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<!-- Character information template -->
{{Proposed PC Summary Requiem
''"I know the stories, of course, but I'm now starting to '''understand''' them. Through tribulation and sacrifice comes wisdom, however I would have much rather have just given up an eye and been done with it. There may be a metric-shit-tonne of wisdom coming my way, but if I'd known how much being burnt down to the bone would hurt, I would have opted to remain blissfully ignorant. Still, the all-father usually knows best."''
<div style="-moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #a4e271;
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border:1px solid #74b807;
/* display:inline-block; */
padding:6px 24px;
text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #528009;margin:0 auto; width:300px;">Looking for Character Ties [mailto:bts.joel@gmail.com Email me]</div>
DISCLAIMER: Unless otherwise noted, all information on this page (EXCLUDING THE FULL LINEAGE TREE) can be considered common knowledge.
<!-- Character information template, enter in details as relevant -->
<!-- Title relates to the most widely relevant title from court, clan, covenant, or other -->
<!-- Group relates to the most relevant lineage, house or coterie -->
{{Archived-PC Summary Requiem
|covenant= Covenant
|covenant=Circle of the Crone
|sire=Vilrec Langlifr
|bloodline=Pure Clan
<!-- Character image, set to 250px wide to match character block-->
Aksel lacks refinement, subtly and fear, three of the fundamental elements of a Requiem. While he is far from simple, it is rare that he takes anything other than the direct route to solving a problem. Part of this directness stems form his belief system, a devout follower of the Forn Siðr, at least as he is aware of it. The greatest honour is to fall in battle, and he and his childer have already fallen. There is little to fear when you haven't just accepted death, but have passed through it into the Halls of Valhǫll. It is not that he does not know fear, centuries of war with a Nosferatu house have made that impossible, however he sees fear as an outside force imposed upon him, and gives it no further thought. Fear is an illusion, a hang-up from a former mortal existence, nothing more. Also his night existence has been based around service and duty to family, so much of the manoeuvring and plotting so necessary in Court, Covenant, and Clan have passed him by entirely. 
'''Sire:'''  Vilrec Langlifr
'''Bloodline:''' [[Archived-Valdyr]]
'''Notable Traits:''' Aksel's flight form is that of a Raven, rather than a bat.
'''Titles:''' Liulfr / Outsider / Valkyrja
'''Coteries/Societies:''' Aksel's position within the Valdyr is a strange one, for more than a century he followed and protected the interests of the family, both mortal and immortal, moving across the globe to check on holdings and misplaced family members. Rarely staying in one place for long he often found himself alone, sometimes this was a good thing, sometimes less so. Throughout his travels, and with disturbing frequency, he would 'gift' living members of the family with the embrace. He would pick the outcasts, the black sheep, the unloved, and for a time he would have a companion. Invariably once they were strong enough to travel he would wish to move on, and more often than not they wouldn't. Whether a factor of the childer he chooses, or just because he's been a pretty crappy sire, his childer have a tendency for either fanatical loyalty, or for breaking from the family. Lots of kids, lots of disappointments, and a few upstanding members of the House. <br>
<!-- Character image, set to 250px wide -->
[[Image:Coming_Soon.gif|250px|right|link=Special:Upload|Upload your own picture and replace this section with your own]]
== Personal Information ==
Before the Volmark/Valdyr conflict was forcibly contained by the Treaty, Aksel led the Kveldúlfr (evening wolves), a small band of still-mortal warriors used against Volmark strongholds. Granted his own blood, thick with the promise of Fenris, these mortals were a viable threat to solitary neonates. Their focus was on pursuit of wounded Volmark when it would otherwise have been prevented by the coming of dawn, and the removal of fallen Valdyr from the field. Despite their advantages over normal mortals the Kveldúlfr fared poorly in direct confrontation with kindred warriors, and recruitment was limited only to those who had already provided children to the mortal lineages of the family.
==== Appearance ====
==== Personality ====
==Information Known by Kindred Society==
== Information Known by Kindred Society ==
Born into one of the living families that become Valdyr, his mortal days were spent as an accountant managing the shrinking family business in the aftermath of the collapse of the Dutch East-India company.<br>
He took a stray bullet during the Belgium war of independence (as in he was sitting at his desk doing accounts when a missed shot came in the window), and was basically embraced so that the family wouldn't lose track of their finances.<br>
In his very first night of kindred existence he immediately decided that THIS was what was meant by Valhalla.. and has lived his life as such ever since.. <br>
*''blood is the mead of the Gods, feast and be merry''
*''you are dead, and that which is dead cannot die... so enjoy your bloody self''
*''nothing wrong with torporing kindred, we're all supposed to fight, die, and fight again in the halls of the gods''
=== Timeline ===
* 2000 - Details
*'''2012''' - Shocked out of Torpor
* 2010 - Details
*'''2004''' - Retires to the country [[Armidale]]; enters first ever torpor sleep.
* 2013 - Details
*'''2003''' - Gravely injured while taking part in the Livian Crusade.
*'''1978''' - Brood War (Sydney)
*'''1975''' - The Canberra Event
*'''1970''' - Aksel embraces [[Archived-Anthony Desmond | Mr Desmond]] from the mean streets of London.
*'''1902''' - Goes in search of the 'lost' Valdyr from the first settlement of Greenland. Decides to also check in on family whaling interests along the coast as far as Alaska.
*'''1901''' - Berengaria & Aksel tussle with a Volmark by the name of Christopher Merrick[[Archived-VV001 | in The Netherlands]]
*'''1933''' - Aksel embraces [[Archived-Enid McGinn]].
*'''1894''' - Displays his newly developed shark-form to the family.
*'''1895''' - Aksel embraces Alvis.
*'''1830''' - Embraced. Injured by a stray shot during the Belgium revolution, and embraced to preserve his knowledge of the family business.
=== Recent History ===
====Recent (Game) History====
*'''2013 June''' - Run a few tasks for Price Harald<br>
*'''2013 July''' - Visit to the Brisbane court
*'''2013 October''' - Turns up at the Brisbane Conclave
*'''2013 November''' - Named Sheriff of Armidale
*'''2013 December''' - Increasingly annoyed by court minutia
*'''2014 January to February''' - Establish a more permanent base of operations within Armidale
*'''2014 March to April''' - Goes to ground investigating 'the spider' and the magical beings at 'the club'
*'''2014 May''' - Encountered both the Justicars, and an ancient befuddled Crone Hermit. Went with the hermit to determine his nature and intentions.
*'''2014 June to September''' - Returned to the old country follow up on rumours of an elder Valdyr being sighted. This is why shark form exists, and why international waters can be terrifying.
==== 2013 ====
* JUN - Details
Childe of '''Vilrec Langlifr''', ''the Nostalgic''. Grand Child of '''Hringr''', ''the Fulfilled''. Descendant of '''Hati Hróðvitnisson''', ''Sun-Eater''.<br>
* JUL - Details
Brother to '''Berengaria''', ''the Zealous''.
* AUG - Details
==== Mortal Society ====
== Lineage ==
<font color="maroon">''Only those that die in battle are worthy of Valhǫll, so those that Aksel believes worthy of becoming Einherjar must fight for their life when he comes that final time. Those that fail to fight, are fit only for food. Made men, musicians and whores have all found the will and strength to give almost as good as they've gotten, and these he now calls childer. Of course, they haven't all forgiven him for the manner of their embrace.''</font><br>
<!-- List lineage or link to lineage page -->
Sire of '''Alvis''', '''Widcke''', '''Carloine''', '''Enid''' & '''Mr Desmond'''.<br>
==== Known Childer ====
==== Known Grand-childer ====
== Quotes ==
== Quotes ==
<!-- What the characters and others have said -->
<!-- What the characters and others have said -->
==== Quotes By ====
==== Aksel Speaks ====
<!-- Quotes by the character, often about other characters -->
* "So, in your new role, you will be travelling a lot. As such I would like to offer you my services as an escort, if you were to be destroyed in your travels, my family would probably get the blame. This way I can make sure that this does not happen. Besides if I'm not allowed to kill you, no one is." - To [[Archived-Ulrich | Ulrich Volmark]] Envoy for the Prince of Brisbane<br>
* "Tell me pretty boy, you've been dead for, what, a century? Maybe more? ... and in all that time have you ever pulled that wooden cross out of your arse and ever actually had any FUN?" - to Christopher Merrick of the Lance<br>
* "was going to ask Batavia out for food and to ask her about family conflict... I say 'was', I came to, shaking in alley 50 mile away. Don't know what answer was, must remember to ask her next time I see her...."
* "some ''supreme predator'' you are!" To Bishop [[Archived-Wolfric Abendroth]] after he was one-hit KO'd in a duel.
==== Quotes About ====
==== Quotes About ====
<!-- Quotes about the character, often by other characters -->
"The charnel fervour in his warrior eyes had been replaced with a ghastly lethargy.  Where once were heard ferocious howls of battle, now but a listless baying." - [[Archived-Esteban Cortes]], remarking on the aftermath of the Livian Crusade
"Consider well your pursuit, little shield-bearer. I withdraw out of respect for the pax between our Houses, but chase for too long, and I may just let you catch me. Only one of us will enjoy that. Please, press me; I have such...wonderful...things to show you." - [[Archived-Batavia]]
The Liulfr? You do realise that he is completely and utterly bat-shit crazy don't you? Thinks he's a dead soldier living in a state of Valhalla, completely out of contact with reality. I'm not sure what's worse, that he'll cut you down with a smile, or that he'll buy you a drink when you come out of Torpor.
"No further do I have to look for shelter than behind the shield of the Liulfr." - [[Archived-Rasmus Armfelt]]
"What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father. Now fuck off." - [[Archived-Anthony Desmond]], selectively quoting Nietzsche
"Sure, I know Mr. Vinter. I know his kid Desmond as well. Right and proper bastards, the both of them. That's all you need to know." - [[Archived-Tobias Mol]]
"Aksel's a hero. A torpid one, taking respite from the world as he tries to recover - but a hero, nonetheless." - [[Archived-Eira]]
"We have never met, once I would have said that fortune has smiled on him for this. With the treaty, I now say it has smiled on me. The fools reputation proceeds him." - [[Archived-Lothar]]
"My brother has my back as I will always have his. For a century we were sometimes all the other had, and you either come out of that tied together or repulsed away- Aksel and I have taken the first road in this. He has saved my life and I have saved his, and those who threaten me get to meet my brother sooner or later. They don't always end up walking away in the best state..." - [[Archived-Berengaria Lange]]
"There is no one that treats me like Aksel does. He is light-hearted and affectionate in a way no other is. He throws his arm around me and compliments me easily, like an uncle. Perhaps that's what he thinks he is, and what I let him be. It's hard to tell with the Valdyr." - [[Archived-Fatimah al-Mu'allima]]
==== Conversations ====
==== Conversations ====
<!-- Conversations of note involving the character -->
"Well yes I sat on their head, it stopped them from doing something suicidal. That's how we show our love for each other, now quit bugging me before I show you how we demonstrate our love of disemboweling idiots." - Discussing family interactions.
''"..but we are wolves."'' - Enid <br>
''"Tis good to be the wolf, but do not get carried away. We are as far above the wolf as we are above the kine, our strength comes from family, not fang."'' - Aksel
"Rasmus! Uncle Aksel's in town!"
<br>"Truly, now, Eira?"
<br>"Yeah, we just got word. Can we hang out with him tonight?"
<br>"There's court-"
== Rumours ==
== Rumours ==
* Has an unhealthy interest in [[Archived-Batavia]].
** ''Any'' interest in [[Archived-Batavia]] is an unhealthy one.
* Has skirted the letter of the treaty, if not the intent.
* Was rather hoping that Vilrec would reject the treaty when he awoke.
* Mr Lucan completely understands and relates to Aksel's madness. This in itself is a sign that they are both exceptionally sane and calculating.
* Despite working for the former Prince at the time of his death, he has now been appointed Sheriff under a new ''Volmark'' Prince. Suspicious on so many levels.
* Having been appointed Sheriff promptly up and dissipated. New Sheriff gets appointed and there are instantly new sightings... apathy or cunning, can't tell which.
== Inspirations and Soundtrack ==
== Inspirations and Soundtrack ==
* [http://www.website.com Website]
'''Before Injury''' <br>
* [http://www.website.com Website]
* [http://www.website.com Website]
Boisterous Bruiser http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BoisterousBruiser & Spirited Competitor http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpiritedCompetitor<br>
Traces of Retired Monster http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RetiredMonster
Herger - 13th Warrior<br>
Music <br>
Dol Ammad - Thalassa Dominion Part 2<br>
Theatre of Tragedy - Hide and Seek<br>
== Status ==
== Status ==
<!-- Numbered list of status gained by the character -->
<!-- Numbered list of status gained by the character -->
==== City ====
==== City ====
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
# Acknowledge by [[Archived-Harald Gille | Prince Gilley]], March 2004 as a immigrant to the region.
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
==== Covenant  ====
==== Covenant  ====
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
OOOO Confirmed by the Circle at the Conclave of 2014
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
OOO Confirmed as a stalwart of the circle, declared Outside 1891 
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
OO Confirmed as a Valkryra of the Nordic pantheon 1884
O Initiated 1862 into the Circle
==== Clan ====
==== Clan ====
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# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
{| style="width: 100%; text-align:center;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
<!-- List of boons owed to and by the character -->
* Trivial boon owed by [[Character]] to [[Character]] for details (date).
|| [[image:Rcourt-100.png|link=Armidale Requiem]] || [[image:Rvss-100.png|link=Armidale Requiem VSS]] ||  [[image:Rarea-100px.png|link=Arm-Req-Background]]
* Major boon paid by [[Character]] to [[Character]] for details (date).
==== Reference ====
<!-- Store of information and data for future development -->
<!-- Player OOC information, can remove -->
== OOC Information ==
{{Proposed OOC Info
{{OOC Info
Held for [[Joel]]

Latest revision as of 10:25, 13 November 2017


"I know the stories, of course, but I'm now starting to understand them. Through tribulation and sacrifice comes wisdom, however I would have much rather have just given up an eye and been done with it. There may be a metric-shit-tonne of wisdom coming my way, but if I'd known how much being burnt down to the bone would hurt, I would have opted to remain blissfully ignorant. Still, the all-father usually knows best."

Looking for Character Ties Email me

DISCLAIMER: Unless otherwise noted, all information on this page (EXCLUDING THE FULL LINEAGE TREE) can be considered common knowledge.

Clan: Gangrel (Requiem) •••
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
City: Armidale ••
Title: Liulfr
Sire: Vilrec Langlifr
Bloodline: Pure Clan
Group: Valdyr
Embraced: 1830
Player: Player
Storyteller: Armidale VST

Aksel lacks refinement, subtly and fear, three of the fundamental elements of a Requiem. While he is far from simple, it is rare that he takes anything other than the direct route to solving a problem. Part of this directness stems form his belief system, a devout follower of the Forn Siðr, at least as he is aware of it. The greatest honour is to fall in battle, and he and his childer have already fallen. There is little to fear when you haven't just accepted death, but have passed through it into the Halls of Valhǫll. It is not that he does not know fear, centuries of war with a Nosferatu house have made that impossible, however he sees fear as an outside force imposed upon him, and gives it no further thought. Fear is an illusion, a hang-up from a former mortal existence, nothing more. Also his night existence has been based around service and duty to family, so much of the manoeuvring and plotting so necessary in Court, Covenant, and Clan have passed him by entirely.

Sire: Vilrec Langlifr

Bloodline: Archived-Valdyr

Notable Traits: Aksel's flight form is that of a Raven, rather than a bat.

Titles: Liulfr / Outsider / Valkyrja

Coteries/Societies: Aksel's position within the Valdyr is a strange one, for more than a century he followed and protected the interests of the family, both mortal and immortal, moving across the globe to check on holdings and misplaced family members. Rarely staying in one place for long he often found himself alone, sometimes this was a good thing, sometimes less so. Throughout his travels, and with disturbing frequency, he would 'gift' living members of the family with the embrace. He would pick the outcasts, the black sheep, the unloved, and for a time he would have a companion. Invariably once they were strong enough to travel he would wish to move on, and more often than not they wouldn't. Whether a factor of the childer he chooses, or just because he's been a pretty crappy sire, his childer have a tendency for either fanatical loyalty, or for breaking from the family. Lots of kids, lots of disappointments, and a few upstanding members of the House.

Before the Volmark/Valdyr conflict was forcibly contained by the Treaty, Aksel led the Kveldúlfr (evening wolves), a small band of still-mortal warriors used against Volmark strongholds. Granted his own blood, thick with the promise of Fenris, these mortals were a viable threat to solitary neonates. Their focus was on pursuit of wounded Volmark when it would otherwise have been prevented by the coming of dawn, and the removal of fallen Valdyr from the field. Despite their advantages over normal mortals the Kveldúlfr fared poorly in direct confrontation with kindred warriors, and recruitment was limited only to those who had already provided children to the mortal lineages of the family.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Born into one of the living families that become Valdyr, his mortal days were spent as an accountant managing the shrinking family business in the aftermath of the collapse of the Dutch East-India company.
He took a stray bullet during the Belgium war of independence (as in he was sitting at his desk doing accounts when a missed shot came in the window), and was basically embraced so that the family wouldn't lose track of their finances.
In his very first night of kindred existence he immediately decided that THIS was what was meant by Valhalla.. and has lived his life as such ever since..

  • blood is the mead of the Gods, feast and be merry
  • you are dead, and that which is dead cannot die... so enjoy your bloody self
  • nothing wrong with torporing kindred, we're all supposed to fight, die, and fight again in the halls of the gods


  • 2012 - Shocked out of Torpor
  • 2004 - Retires to the country Armidale; enters first ever torpor sleep.
  • 2003 - Gravely injured while taking part in the Livian Crusade.
  • 1978 - Brood War (Sydney)
  • 1975 - The Canberra Event
  • 1970 - Aksel embraces Mr Desmond from the mean streets of London.
  • 1902 - Goes in search of the 'lost' Valdyr from the first settlement of Greenland. Decides to also check in on family whaling interests along the coast as far as Alaska.
  • 1901 - Berengaria & Aksel tussle with a Volmark by the name of Christopher Merrick in The Netherlands
  • 1933 - Aksel embraces Archived-Enid McGinn.
  • 1894 - Displays his newly developed shark-form to the family.
  • 1895 - Aksel embraces Alvis.
  • 1830 - Embraced. Injured by a stray shot during the Belgium revolution, and embraced to preserve his knowledge of the family business.

Recent (Game) History

  • 2013 June - Run a few tasks for Price Harald
  • 2013 July - Visit to the Brisbane court
  • 2013 October - Turns up at the Brisbane Conclave
  • 2013 November - Named Sheriff of Armidale
  • 2013 December - Increasingly annoyed by court minutia
  • 2014 January to February - Establish a more permanent base of operations within Armidale
  • 2014 March to April - Goes to ground investigating 'the spider' and the magical beings at 'the club'
  • 2014 May - Encountered both the Justicars, and an ancient befuddled Crone Hermit. Went with the hermit to determine his nature and intentions.
  • 2014 June to September - Returned to the old country follow up on rumours of an elder Valdyr being sighted. This is why shark form exists, and why international waters can be terrifying.


Childe of Vilrec Langlifr, the Nostalgic. Grand Child of Hringr, the Fulfilled. Descendant of Hati Hróðvitnisson, Sun-Eater.
Brother to Berengaria, the Zealous.

Only those that die in battle are worthy of Valhǫll, so those that Aksel believes worthy of becoming Einherjar must fight for their life when he comes that final time. Those that fail to fight, are fit only for food. Made men, musicians and whores have all found the will and strength to give almost as good as they've gotten, and these he now calls childer. Of course, they haven't all forgiven him for the manner of their embrace.
Sire of Alvis, Widcke, Carloine, Enid & Mr Desmond.



Aksel Speaks

  • "So, in your new role, you will be travelling a lot. As such I would like to offer you my services as an escort, if you were to be destroyed in your travels, my family would probably get the blame. This way I can make sure that this does not happen. Besides if I'm not allowed to kill you, no one is." - To Ulrich Volmark Envoy for the Prince of Brisbane
  • "Tell me pretty boy, you've been dead for, what, a century? Maybe more? ... and in all that time have you ever pulled that wooden cross out of your arse and ever actually had any FUN?" - to Christopher Merrick of the Lance
  • "was going to ask Batavia out for food and to ask her about family conflict... I say 'was', I came to, shaking in alley 50 mile away. Don't know what answer was, must remember to ask her next time I see her...."

Quotes About

"The charnel fervour in his warrior eyes had been replaced with a ghastly lethargy. Where once were heard ferocious howls of battle, now but a listless baying." - Archived-Esteban Cortes, remarking on the aftermath of the Livian Crusade

"Consider well your pursuit, little shield-bearer. I withdraw out of respect for the pax between our Houses, but chase for too long, and I may just let you catch me. Only one of us will enjoy that. Please, press me; I have such...wonderful...things to show you." - Archived-Batavia

The Liulfr? You do realise that he is completely and utterly bat-shit crazy don't you? Thinks he's a dead soldier living in a state of Valhalla, completely out of contact with reality. I'm not sure what's worse, that he'll cut you down with a smile, or that he'll buy you a drink when you come out of Torpor.

"No further do I have to look for shelter than behind the shield of the Liulfr." - Archived-Rasmus Armfelt

"What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father. Now fuck off." - Archived-Anthony Desmond, selectively quoting Nietzsche

"Sure, I know Mr. Vinter. I know his kid Desmond as well. Right and proper bastards, the both of them. That's all you need to know." - Archived-Tobias Mol

"Aksel's a hero. A torpid one, taking respite from the world as he tries to recover - but a hero, nonetheless." - Archived-Eira

"We have never met, once I would have said that fortune has smiled on him for this. With the treaty, I now say it has smiled on me. The fools reputation proceeds him." - Archived-Lothar

"My brother has my back as I will always have his. For a century we were sometimes all the other had, and you either come out of that tied together or repulsed away- Aksel and I have taken the first road in this. He has saved my life and I have saved his, and those who threaten me get to meet my brother sooner or later. They don't always end up walking away in the best state..." - Archived-Berengaria Lange

"There is no one that treats me like Aksel does. He is light-hearted and affectionate in a way no other is. He throws his arm around me and compliments me easily, like an uncle. Perhaps that's what he thinks he is, and what I let him be. It's hard to tell with the Valdyr." - Archived-Fatimah al-Mu'allima


"Well yes I sat on their head, it stopped them from doing something suicidal. That's how we show our love for each other, now quit bugging me before I show you how we demonstrate our love of disemboweling idiots." - Discussing family interactions.

"..but we are wolves." - Enid
"Tis good to be the wolf, but do not get carried away. We are as far above the wolf as we are above the kine, our strength comes from family, not fang." - Aksel

"Rasmus! Uncle Aksel's in town!"
"Truly, now, Eira?"
"Yeah, we just got word. Can we hang out with him tonight?"
"There's court-"


  • Has an unhealthy interest in Archived-Batavia.
  • Has skirted the letter of the treaty, if not the intent.
  • Was rather hoping that Vilrec would reject the treaty when he awoke.
  • Mr Lucan completely understands and relates to Aksel's madness. This in itself is a sign that they are both exceptionally sane and calculating.
  • Despite working for the former Prince at the time of his death, he has now been appointed Sheriff under a new Volmark Prince. Suspicious on so many levels.
  • Having been appointed Sheriff promptly up and dissipated. New Sheriff gets appointed and there are instantly new sightings... apathy or cunning, can't tell which.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

Before Injury
Boisterous Bruiser http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BoisterousBruiser & Spirited Competitor http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpiritedCompetitor
Traces of Retired Monster http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RetiredMonster

Herger - 13th Warrior

Dol Ammad - Thalassa Dominion Part 2
Theatre of Tragedy - Hide and Seek



  1. Acknowledge by Prince Gilley, March 2004 as a immigrant to the region.


OOOO Confirmed by the Circle at the Conclave of 2014 OOO Confirmed as a stalwart of the circle, declared Outside 1891 OO Confirmed as a Valkryra of the Nordic pantheon 1884 O Initiated 1862 into the Circle


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.
Rcourt-100.png Rvss-100.png Rarea-100px.png

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Joel
Number: AU2001100365
Domain: Armidale