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The Asatru Motley (Name subject to confirmation by players of members) is a motley of mutual assistance against whatever the world throws at them. They are bound together as family members, and just like family members, they will bicker and fight with each other until a bigger threat comes along. The guiding principle is - don't shit where you eat.
The Asatru Motley is a motley of mutual assistance against whatever the world throws at them. They are bound together as family members, and just like family members, they will bicker and fight with each other until a bigger threat comes along. The guiding principle is - don't shit where you eat.
"Tomorrow may be the final dawn and the final dusk/
So we pay our debts, to each other and to those that we owe./
And we forgive trespasses against us that are sincere errors, especially between ourselves./
We band together against every threat, cutting off it's many heads./
If there can be no compromise we shall not run from death, we shall rise to meet it./
Change is the only constant, and all change brings us closer to the end."
- Odin proselytising new members
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*Characters not on the wiki
==Wording of Pledge==
==Wording of Pledge==

Latest revision as of 17:18, 17 October 2014

The Asatru Motley is a motley of mutual assistance against whatever the world throws at them. They are bound together as family members, and just like family members, they will bicker and fight with each other until a bigger threat comes along. The guiding principle is - don't shit where you eat.

"Tomorrow may be the final dawn and the final dusk/ So we pay our debts, to each other and to those that we owe./ And we forgive trespasses against us that are sincere errors, especially between ourselves./ We band together against every threat, cutting off it's many heads./ If there can be no compromise we shall not run from death, we shall rise to meet it./ Change is the only constant, and all change brings us closer to the end." - Odin proselytising new members


Wording of Pledge

(taken from Lost: Core directly, subject to change)

— Hand to hand we stand, and side by side. Though my brother and I may quarrel, none may quarrel with my brother and not quarrel with me. This is my oath: friendship, assistance and the blessings that come of both, until the year has spun anew. May our prosperity desert us, and our talents fail us, should we break this vow of brotherhood.

— We had our families taken from us, but now we’re family, bound by more than blood. I swear to stand by each of you as you swear to stand by me, for a year and a day, and accepting all curses that may fall on me if I lie.


  • Danger Sense merit OO
  • Subterfuge skill +O