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|cabal=The Threshold
|player=Caleb Prince Brotherton
|player=Caleb Prince Brotherton
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The world around seems to grow dark and Crawford's eyes turn red and slint like a snakes, his hair curling to look like horns as two poke from his skull, large like a goat.
The world around seems to grow dark and Crawford's eyes turn yellow and slint like a cats. His hair flowing into a pharos crown and his face taking on a sphinx like appearance. Everyone around can hear riddles they don't know the answer to.
Those around would hear whispers about their failures being reminded of what they couldn't achieve.
Mind: Pieces of broken mirror float in Crawford's palm each reflecting a Memory, He Throws them at people bringing out either their fears or planting his own in them.
Mind: Pieces of broken mirror float in Crawford's palm each reflecting a Memory, He Throws them at people bringing out either their fears or planting his own in them.
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Mind: The Square turns into a Beach, there is a family behind Crawford. Half of his body and Face turn into his Father
Mind: The Square turns into a Beach, there is a family behind Crawford. Half of his body and Face turn into his Father
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* "YOU! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD" - Amaymon about [[Mephi]]
* "YOU! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD" - Amaymon about [[Mephi]]
* "I Promise I'll give this back, but we need to let the others believe its been Kicked into the Gauntlet" - Amaymon to both [[Quill]] and [[Usagi|Tiamat]]
* "I Promise I'll give this back, but we need to let the others believe its been Kicked into the Gauntlet" - Amaymon to both [[Quill]] and [[Usagi|Tiamat]]
* "What do you do with knowledge like that? To know with enough time and resources you COULD perfect something... but to get there it would cause much danger and Misery?" - Crawford to [[Kyubey]] and [[Usagi]]
==Quotes about==
==Quotes about==
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* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjvpfWSipIs Super Rock - I Have the Power]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjvpfWSipIs Super Rock - I Have the Power]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMQVZH4i9pg Yuri On Ice]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMQVZH4i9pg Yuri On Ice]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8VhUT5fN5M Synchronicity I - The Police]
* TFS Dragon Ball Abridged Gohan
* TFS Dragon Ball Abridged Gohan

Latest revision as of 23:03, 2 May 2017

Template:PC Summary Awakening


Born: 15th January 1998

Age: 18

Rank: Adept of Space, Disciple of Mind, Initiate of Time and Fate


Various nicknames and aliases: Jimmy, Bill, Amaymon

Physical description: Crawford is an 18 year old boy, He stands at 170cm tall with Short Blonde hair and grey eyes. He is often seen wearing a Pink or Blue button up shirt as well as Chinos, he is never without either a scarf or Tie depending on the time of year. He has bags under his eyes from constant nights of cramming for school as well as stress and always seems to smell of citrus.

Nimbus: The world around seems to grow dark and Crawford's eyes turn yellow and slint like a cats. His hair flowing into a pharos crown and his face taking on a sphinx like appearance. Everyone around can hear riddles they don't know the answer to.


Mind: Pieces of broken mirror float in Crawford's palm each reflecting a Memory, He Throws them at people bringing out either their fears or planting his own in them.

Space: Crawford changes his space on the X-Y axis to place himself next to his foe, landing a devastating Punch or Kick

Prime: Crawford will let off a beam of energy

Fate: Crawford doesn't use Fate as a weapon

Time: The Foe feels themselves tire like time is moving faster than it should.


Mind: The Square turns into a Beach, there is a family behind Crawford. Half of his body and Face turn into his Father

Space: A black hole opens beneath him, it pulls attacks away from him into a Dark world of nothing.

Prime: A Wall of energy raises itself to block incoming attacks

Fate: Somehow everything just Misses?

Time: The attacks reverse back to its user like Time is reversing.



  • November 10th 2013:

Despite his Father and Mother being divorced Mephi out of the blue invites Fiona, Hope and Crawford to the Beach for a day. Its out of Character but not unwanted, They all really enjoy themselves and finish the day with a snapshot of them all playing together. 3 days later his Father was found shot and decapitated, Amaymon never got over it.

  • June 2014:

Crawford Believes the Police are incompetent for not being able to further the investigation on his Father's murder, He vows to do what they cannot by becoming the person who sends bad people away. He studies extremely hard to open his pathways to become a Lawyer.

  • December 2014:

Crawford graduates from Highschool early and prepares to go to University to study Law in order to become a Prosecution Lawyer believing this is the right thing to do.

  • January 2015:

Due to the Stress of University Crawford moves out of home and gets a job, He feels being on his own will make him more responsible... he's half right

  • July 2015:

Crawford realises that Studying at Uni is much harder than he anticipated, He spends many nights awake with coffee and energy drinks to keep him going as he studies. He often makes himself physically ill by the amount he pushes himself


  • June 2016:

Crawford is leaving Uni after a long day of class when he begins to feel incredibly sick, He vomits over the side of the Lock Bridge before being face to face with a demon. The Demon shoves Coals in his mouth and he flees, As he is fleeing Crawford is met by figures from his past all of them telling him he's failed and a traitor for his class in the world. At this point he is picked up by a Demon who flies him to what looks like a watchtower. He Climbs to the top but is unable to write his name no matter what he does. Getting frustrated he yells at the Demon. The Demon flies to see him telling him the others made it this far and didn't fail, He gets Angry, Punching the Demon and cracking one of its Horns to write his name. Crawford awakes to find Claire Lying on the ground before him.

Recent events


June: Crawford takes the name Amaymon. He is taken along to his first meeting of the concilium. It doesn't go well... Human Skulls, Werewolves, Sprites and his Dad not being dead. Is being a Mage really worth it?

July: Crawford attends a Ecstasy party, the other mages try to get him to dance around the campfire. Later he has his first Duel Arcane, continuing on even after taking damage. His Nimbus scared Ruby to the point she attacked him with Prime, causing him to fall into the Ocean with Luperta. Romeo fished them out then proceeded to die when his magic keeping him alive burnt out.

August: Crawford Went to see his sister to tell her about Mephi. After he went to tell Mephi about his new Mentor, stating he wanted to learn how to see into ones mind to find their true name in order to protect the consilium. Mephi exclaimed he would have to be on that list, Crawford got angry and told him he'd awaken his sister and left on bad terms with his Father. Crawford now Travels to Perth to meet his new Mentor

September: Crawford went with the rest of the Consilium to investigate the CBD, upon doing so they came upon a hotel. On the top floor Crawford puked at the sight of the rooms internals, body parts littered all around and morphed into furniture. Crawford went with Mephi and Vanderlag to unlock both the Mind and Space locks on the Vault, 12 hours they spent there, 6 for each. When Mephi completed the Mind lock he shared with Crawford his Awakening, sparking an understanding and a quiet connection between the two as Lies of the past were swept away.

October: Crawford Agreed to be mentored by his Father in the ways of the Mastigos. He offers him to come with him to see the family under the guise of Magic, Mephi says he'd think about it.

September: Crawford goes to the Conclave in Canberra. He gives up the one thing his father had given him for their understanding after being lead to believe it would help save the world. Instead it released the abyss bringing it closer to the fallen world.

November: Crawford's sister awakens, he finds out after she escapes with 3 other mages from a tremere lich. Crawford wasn't expecting her to awaken so soon and is worried for her. He takes her to Mephi who reveals he is alive causing Hope some distress. The family has much to talk about

December: Crawford attempts to awaken his mother through a summoning ritual. He fails, Abysally tainting her and causing her to become one of the mad. Crawford goes with Mephi and Quill to find her hoping she is safe and able to be saved. Mephi reveals there is nothing they can do and decapitates Fiona. They portal back to the consilium with Fiona's corpse causing Hope more distress, Mephi leaves and Hope admits to Greg raping her. Crawford tries to follow mephi later in the evening finding himself at his childhood home. There he finds Greg trying to flea and burn down the house. Crawford shoots him seeing his father as his reflection. He burns down the house in retaliation and drives back to the place everything started, changing his Shadowname from Amaymon to Crawford.


  • "I'll open her eyes, and her slumber shall awaken just like all of us"

Quotes by

  • "YOU! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD" - Amaymon about Mephi
  • "I Promise I'll give this back, but we need to let the others believe its been Kicked into the Gauntlet" - Amaymon to both Quill and Tiamat
  • "What do you do with knowledge like that? To know with enough time and resources you COULD perfect something... but to get there it would cause much danger and Misery?" - Crawford to Kyubey and Usagi

Quotes about

  • "Crawford huh? JUST AN ANOMILY HUH" - Mephi forcing Crawford into an arcane duel
  • "This is your fault." Ruby magically whispers to Crawford



Inspirations and Soundtrack