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<div class="center" style="width:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"><span style="font-family: Charlemagne Std; font-size: 12pt">'''Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?'''
<div class="center" style="width:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"><span style="font-family: Charlemagne Std; font-size: 12pt">'''When you stare into the Darkness, sometimes it stares back....'''
'''None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?'''  
<div style="text-align:right;">'''JOB 41:1-34'''</div><br>
<div style="text-align:right;">''' - Nietzsche on his death bed'''</div><br>
=<font face="Charlemagne Std">House Profile</font>=
=<font face="Charlemagne Std">House Profile</font>=
'''Clan:''' Nosferatu
'''Clan:''' Mekhet
'''Founder:''' Marius The Fruitful
'''Current Heads:'''
*[[Archived-Drake Grimm]] "The Broker"
*[[Archived-Sakura Grimm]] The Knife in the Dark
'''Words:''' The Darkness Sees All...
'''Sigil:''' Black mirror image trees on a grey sky, forming the Yin and Yang symbol.
'''Themes:''' Knowledge, Redemption, Family
'''Primary Covenants''': Invictus, Ordo Dracul, Carthian
=<font face="Charlemagne Std">About the Grimm Family</font>=
'''''About House Grimm'''''
'''Founder:''' Godomar the Frank
House Grimm is a noble Mekhet lineage comprised predominantly of Invictus, Lancea Sanctum and Ordo Dracul. This proud family believes that their bloodline originated when their progenitor, Marius Grimm, was embraced by The Reaper of Death himself.
'''Current Head:''' [[Godric Volmark]]
Marius did as he was commanded by the Reaper and created a powerful but small family out of Florentine nobles. The family emerged from obscurity in Europe around 1280 AD and quickly came to power as the main players in the White Guelph political power in Florence. The White Guelphs were a political alliance that were opposed to papal power meddling in politics and was involved in complex opposition to the Ghibellines, who were backed by the Holy Roman Emperor.
'''Words:''' Terror Will Rise
Marius grew in power and wealth in the Florentine court, known as a wise but strange man that kept late hours and slept the day away, but small things such as this could be forgiven of the rich and powerful. Marius wanted to stretch the Grimm bloodline as far as possible, but to do that needed wealth. His gambling ways still hung with him so as much as he would gain he would eventually lose.
'''Sigil:''' Black Leviathan on Red Field
So to try and increase his wealth, he told his retainers to go and ravage the Conte Guido Novello, home of his rival Arezzo, and to sack the fortified palace called Bibbiena Civitella. When the Arentine forces heard of the sacking, they quickly assembled an army and marched out to counter the threat.
'''Themes:''' Redemption, Fear, Conquest
The ensuing battle became known as the Battle of Campaldino and despite heavy losses (most notably all of Marius's childer) it secured Guelph dominance in Florence, though internecine fighting among the White and Black Florentine Guelphs resulted in wide spread civic disturbances and the exile of many, including notable medieval Italian poet Dante Alighieri and sadly, Marius.
'''Primary Covenants''': Lancea Sanctum, Invictus
Marius, though still wealthy was in exile and decided to travel the world, assembling a new family from talented kine in different nations. The result of which is the modern incarnation of the Grimm family. Marius after many centuries in service to the reaper decided to fall into torpor to avoid having to feed off his family for sustenance. Though the modern family is based originally in Europe, they have recently come to Australia because of the political climate to expand their reach.
=<font face="Charlemagne Std">Soul of the Leviathan</font>=
[[Image:the destruction of the leviathan.png|200px|right]]
'''''About the House Volmak'''''
House Volmark is a noble Nosferatu lineage comprised predominantly of Invictus and Lancea Sanctum. This proud household came to power during the Caroloingain Renaissance in the late 8th Century Europe. It began in the Nobility of the Frankish courts (in modern day Germany), but has since spread across the European continent and into the Middle East, the Americas, Asia and Australasia.
=<font face="Charlemagne Std">Origins of House Grimm</font>=
House Volmark embraces those who were born into greatness but were stricken by tragedy. More often these mortals are undone by their own pride. The Household believes that when a powerful man loses everything he faces his greatest fears. It is though this terror and the fear of God that the descendants of house Volmark are taught to achieve greatness once more in death.
The story goes that the year 1100 AD, Marius was on the road between Italy and Florence, returning home to his Florentine family to recoup his losses and return to the fold after losing his personal fortune in his ongoing relationship with Gambling.  
This household has a strong neo-catholic religious bent and nearly all its members are devout to God and the teachings of the Lancea Sanctum. Those of a more political or economic bent tend to value exploration and the conquest of land spreading fear as they go.  
As night approached, he made camp beside the forest in sight of the road. He settled himself on a large log and began to build a fire to protect himself from the chilling cold that was seeping into his bones. As he was trying to get the fire started, a poisonous Asp, slinked out of the log, its rest disturbed by Marius, and bit him. In those days, the road was dangerous and lonely, another caravan might not come down this road for days, maybe even weeks, so Marius knew that this spelt death for him. He crawled to a large Hollow tree and propped himself up on it so that at the very least, he wouldn't need to meet death on his back.  
The Lords of house Volmark have learnt the value of vassalage and household allegiances. For this reason, over the years they have taken on a number Vampiric wards from other prestigious houses. If a Kindred’s devotion and ambition is strong enough these Non-Nosferatu wards can sometimes find their way into the ranks of House Volmark.
No sooner had this thought crossed his mind than a clicking, wheezing chuckle sounded behind his back, within the hollowed out tree. "Oh so you wish to meet death with your honour intact do you?" The wheezing voice intoned close to his ear. "Well my Marius, you have met death now. Where is your your brave face, hmmmmm?"
=<font face="Charlemagne Std">Body of the Leviathan</font>=
Marius felt a cold almost skeletal hand grip him on the shoulder to bring Marius's ear closer to the voice. "You have impressed me little one, tell me...do you long for death? What would you give to escape your death and remain here?"
'''''The members of House Volmark'''''
=<font face="Charlemagne Std">Wrath of the Leviathan</font>=
Marius's strength was now being sapped from his limbs by the potent poison of the asp, he weakly whispered to the creature behind him, "I would give much to escape death, but not all."
[[Image:Leviathan and Wolf.jpg|200px|right]]
''Relations with Other Lineages groups ect.''
====The Leviathan and the Wolf - House Volmark and House Valdyr====
The creature behind him wheezed "I am the reaper, and I will bargain you for your life, If you serve me for as long as you walk this earth, I will save you. You will be turned into an eternal creature in service to me.
Since as long as any one can remember house Volmark and house Valdyr have been adversaries if not at open war with one another.
With Marius's last breath, as the poison was pushing him off the mortal coil, he whispered "Yes"
Kindred Histories have speculate a number of causes for this conflict. Some suggest that it can be traced right back to heroic origins of the Houses and an enmity between Godomar the Frank and Hróðvitnir of mythic proportions. Other suggestions have drawn parallels between the Leviathan of house Volmark's and Jörmungandr with House Valdyr representing either the wolf Fenrir or Thor, who fought in many battles against the world serpent. Similar comparisons have made reference to Chritian theology with the Leviathan representing the monstrous, overt evil and the wolf in sheep's clothing representing the evil that denies it's damnation.
Other sources protest these theories disputing that the reality of the conflict stemmed from a much more mundane collision of two competing powerful groups. This school of through references the various clashes between Germanic Christians and Pagan Norsmen. Clashes between the Carolingian Empire and the Viking tribes could have been the first point of conflict between the two groups and relates well to the sources that suggest Godomar was a vassal of Charles the Great.  
With that, the reaper dragged him deep inside the tree hollow, sank his fangs into Marius's neck and drank deep of his poisoned blood. Then lifting its arm to Marius's mouth he  let a drop of black oozing blood into Marius' mouth.  
Despite the true origin of the conflict it is well known that the two houses have fought against each other in numerous battles, some of which extended through mortal conflicts such as the counter reformation, the seven years war, the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War, the Opium Wars, the Franco-Prussian War and World War One.  
Marius, now embraced as a vampire, awoke and turned to look at his saviour, to find himself looking at a cowled skeletal figure holding a hand scythe. The Reaper wheezed "You are now a vampire, a member of the bloodline of death and sleep. I ask of you now to undertake the first of many services to me, create a powerful bloodline, one that acts in balance with each other, neither evil nor just, neither greedy nor foolish."
During the 20thC the Treaty of Fang a Fear was signed by the active elders of both Houses. The treaty promoted a peace pact between the two groups and has since not been breached. Conflicts have come to a cease fire between the two Houses, some accredit this to a new modernised western world, others suggest it was the will of powerful elders pulling the string.
Marius stayed in the tree hollow for three nights, learning the ways of Kindred society and what the reaper called "The Secrets of Death and Entropy". When he emerged from the tree hollow, he walked towards the nearest town, ready to serve the reaper and create a powerful bloodline.
The following is a recent version of the Pax -
<div style="border:1px solid #999; margin:0 2em;padding:2em 4em;box-shadow:4px 4px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);">
=<font face="Charlemagne Std">Genealogy of the Grimm Family</font>=
''Unto the blood of House Volmark and House Valdyr and to those that would treat with them is the following declaration made.''
'''''The members of House Grimm'''''
''There now exists a Pax of Fear and Fang. As with the Traditions and all statements of import, let there be clarity and simplicity that none may misinterpret these words. Henceforth; Kindred of House Volmark and House Valdyr shall not commit Violence against one another. Violence against the signatories shall be punished by the head of the transgressors family.''
''This Pax is bound in Prestation so that none can force them to do otherwise.''
''Where disputes over these terms arises including but not limited to what constitutes as violence, who is considered a member of the Houses and the details of Prestation they are to be resolved by the Head of the House Volmark their named successor, the Head of the House Valdyr or their named successor and the Judex of this Pax;(titles) Aurialanus or his named successor.''
=<font face="Charlemagne Std">The Grimm Family throughout History</font>=
''''''Timeline of Major Events''''''
Timeline of House Grimm & (Possibly significant) Historical Events
<font face="Charlemagne Std"> 1100 - 1200's</font>
:1112 – Marius is born into the proud Grimm House, a rich mortal family that made it's fortune in Trading and Shipping.
:1143 - Marius makes a series of bad decisions and bets with his gambling and looses his personal fortune, deciding to return to his family in shame, hoping to live off their generosity until he is back on his feet.
:1143 - Marius is bitten by a snake on the journey back to his family and is embraced by "The Reaper of Death"
:1143 - Marius is commanded to create a bloodline by the reaper
:1254 - Marius shows up in Florence with a large amount of personal wealth.
:1259 - Marius starts to embrace Childer from the nobles of Florence.
:1275 - Marius is accepted into the White Guelph political power in Florence and begins to make it his own
:1280 - Marius controls most of the White Guelph through political power, money and catspaws
:1289 - Marius tells his retainers to go and ravage the Conte Guido Novello, and the fortified palace of Bibbiena Civitella to steal it's wealth.
:1289 - The Arentine forces hear of the sacking and quickly assemble an army and march out to counter the threat.
:1289 - The Battle of Campaldino in which Marius's Childer are all killed.
''Alder Godric Volmark Earl of Aachen, Meister of the Leviathan (Guild of the Octopus), Lord Paramount of House Volmark, Summus Hospitalarius of the Order of the Black Cross''<br>
:''- His Successor Alder Batavia Volmark Senator, Lady Volmark, Alpha Childe of Godric Volmark, "Countess" (Earl) of the Undercity, Summus Marescalcus of the Order of the Black Cross''
''War-chief Berengaria Valdyr''<br>
:''- Her Successor xxxx''
''Marquis Primus Battuo Aurialanus, The Pendragon, Master Sydney's Elysia, Judex and Covenant Head of the assembled Invictus of Australia.''<br>
<font face="Charlemagne Std"> 1300 - 1500's</font>
:''- His Successor xxxx''
An alternate wording exists:  
:1301 - Marius along with a number of member of the White Guelph political party are exiled from Florence.
:1302 - Marius decides to embrace from different countries and expand the bloodline beyond Florence.
:1359 - Marius liquidates all his wealth and begins his travels around the world setting up the family.
<div style="border:1px solid #999; margin:0 2em;padding:2em 4em;box-shadow:4px 4px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);">
Unto the blood of House Volmark and House Valdyr and to those that would treat with them is the following declaration made.
There now exists a Pax of Fear and Fang.
As with the Traditions and all statements of import, let there be clarity and simplicity that none may misinterpret these words.
<font face="Charlemagne Std"> 1600 - 1900's</font>
Henceforth; Kindred House Volmark and House Valdyr shall not commit Violence against one another or the Judex of this Pax.
:1604 - Marius meets Drake and embraces him
:1815 - Netherlands Marius finds a dying girl Sakura on the street with one eye in tact he see's she is far from home, Japan he embraces/ saves  her and teaches her the way of the western world they become lovers for a time.
Violence against the signatories lines shall be punished by the head of the transgressors family.
This Pax is bound in Prestation so that none can force them to do otherwise.
Where dispute over these terms arises including but not limited to; what constitutes Violence, who is considered a member of the Houses and the details of Prestation are to be resolved by the Head of the House Volmark or their named successor, the Head of the House Valdyr or their named successor and the Judex of this Pax or his named successor.
<font face="Charlemagne Std"> 1900 - Current</font>
Differences in the versions may be attributable to the original being prepared in multiple languages and then being translated at different times.
:2014 - Drake and Sakura decide to move the family to Australia after reports from some of their childer living there about the state of the court and the country.
:2014 - Using their vampiric contacts they find out that the territory for the Mekhet is Milton and get their retainers to organise a suitable haven.
:2014: - Using the families expansive resources they buy a 10 story ex government building in Milton, changing the ground level into an upper class dance club and restaurant called "The Trees Hollow" and extensively renovating it to be sophisticated and modern.
=<font face="Charlemagne Std"> Journey of the Leviathan</font>=
''''''Timeline of Major Events''''''
Timeline of House Volmark & (Possibly significant) Historical Events
<font face="Charlemagne Std"> 700's</font>
:749 – Pepin the Short is crowned King of the Franks
:750 -880 (Aprox) - Carolingian Renaissance
:Godomar the Frank Embraced
:770’s Charles the Great anoints his legendary Paladins, Godomar is among them
:House Volmark is Formed
<font face="Charlemagne Std"> 800's</font>
[[Image:Kights vs Vikings.jpg|300px|right]]
=<font face="Charlemagne Std">Contact Information</font>=
:800 – Charlemagne is Crowned Holly Roman Emperor
:802 - Godomar is sent on a legendary conquest against the Vikings
<div style="-moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #a4e271;
:804 – Saxons Finally Conquered by Charlemagne
-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #a4e271;
:843 – Carolingian Empire is divided into West Francia (France) and East Fancia (Germany).
box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #a4e271;
:870 - Treaty of Mersen divides the Carolingian Empire further Lothar II receives the Rhielands
background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #89c403), color-stop(1, #77a809) );
background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #89c403 5%, #77a809 100% );
border:1px solid #74b807;
/* display:inline-block; */
padding:6px 24px;
text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #528009;margin:0 auto; width:300px;">Want to Become Part of the Grimm Family? [mailto:matthew_martin1986@hotmail.com Email me]</div>
'''Show your allegiance to House Grimm!'''
* [https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/214753170/green-black-tree-of-life-ying-yang?ref=shop_home_active_5 Get your own House Grimm Sigil Here]
* Join the House Grimm Group on [[Image:facebook_logo.png | link=https://www.facebook.com/groups/668723696569297/]]

Latest revision as of 12:20, 13 December 2017

In the shadows by evil1903.jpg

When you stare into the Darkness, sometimes it stares back....

- Nietzsche on his death bed

House Profile


Clan: Mekhet

Founder: Marius The Fruitful

Current Heads:

Words: The Darkness Sees All...

Sigil: Black mirror image trees on a grey sky, forming the Yin and Yang symbol.

Themes: Knowledge, Redemption, Family

Primary Covenants: Invictus, Ordo Dracul, Carthian

About the Grimm Family


About House Grimm

House Grimm is a noble Mekhet lineage comprised predominantly of Invictus, Lancea Sanctum and Ordo Dracul. This proud family believes that their bloodline originated when their progenitor, Marius Grimm, was embraced by The Reaper of Death himself.

Marius did as he was commanded by the Reaper and created a powerful but small family out of Florentine nobles. The family emerged from obscurity in Europe around 1280 AD and quickly came to power as the main players in the White Guelph political power in Florence. The White Guelphs were a political alliance that were opposed to papal power meddling in politics and was involved in complex opposition to the Ghibellines, who were backed by the Holy Roman Emperor.

Marius grew in power and wealth in the Florentine court, known as a wise but strange man that kept late hours and slept the day away, but small things such as this could be forgiven of the rich and powerful. Marius wanted to stretch the Grimm bloodline as far as possible, but to do that needed wealth. His gambling ways still hung with him so as much as he would gain he would eventually lose.

So to try and increase his wealth, he told his retainers to go and ravage the Conte Guido Novello, home of his rival Arezzo, and to sack the fortified palace called Bibbiena Civitella. When the Arentine forces heard of the sacking, they quickly assembled an army and marched out to counter the threat.

The ensuing battle became known as the Battle of Campaldino and despite heavy losses (most notably all of Marius's childer) it secured Guelph dominance in Florence, though internecine fighting among the White and Black Florentine Guelphs resulted in wide spread civic disturbances and the exile of many, including notable medieval Italian poet Dante Alighieri and sadly, Marius.

Marius, though still wealthy was in exile and decided to travel the world, assembling a new family from talented kine in different nations. The result of which is the modern incarnation of the Grimm family. Marius after many centuries in service to the reaper decided to fall into torpor to avoid having to feed off his family for sustenance. Though the modern family is based originally in Europe, they have recently come to Australia because of the political climate to expand their reach.

Origins of House Grimm


The story goes that the year 1100 AD, Marius was on the road between Italy and Florence, returning home to his Florentine family to recoup his losses and return to the fold after losing his personal fortune in his ongoing relationship with Gambling.

As night approached, he made camp beside the forest in sight of the road. He settled himself on a large log and began to build a fire to protect himself from the chilling cold that was seeping into his bones. As he was trying to get the fire started, a poisonous Asp, slinked out of the log, its rest disturbed by Marius, and bit him. In those days, the road was dangerous and lonely, another caravan might not come down this road for days, maybe even weeks, so Marius knew that this spelt death for him. He crawled to a large Hollow tree and propped himself up on it so that at the very least, he wouldn't need to meet death on his back.

No sooner had this thought crossed his mind than a clicking, wheezing chuckle sounded behind his back, within the hollowed out tree. "Oh so you wish to meet death with your honour intact do you?" The wheezing voice intoned close to his ear. "Well my Marius, you have met death now. Where is your your brave face, hmmmmm?"

Marius felt a cold almost skeletal hand grip him on the shoulder to bring Marius's ear closer to the voice. "You have impressed me little one, tell me...do you long for death? What would you give to escape your death and remain here?"

Marius's strength was now being sapped from his limbs by the potent poison of the asp, he weakly whispered to the creature behind him, "I would give much to escape death, but not all."

The creature behind him wheezed "I am the reaper, and I will bargain you for your life, If you serve me for as long as you walk this earth, I will save you. You will be turned into an eternal creature in service to me.

With Marius's last breath, as the poison was pushing him off the mortal coil, he whispered "Yes"

With that, the reaper dragged him deep inside the tree hollow, sank his fangs into Marius's neck and drank deep of his poisoned blood. Then lifting its arm to Marius's mouth he let a drop of black oozing blood into Marius' mouth.

Marius, now embraced as a vampire, awoke and turned to look at his saviour, to find himself looking at a cowled skeletal figure holding a hand scythe. The Reaper wheezed "You are now a vampire, a member of the bloodline of death and sleep. I ask of you now to undertake the first of many services to me, create a powerful bloodline, one that acts in balance with each other, neither evil nor just, neither greedy nor foolish."

Marius stayed in the tree hollow for three nights, learning the ways of Kindred society and what the reaper called "The Secrets of Death and Entropy". When he emerged from the tree hollow, he walked towards the nearest town, ready to serve the reaper and create a powerful bloodline.

Genealogy of the Grimm Family

The members of House Grimm

The Reaper of Death - Unknown Kindred

Wards of House Grimm

The Grimm Family throughout History


'Timeline of Major Events' Timeline of House Grimm & (Possibly significant) Historical Events

1100 - 1200's

1112 – Marius is born into the proud Grimm House, a rich mortal family that made it's fortune in Trading and Shipping.
1143 - Marius makes a series of bad decisions and bets with his gambling and looses his personal fortune, deciding to return to his family in shame, hoping to live off their generosity until he is back on his feet.
1143 - Marius is bitten by a snake on the journey back to his family and is embraced by "The Reaper of Death"
1143 - Marius is commanded to create a bloodline by the reaper
1254 - Marius shows up in Florence with a large amount of personal wealth.
1259 - Marius starts to embrace Childer from the nobles of Florence.
1275 - Marius is accepted into the White Guelph political power in Florence and begins to make it his own
1280 - Marius controls most of the White Guelph through political power, money and catspaws
1289 - Marius tells his retainers to go and ravage the Conte Guido Novello, and the fortified palace of Bibbiena Civitella to steal it's wealth.
1289 - The Arentine forces hear of the sacking and quickly assemble an army and march out to counter the threat.
1289 - The Battle of Campaldino in which Marius's Childer are all killed.

1300 - 1500's

1301 - Marius along with a number of member of the White Guelph political party are exiled from Florence.
1302 - Marius decides to embrace from different countries and expand the bloodline beyond Florence.
1359 - Marius liquidates all his wealth and begins his travels around the world setting up the family.

1600 - 1900's

1604 - Marius meets Drake and embraces him
1815 - Netherlands Marius finds a dying girl Sakura on the street with one eye in tact he see's she is far from home, Japan he embraces/ saves her and teaches her the way of the western world they become lovers for a time.

1900 - Current

2014 - Drake and Sakura decide to move the family to Australia after reports from some of their childer living there about the state of the court and the country.
2014 - Using their vampiric contacts they find out that the territory for the Mekhet is Milton and get their retainers to organise a suitable haven.
2014: - Using the families expansive resources they buy a 10 story ex government building in Milton, changing the ground level into an upper class dance club and restaurant called "The Trees Hollow" and extensively renovating it to be sophisticated and modern.

Contact Information

Want to Become Part of the Grimm Family? Email me

Show your allegiance to House Grimm!