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* The Consilium's Ruling Council is the law-making body of the Consilium, all mages of the Consilium must abide by their rulings.
* The Consilium's Ruling Council is the law-making body of the Consilium, all mages of the Consilium must abide by their rulings.
* The Hierarch has the right of tie-breaking should the Ruling Council fail to arrive at a decision on a matter it has put to a vote.
* The Hierarch has the right of tie-breaking should the Ruling Council fail to arrive at a decision on a matter it has put to a vote.
== Lex Magicus Precepts ==
== Lex Magicus Precepts ==
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In addition to the standard precepts, the Consilium of Canberra has also expressed the following legal precept:
In addition to the standard precepts, the Consilium of Canberra has also expressed the following legal precept:
* '''Caucus:''' the idea that no one individual should have sole authority in certain kinds of rulings over other Consilium members.  In particular, issues of emeritus and punishment have been clearly defined as being off limits to any one individual's judgement.
* '''Caucus:''' the idea that no one individual should have sole authority in certain kinds of rulings over other Consilium members.  In particular, issues of punishment have been clearly defined as being off limits to any one individual's judgement, with Emeritus being hazily defined as under this umbrella as well.
== Gold Law ==
== Gold Law ==
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* The lesser right of dueling
* The lesser right of dueling
* The rights of Order titles and privileges
* The rights of Order titles and privileges
== Silver Law ==
== Silver Law ==
* '''Charter Clarification:''' The Heirarch has no right to make a decision for the Council, even if approached by a member from a different consillium and asked to make a decision by them.
'''Charter Clarification:''' The Heirarch has no right to make a decision for the Council, even if approached by a member from a different consillium and asked to make a decision by them.
{| class="wikitable floatright" width="300"
! The Kyū
| The Ruling Council has elected to replace the traditional Tetragrammaton with a nine-tier punishment system system:
'''Minor Reprimand'''
: The guilty party is formally stated to have committed a wrongdoing, and their transgression is declared to the Consilium.
'''Major Reprimand'''
: The Consilium is instructed to limit their assistance to the guilty party.
'''Payment of Debt'''
: The guilty party is declared to owe a debt, usually in the form of a favor, act or deed.
'''Minor Penance'''
: The guilty party is required to perform an act in service to the Consilium.
'''Major Penance'''
: The guilty party is required to perform a risky or dangerous act for the benefit of the Consilium.
'''Severe Reprimand'''
: The Consilium is instructed not to aid the offending mage.  Offering or providing assistance to such a mage merits the same punishment.
'''Conditional Banishment'''
: The guilty party is banished from the city until a specific task is achieved or a nominated time period has elapsed.
'''Permanent Banishment'''
: The guilty party is banished from the city in perpetuity.
: The guilty party is sealed within their own body, and stored in safekeeping so that they cannot threaten anyone.
=== Rights ===
=== Rights ===
* '''Decree:''' The Right of Nemesis is denied to all mages within the city of Canberra.
'''Decree:''' The Right of Nemesis is denied to all mages within the city of Canberra.
: '''Discussion Notes:'''
: '''Discussion Notes:'''
:# The Council agreed that, in Canberra, any scenario involving a mage needing to justify their behaviour by citing Nemesis Protocols would risk the safety of mages outside the Nemesis conflict, and thus invalidate the claim.  And any behaviour not needed to be justified with Nemesis Protocols do not require their invocation.  Ergo, invoking Nemesis is tantamount to a breach of Nemesis.
:# The Ruling Council agreed that, in Canberra, any scenario involving a mage needing to justify their behaviour by citing Nemesis Protocols would risk the safety of mages outside the Nemesis conflict, and thus invalidate the claim.  And any behaviour not needed to be justified with Nemesis Protocols do not require their invocation.  Ergo, invoking Nemesis is tantamount to a breach of Nemesis.
:# The Council also voiced agreement with the sentiment that enshrining Nemesis justifies "mutual belligerent cockbaggery" which is not conducive to wise action.
:# The Ruling Council also voiced agreement with the sentiment that enshrining Nemesis justifies "mutual belligerent cockbaggery" which is not conducive to wise action.
:# The Council acknowledged that Nemesis conflicts may occur with cabals and mages of other cities, but holds that such conflicts need to be suspended within the territories of Canberra.
:# The Ruling Council acknowledged that Nemesis conflicts may occur with cabals and mages of other cities, but holds that such conflicts need to be suspended within the territories of Canberra.
* '''Decree:''' The Ruling Council acknowledges a "right of scavenging" which may be invoked as follows:
'''Decree:''' The Ruling Council acknowledges a "right of scavenging" which may be invoked as follows:
::* In public Consilium managed expeditions, all recovered items shall be distributed by judgement of the Ruling Council.
::* In public Consilium managed expeditions, all recovered items shall be distributed by judgement of the Ruling Council.
::* In privately managed expeditions distribution of the recovered items shall be solely managed by the participants of said expedition.
::* In privately managed expeditions distribution of the recovered items shall be solely managed by the participants of said expedition.
: '''Discussion Notes:'''
: '''Discussion Notes:'''
:# This ruling overturns a previous Bronze Law ruling resulting from a duel arcane between the Mages known as ''Flash Bang'' and ''Ackbar'', in which ''Flash Bang'' successfully asserted that ownership of Atlantean artifacts recovered from a public Consilium expedition into an Atlantean ruin, along with rights to redistribute said artifacts, should be determined by whoever physically obtained them first.
:# This ruling overturns a previous Bronze Law ruling resulting from a duel arcane between the Mages known as ''Flash Bang'' and ''Ackbar'', in which ''Flash Bang'' successfully asserted that ownership of Atlantean artifacts recovered from a public Consilium expedition into an Atlantean ruin, along with rights to redistribute said artifacts, should be determined by whoever physically obtained them first.
:# Objections noted to the Ruling Council following the duel were that the precedent set would lead to unnecessary, unproductive and (in the wrong situation, or between powerful Mages) potentially deadly scuffles to make first claim on such items.
:# Objections noted to the Ruling Council following the duel were that the precedent set would lead to unnecessary, unproductive and (in the wrong situation, or between powerful mages) potentially deadly scuffles to make first claim on such items.
'''Decree:''' No punishment may be inflicted by the Ruling Council without at least a Silver Law majority of the Council.
'''Decree:''' The Ruling Council recognises Changelings as beings who draw from the power of Arcadia, and as such extends to them the protections and courtesies of the Great Rights.
=== Authorities ===
=== Authorities ===
* '''Decree:''' The disposal of corpses of deceased Pentacle Mages shall be the sole province of the Sentinels.
'''Decree:''' The disposal of corpses of deceased Pentacle mages shall be the sole province of the Sentinels.
* '''Decree:''' The Ruling Council authorises the Hierarch to hold a cache of items in trust on behalf of the Consilium.  This Hierarch's Panopoly is to pass from Hierarch to Hierarch, being owned by no individual but rather belonging to the position itself.
'''Decree:''' The Ruling Council authorises the Hierarch to hold a cache of items in trust on behalf of the Consilium.  This Hierarch's Panopoly is to pass from Hierarch to Hierarch, being owned by no individual but rather belonging to the position itself.
: '''Current items designated part of the Hierarch's Panopoly:'''
: '''Current items designated part of the Hierarch's Panopoly:'''
::* The Crown of Cernunnos
::* The Crown of Cernunnos
::* Namtar's Ivory Rod
* '''Decree:''' The Ruling Council authorises the Consilium position of "Pax Signifer", tasked specifically with maintaining and ensuring the peace at Consilium gatherings.
'''Decree:''' The Ruling Council authorises the Consilium position of "Pax Signifer", tasked specifically with maintaining and ensuring the peace at Consilium gatherings.
* '''Decree:''' Each member of the Ruling Council may declare one status alteration to a member of the Consilium per month.
'''Decree:''' The Ruling Council authorises the Council position of "Field Marshal", who shall have primary authority to give orders in combat situations. If no Councillors are currently specified as having this authority, such authority lies with the Hierarch.
'''Decree:''' Each member of the Ruling Council may declare one status alteration to a member of the Consilium per month.
: '''Discussion Notes:'''
: '''Discussion Notes:'''
:# This overturns a previous Silver Law clarification of the Consilium Charter regarding the role of the Hierarch in relation to status, which was as follows: "The Heirarch has no rights to increase or decrease any status, the right to make that decision is the Ruling Councils majority alone."
:# This overturns a previous Silver Law clarification of the Consilium Charter regarding the role of the Hierarch in relation to status, which was as follows: "The Heirarch has no rights to increase or decrease any status, the right to make that decision is the Ruling Councils majority alone."
'''Decree:''' The Ruling Council has the authority to grant or deny recognition of cabals within Canberra.
: '''Discussion Notes:'''
:# It was strongly felt that the Ruling Council should encourage cabal culture – that is, the formation of cabals because of a common goal, purpose or ideology.
:# It was agreed that the Ruling Council could not in good conscience allow Mages to form cabals purely for the purpose of creating a new seat on the Ruling Council, as this undermined the purpose and sanctity of cabals in the city.
:# A suggestion was made regarding the formation of a cabal register to facilitate the Consilium’s understanding of each cabal’s raison d'être.
:# Technically without this authority, a banished cabal that refuses to leave the city could still maintain a seat on the Ruling Council even though its members would all be ongoing criminals.
'''Decree:''' The Ruling Council declares that in matters of Consilium Emeritus, the following hierarchy is to be observed:
* Hierarch
* Councilors
* Consilium Functionaries
* Oathsworn Consilium Members
* Consilium Members
: '''Discussion Notes:'''
:# This overturns previous Silver Law rulings regarding the standing of various Consilium members.
=== Bans ===
'''Decree:''' It is to a crime against the Consilium to bring Terata of any kind not already specified in the Lex Magicus of Canberra to a Consilium gathering without first obtaining a Silver Law majority approval of the Ruling Council to do so.
'''Decree:''' Where the territory of a Terata has been identified, entering without the Terata’s consent is a crime against the Consilium unless dire need can be established.
: '''Discussion Notes:'''
:# The general understanding of the term “dire need” at the time of discussion, was that it would cover issues related to the safety of Consilium members (ie, no other directions to flee, or if the Terata itself was a threat).
'''Decree:''' It is a crime against the Consilium to communicate with Terata of any kind not already specified in the Lex Magicus of Canberra without first obtaining approval of the Ruling Council to do so.
'''Decree:''' It is a crime to harass other Pentacle mages or Consilium members by any means, including proxies.
=== Silver Law introduced on Passed on 19th June 2016  ===
'''Right of Informed Decision:''' A members of the Concilium whom are in good standing may attend a council meeting when items they have proposed are being discussed. Once all their items have been finalised they will leave the council. This requires notice to be provided to the Hierarch within 2 days prior to the meeting, the Hierarch must reject the attendance prior to the meeting.
'''Canberra Concilium Duties Act:''' The [[Canberra Concilium Duties Act]] is sanctioned as sub legislation of the Concilium under Silver Law
'''Soul theft and/or trafficking Law:''' Soul theft and/or trafficking is prohibited.
'''Trafficking with the Abyss or Abyssal entities Law:''' Trafficking with the Abyss or Abyssal entities is prohibited
'''Unsanctioned killings Law:''' Unsanctioned killings of mortals are prohibited. Sanctioning is defined at the command of the Sentinel, Hierarch or fulfilling Council Majority Sanctioned Project
'''Vigilante Law:''' Those whom interfere (act as vigilante) in relation to the portfolio of position holders will be punished as if these committed the breach they acted as a vigilante to stop. An appeal to the council for a lesser punishment must be made within 31 days of the act of interference not the discovery of interference. 
'''One Job, One Person:''' You can only hold one permanent full position within the Concilium, other than member or sworn member.
'''Sanctum Law:''' It is Illegal to enter, damage (deliberately or accidently), cast magic (deliberately or accidently) upon a Cabal or Awakened member Concilium private Sanctum, and Sanctum facilities without permission or authorisation by the Sanctum owner or a 75% ratified permission of the Concilium Council. A Sanctum is defined as an area set out as and marked magically by a member or members of the Concilium as their private Sanctum, a member of the Concilium has 31 days after marking of a Sanctum to appeal the claim to the Concilium Council. Sanctum facilities are defined as the entire building of the Sanctum resides in, property controlled connected to that building personally or thought connections or minimum of 500 meter radius of said building, sky and ground 1 km high/below the property borders
'''Concilium Project Law:''' Deliberately working against a sanctioned project of the Concilium council is considered an attack upon the Concilium.
'''Voluntary Assistance Law:''' It is outside the office of the Sentinel or Keeper of the Peace and their deputies to use magic to force or manipulate someone into assisting them with a threat unless the target is a designated threat.
'''Magical Decency Law:''' Using magic upon someone or something in order to have intercourse with it is a sin against the Concilium, the following list are not an exclusive list merely examples
* Animating the Dead or Other Things
* Summoning and/or Controlling Ghosts and Spirits
* Shapeshifting animals
* Mind or Life Controlling animals (including altering emotional or physical states to make it easier)
* Mind or Life Controlling humans (including altering emotional or physical states to make it easier)
'''Silver Tower Act''' The [[Silver Tower Act]] is sanctioned as sub legislation of the Concilium under Silver Law
=== Silver Law introduced on Passed on November 2016  ===
[[Canberra Concilium Council Act]]
[[Canberra Concilium Duties Act|Addendum to the Canberra Concilium Duties Act]]
=== Current Sanction Concilium Projects===
Note: These Projects have been sanctioned by a majority of the council under the Concilium Project Law
* [[Cleansing Canberra Project]] (Was sanctioned by the council on the 19th June 2016) Please see the project plan for details
== Bronze Law ==
=== Banisher-Related Issues ===
'''Weapons:''' Banisher-crafted weapons have on multiple occasions been treated by members of the Ruling Council as controlled items.  The Council has previously issued Banisher-crafted pistols as a self-defense item to Consilium mages who have asked for them, but Banisher-crafted assault rifles have only ever been issued by the Council to mages who are trusted to defend the Consilium.  In instances where mages of other Consiliums have obtained Banisher-crafted weapons, it has been the policy of the Canberra Consilium to reclaim these weapons and provide an alternate reward for the expended effort that was required to obtain them.
'''Attracting Banisher Attention:''' Acting in a manner which draws the attention of the Banishers, to the potential detriment of others, has historically been treated equivalently to an act of hubris - with the offending individual required to deflect the attention and mitigate the threat to others.  However, if a mage gains the attention of the Banishers due to the actions of others it has generally been considered wise to provide that individual any assistance possible to shake the threat.
=== Criminal Behaviours ===
'''Non-Consensual Drugging:''' While the Ruling Council has never officially ruled on the issue of giving another mage intoxicants without that mage's knowledge or consent, precedent exists that says that a debt may be owed if a mage is found to have done so.  Commentary was unanimous from all Councilors at the time of discussion that when done with experimental or malign intent the issue should be considered criminal, however the two mages involved came to an agreement independently of the Council which resolved the issue and an official ruling was never agreed upon due to objections raised on the issue of medicating mages who were deemed to require it.
'''Reaping:''' The Ruling Council held an open forum regarding Consilium punishments.  In the discussion, many members of the Consilium expressed concern about certain traditional punishments; specifically Spiritual Scourging and Spiritual Oblivion.  No dissenting opinions were presented by members of the Consilium or members of the Ruling Council.  Following this, the Council implemented The Kyū as their new standard punishment scale - this system of punishment does not include anything involving soul removal or destruction.  This decision could be read as a tacit precedent of the Ruling Council agreeing that even long-standing tradition and/or a Consilium-sanction is insufficient justification for reaping.
=== Appointment of Consilium Functionaries ===
'''Sentinels:''' The Ruling Council is publicly known to have held votes on the appointment of Sentinels, setting precedent for the practice of Council-appointed Sentinels.  Similarly, Hierarch [[Vyra Anala]] has also appointed a Sentinel by right of her authority as Hierarch, however the possessive way in which this authority was expressed ("I appoint Beckett Shore as my Sentinel") indicates that, because Sentinels are a well-defined Pentacle/Consilium position of authority, appointments by Hierarch may theoretically be intended to be elapse when the position of Hierarch is passed to someone new.

Latest revision as of 19:48, 18 June 2017

<< Return to Consilium main page

Consilium Charter

  • All cabals residing in the city of Canberra have the right to their own Councilor on the Consilium's Ruling Council.
    • A cabal's Councilor is to be appointed by their own choosing and at their own discretion - each cabal is responsible for resolving their own disputes of representation.
  • The Consilium's Ruling Council is the law-making body of the Consilium, all mages of the Consilium must abide by their rulings.
  • The Hierarch has the right of tie-breaking should the Ruling Council fail to arrive at a decision on a matter it has put to a vote.

Lex Magicus Precepts

Precepts are not laws - instead precepts are guiding conventions of legal practice; ideas that can be cited as being the spirit of the law, or the zeitgeist of the Consilium. These traditions aid in the establishment of new laws and also act as a common way to articulate legal concepts.

  • Secrecy: the idea that the existence of magic must be kept secret from those who do not practice magic (for more details: Sanctum and Sigil, pp57-58)
  • Recognition: the idea that a Consilium must define who falls under its legal authority, and that an individual must be "recognised" by a Consilium (for more details: Sanctum and Sigil, p59).
  • Protectorate: the idea that a Consilium should enforce the protection of the sanctums of its members, both legally and through arcane measures if a mage requests it (for more details: Sanctum and Sigil, pp59-60).
  • Hubris: the idea that a Consilium has authority to intervene when an immoral action has been taken (for more details: Sanctum and Sigil, pp61-62).
  • War: the idea that if an issue of contention cannot be resolved, a mage or cabal can temporarily withdraw from the Consilium's system of law and engage in warfare against the target of their ire, often announcing terms of aggression and limits to the conflict (for more details: Sanctum and Sigil, pp61-62). The Canberra Consilium has expressed a very clear limitation on this precept, with the Duel Arcane so far being the only acceptable form of inter-mage conflict resolution outside of the Council's judgement.

In addition to the standard precepts, the Consilium of Canberra has also expressed the following legal precept:

  • Caucus: the idea that no one individual should have sole authority in certain kinds of rulings over other Consilium members. In particular, issues of punishment have been clearly defined as being off limits to any one individual's judgement, with Emeritus being hazily defined as under this umbrella as well.

Gold Law

  • The Great Rights (for more details see Sanctum and Sigil, pp26-32)
    • The Right of Crossing
    • The Right of Emeritus
    • The Right of Hospitality
    • The Right of Sanctuary
  • The lesser right of dueling
  • The rights of Order titles and privileges

Silver Law

Charter Clarification: The Heirarch has no right to make a decision for the Council, even if approached by a member from a different consillium and asked to make a decision by them.

The Kyū
The Ruling Council has elected to replace the traditional Tetragrammaton with a nine-tier punishment system system:

Minor Reprimand

The guilty party is formally stated to have committed a wrongdoing, and their transgression is declared to the Consilium.

Major Reprimand

The Consilium is instructed to limit their assistance to the guilty party.

Payment of Debt

The guilty party is declared to owe a debt, usually in the form of a favor, act or deed.

Minor Penance

The guilty party is required to perform an act in service to the Consilium.

Major Penance

The guilty party is required to perform a risky or dangerous act for the benefit of the Consilium.

Severe Reprimand

The Consilium is instructed not to aid the offending mage. Offering or providing assistance to such a mage merits the same punishment.

Conditional Banishment

The guilty party is banished from the city until a specific task is achieved or a nominated time period has elapsed.

Permanent Banishment

The guilty party is banished from the city in perpetuity.


The guilty party is sealed within their own body, and stored in safekeeping so that they cannot threaten anyone.


Decree: The Right of Nemesis is denied to all mages within the city of Canberra.

Discussion Notes:
  1. The Ruling Council agreed that, in Canberra, any scenario involving a mage needing to justify their behaviour by citing Nemesis Protocols would risk the safety of mages outside the Nemesis conflict, and thus invalidate the claim. And any behaviour not needed to be justified with Nemesis Protocols do not require their invocation. Ergo, invoking Nemesis is tantamount to a breach of Nemesis.
  2. The Ruling Council also voiced agreement with the sentiment that enshrining Nemesis justifies "mutual belligerent cockbaggery" which is not conducive to wise action.
  3. The Ruling Council acknowledged that Nemesis conflicts may occur with cabals and mages of other cities, but holds that such conflicts need to be suspended within the territories of Canberra.

Decree: The Ruling Council acknowledges a "right of scavenging" which may be invoked as follows:

  • In public Consilium managed expeditions, all recovered items shall be distributed by judgement of the Ruling Council.
  • In privately managed expeditions distribution of the recovered items shall be solely managed by the participants of said expedition.
Discussion Notes:
  1. This ruling overturns a previous Bronze Law ruling resulting from a duel arcane between the Mages known as Flash Bang and Ackbar, in which Flash Bang successfully asserted that ownership of Atlantean artifacts recovered from a public Consilium expedition into an Atlantean ruin, along with rights to redistribute said artifacts, should be determined by whoever physically obtained them first.
  2. Objections noted to the Ruling Council following the duel were that the precedent set would lead to unnecessary, unproductive and (in the wrong situation, or between powerful mages) potentially deadly scuffles to make first claim on such items.

Decree: No punishment may be inflicted by the Ruling Council without at least a Silver Law majority of the Council.

Decree: The Ruling Council recognises Changelings as beings who draw from the power of Arcadia, and as such extends to them the protections and courtesies of the Great Rights.


Decree: The disposal of corpses of deceased Pentacle mages shall be the sole province of the Sentinels.

Decree: The Ruling Council authorises the Hierarch to hold a cache of items in trust on behalf of the Consilium. This Hierarch's Panopoly is to pass from Hierarch to Hierarch, being owned by no individual but rather belonging to the position itself.

Current items designated part of the Hierarch's Panopoly:
  • The Crown of Cernunnos
  • Namtar's Ivory Rod

Decree: The Ruling Council authorises the Consilium position of "Pax Signifer", tasked specifically with maintaining and ensuring the peace at Consilium gatherings.

Decree: The Ruling Council authorises the Council position of "Field Marshal", who shall have primary authority to give orders in combat situations. If no Councillors are currently specified as having this authority, such authority lies with the Hierarch.

Decree: Each member of the Ruling Council may declare one status alteration to a member of the Consilium per month.

Discussion Notes:
  1. This overturns a previous Silver Law clarification of the Consilium Charter regarding the role of the Hierarch in relation to status, which was as follows: "The Heirarch has no rights to increase or decrease any status, the right to make that decision is the Ruling Councils majority alone."

Decree: The Ruling Council has the authority to grant or deny recognition of cabals within Canberra.

Discussion Notes:
  1. It was strongly felt that the Ruling Council should encourage cabal culture – that is, the formation of cabals because of a common goal, purpose or ideology.
  2. It was agreed that the Ruling Council could not in good conscience allow Mages to form cabals purely for the purpose of creating a new seat on the Ruling Council, as this undermined the purpose and sanctity of cabals in the city.
  3. A suggestion was made regarding the formation of a cabal register to facilitate the Consilium’s understanding of each cabal’s raison d'être.
  4. Technically without this authority, a banished cabal that refuses to leave the city could still maintain a seat on the Ruling Council even though its members would all be ongoing criminals.

Decree: The Ruling Council declares that in matters of Consilium Emeritus, the following hierarchy is to be observed:

  • Hierarch
  • Councilors
  • Consilium Functionaries
  • Oathsworn Consilium Members
  • Consilium Members
Discussion Notes:
  1. This overturns previous Silver Law rulings regarding the standing of various Consilium members.


Decree: It is to a crime against the Consilium to bring Terata of any kind not already specified in the Lex Magicus of Canberra to a Consilium gathering without first obtaining a Silver Law majority approval of the Ruling Council to do so.

Decree: Where the territory of a Terata has been identified, entering without the Terata’s consent is a crime against the Consilium unless dire need can be established.

Discussion Notes:
  1. The general understanding of the term “dire need” at the time of discussion, was that it would cover issues related to the safety of Consilium members (ie, no other directions to flee, or if the Terata itself was a threat).

Decree: It is a crime against the Consilium to communicate with Terata of any kind not already specified in the Lex Magicus of Canberra without first obtaining approval of the Ruling Council to do so.

Decree: It is a crime to harass other Pentacle mages or Consilium members by any means, including proxies.

Silver Law introduced on Passed on 19th June 2016

Right of Informed Decision: A members of the Concilium whom are in good standing may attend a council meeting when items they have proposed are being discussed. Once all their items have been finalised they will leave the council. This requires notice to be provided to the Hierarch within 2 days prior to the meeting, the Hierarch must reject the attendance prior to the meeting.

Canberra Concilium Duties Act: The Canberra Concilium Duties Act is sanctioned as sub legislation of the Concilium under Silver Law

Soul theft and/or trafficking Law: Soul theft and/or trafficking is prohibited.

Trafficking with the Abyss or Abyssal entities Law: Trafficking with the Abyss or Abyssal entities is prohibited

Unsanctioned killings Law: Unsanctioned killings of mortals are prohibited. Sanctioning is defined at the command of the Sentinel, Hierarch or fulfilling Council Majority Sanctioned Project

Vigilante Law: Those whom interfere (act as vigilante) in relation to the portfolio of position holders will be punished as if these committed the breach they acted as a vigilante to stop. An appeal to the council for a lesser punishment must be made within 31 days of the act of interference not the discovery of interference.

One Job, One Person: You can only hold one permanent full position within the Concilium, other than member or sworn member.

Sanctum Law: It is Illegal to enter, damage (deliberately or accidently), cast magic (deliberately or accidently) upon a Cabal or Awakened member Concilium private Sanctum, and Sanctum facilities without permission or authorisation by the Sanctum owner or a 75% ratified permission of the Concilium Council. A Sanctum is defined as an area set out as and marked magically by a member or members of the Concilium as their private Sanctum, a member of the Concilium has 31 days after marking of a Sanctum to appeal the claim to the Concilium Council. Sanctum facilities are defined as the entire building of the Sanctum resides in, property controlled connected to that building personally or thought connections or minimum of 500 meter radius of said building, sky and ground 1 km high/below the property borders

Concilium Project Law: Deliberately working against a sanctioned project of the Concilium council is considered an attack upon the Concilium.

Voluntary Assistance Law: It is outside the office of the Sentinel or Keeper of the Peace and their deputies to use magic to force or manipulate someone into assisting them with a threat unless the target is a designated threat.

Magical Decency Law: Using magic upon someone or something in order to have intercourse with it is a sin against the Concilium, the following list are not an exclusive list merely examples

  • Animating the Dead or Other Things
  • Summoning and/or Controlling Ghosts and Spirits
  • Shapeshifting animals
  • Mind or Life Controlling animals (including altering emotional or physical states to make it easier)
  • Mind or Life Controlling humans (including altering emotional or physical states to make it easier)

Silver Tower Act The Silver Tower Act is sanctioned as sub legislation of the Concilium under Silver Law

Silver Law introduced on Passed on November 2016

Canberra Concilium Council Act

Addendum to the Canberra Concilium Duties Act

Current Sanction Concilium Projects

Note: These Projects have been sanctioned by a majority of the council under the Concilium Project Law

Bronze Law

Banisher-Related Issues

Weapons: Banisher-crafted weapons have on multiple occasions been treated by members of the Ruling Council as controlled items. The Council has previously issued Banisher-crafted pistols as a self-defense item to Consilium mages who have asked for them, but Banisher-crafted assault rifles have only ever been issued by the Council to mages who are trusted to defend the Consilium. In instances where mages of other Consiliums have obtained Banisher-crafted weapons, it has been the policy of the Canberra Consilium to reclaim these weapons and provide an alternate reward for the expended effort that was required to obtain them.

Attracting Banisher Attention: Acting in a manner which draws the attention of the Banishers, to the potential detriment of others, has historically been treated equivalently to an act of hubris - with the offending individual required to deflect the attention and mitigate the threat to others. However, if a mage gains the attention of the Banishers due to the actions of others it has generally been considered wise to provide that individual any assistance possible to shake the threat.

Criminal Behaviours

Non-Consensual Drugging: While the Ruling Council has never officially ruled on the issue of giving another mage intoxicants without that mage's knowledge or consent, precedent exists that says that a debt may be owed if a mage is found to have done so. Commentary was unanimous from all Councilors at the time of discussion that when done with experimental or malign intent the issue should be considered criminal, however the two mages involved came to an agreement independently of the Council which resolved the issue and an official ruling was never agreed upon due to objections raised on the issue of medicating mages who were deemed to require it.

Reaping: The Ruling Council held an open forum regarding Consilium punishments. In the discussion, many members of the Consilium expressed concern about certain traditional punishments; specifically Spiritual Scourging and Spiritual Oblivion. No dissenting opinions were presented by members of the Consilium or members of the Ruling Council. Following this, the Council implemented The Kyū as their new standard punishment scale - this system of punishment does not include anything involving soul removal or destruction. This decision could be read as a tacit precedent of the Ruling Council agreeing that even long-standing tradition and/or a Consilium-sanction is insufficient justification for reaping.

Appointment of Consilium Functionaries

Sentinels: The Ruling Council is publicly known to have held votes on the appointment of Sentinels, setting precedent for the practice of Council-appointed Sentinels. Similarly, Hierarch Vyra Anala has also appointed a Sentinel by right of her authority as Hierarch, however the possessive way in which this authority was expressed ("I appoint Beckett Shore as my Sentinel") indicates that, because Sentinels are a well-defined Pentacle/Consilium position of authority, appointments by Hierarch may theoretically be intended to be elapse when the position of Hierarch is passed to someone new.