST.
Crossover approval limitations and Expectations, for Characters, their Activity and Backgrounds.
1. Character Activity:  Brief cross-genre soft RP that has no significant consequences on PCs (e.g. a mage PC contacts a werewolf PC to ask permission to enter the werewolf’s territory for some transitory reason). - Low Approval
2. Character Background: Cross-genre background (e.g. a vampire PC with a background tie to a werewolf character) - Mid Approval
3. Character Activity:  One-time cross-genre participation in a game of a different genre (e.g. a changeling PC attends a local Mage gathering to see if they are somehow associated with the Keepers; a werewolf PC stalks in the darkness outside Elysium in hopes of killing the vampire that enslaved his wolf-blooded cousin, etc.).  This includes hard RP. - Mid Approval
4. Character:  Permanent Genre Change – attaching a PC to a VSS of a different supernatural genre (e.g. a vampire PC attached to a Forsaken VSS).  This is High Approval with Top Notification.  See the Cross-Genre Interaction Appendix in the NWoD Universal Addendum for details and restrictions.
5. One-time cross-genre game, with permitted genres specified in the application (e.g. a game that permits both werewolves and changelings to attend in order to resolve a plot that involves both genres). - High Approval
6. Character Activity:  Permanent cross-genre participation between two genres (e.g. a Mage who regularly visits the Lost in addition to dealing with his fellow Mages). - Top Approval
7. Character Background: Interaction with unique (named) Storyteller characters or major historical figures. This approval is waived if the interaction happens as part of storyline or chronicle interaction with officers on the MST's staff. - Global Approval
8. Character Background:  Dark Points on the Map: Major historical presence.  Being a major historical figure (e.g., Joan of Arc, Benito Mussolini, etc.), having significant interactions with a historical figure (e.g., being an advisor to Catherine the Great, Rommel's aide-de-camp, being a drinking buddy to Pancho Villa), or having significant effects upon events (e.g., the secret power behind Franco's Spain, a major figure in the Petrograd Soviet). - Global Approval
Players from other genres need to realize that as with all things there are no certain outcomes and that crossing into Mage the Awakening can be very dangerous; supernatural’s entering the genre venue, do so under the risk knowing that the PC & NPC’s in Mage are generally either Mage, Or Mage Antagonists, and will likely be hostile to the unknown. Cross over will only be approved if there is a legitimate reason and incoming players are made sure they understand the risks involved.
'''Mana Acquisition
At the Start of the Session, under the guidance of the Storyteller or assistant a player rolls oblation (Gnosis + Composure or Gnosis + Resolve whichever was increased by their Awakening). A player rolls once and then once more for each dot of Hallow they have. Each success gains them a point of mana. Shared Hallows are decided via roleplay. Any Hallow rolls not used become Tass for the player or cabal to access. This Tass can be spent straight away, younger mages could be forgiven for not trusting in their own oblation powers and converting the tass from their Hallows into mana straight away.
Example: Jim the Moros wants some mana. He goes to his Hallow and spends an hour performing an oblation. With a Gnosis of 2 and Composure of 3 he has a pool of 5. He gets lucky and scores 3 points of mana. He has a Hallow of three and uses the first point to perform an oblation roll again. From this roll he gains 2 more points of mana. Rolling again he gets 0. Not wanting to risk rolling another 0 Jim simply waits for the Hallow to collect it's Tass and he gains 1 point. Jim enters the game with 6 mana. Jim would have received, after his first free roll, the same amount of mana had he simply waited for the Hallow to collect into Tass.
A character with a Legacy is given a secondary free roll.
There are a variety of different ways to collect mana and players are encouraged to explore as many of them as they can.
New characters should use the standard rules set for character creation, following the approved Global and Australian Addendas. For transferring characters, please forward characters to the DST and VST for clarification and integration into the local domain and venue.  Please include copies of downtimes if possible to give storytellers as much to work with as possible.
If you have further questions, feel free to consult the Local Storyteller.
Approval Numbers
Venue: MTA2015001001

Latest revision as of 01:23, 5 January 2018

Adelaide Awakening - Venue Style Sheet


Venue Name: A Pylon too Far (APF)
Venue Storyteller: Vanessa Lamb


Venue Coordinator: Morgan Petrie


Game Location: Glenelg North Community Centre


Adelaide Mage 1.0 VSS

City History

Adelaide Mage City Timeline