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=Vampire: the Requiem VSS=
=Vampire: the Requiem VSS=
<div style="text-align: center;">
VST Approved Date: 9th September 2014.<br/>
''' Venue Style Sheet Vampire: The Requiem - Armidale New South Wales '''
DST Approved Date: 9th September 2014.<br/>
GST Approved Date: 30th September 2013.<br/>
''' This guide works in conjunction with the domain style sheet located [[Arm-Domain-DSS | HERE]] '''
NST Approved Date: 6th December 2014.
The Armidale Requiem Venue is based in and around a greatly altered Armidale. All other towns in the area are considered unchanged, and outside the scope of normal games.
The Requiem venue hosts a single, monthly core Requiem game. All other games are considered supporting games. These include clan, covenant and coterie meetings. These games are mostly considered supplementary to the core game, do not require an ST presence and are limited in the XP awards that may be granted.
====1: Venue Name, Number, Domain Name, Number====
Venue Name: Armidale Requiem<br/>
Venue Number: VTRVSS-1305-Armidale<br/>
Domain Name: Paraskeuê to Alpha Phaeos<br/>
Domain Number: PTAPAU032<br/>
==Administration Information==
'''Venue Name, Number, Domain, Number'''<br>
Armidale Requiem, AU-VR06, PTAPAU032<br>
'''VC/VST Names, Membership Numbers, Contact Information'''<br>
VST: Joel Gilleland, AU2001100365, vst.requiem.arm@gmail.com<br>
VC: y, AUy, vc.requiem.arm@gmail.com<br>
'''Game Location, Times And Fees'''<br>
Education Building, University of New England, Armidale<br>
Time 6:30pm, 1st Saturday each Month<br>
$4 (or $10 for all Armidale's games)<br>
'''Lead Assistant:''' TBA <br>
'''Temporary Narrators:''' May be appointed for any game when necessary. <br>
'''Mailing Lists, Websites and Other Online Resources Used'''<br>
Domain is posted over: [1] <br>
Requiem IC discussions occur over: [2]<br>
Venue’s dedicated website is: [3]<br>
== Styles of Play ==
====2: VST & VC Names and membership numbers====
VST: Conrad White, AU2002100383 (vst.requiem@armidale.beyondthesunset.org.au)<br/>
VC: James Greaves, AU2014060007 (vc.requiem@armidale.beyondthesunset.org.au)
1 (Never Present) to 5 (Always Present) <br>
{| border="1"
!Style of Play
| Action
| Combat and Challenges
| 2
| Character
| Development Personal dilemmas and choices
| 3
| Darkness
| PC death or corruption
| 2
| Drama
| Ceremony and Grand Story
| 4
| Intrigue
| Politics and Negotiation
| 5
| Manners
| Social etiquette and peer pressure
| 4
| Mystery
| Enigmas and investigation
| 5
| Pace
| How fast do stories emerge, develop, and resolve?
| 2
====3: Game Location, Time and Fees====
Address: Chandelier Ballroom, Upstairs, 174 Beardy St, Armidale NSW, 2350<br/>
Time: 6:30pm<br/>
Date: 1st full weekend Saturday each Month<br/>
Fees: $4 (or $10 for all Armidale's games)
'''Action - Combat and Challenges - 2'''<br>
Kindred are immortal, powerful and fragile. The games focus may be political, but there is a demon, a beast inside every vampire waiting to come out at the slightest provocation and wreak havoc. Yet for a being that could live for ever, the question becomes "Why risk eternity for a moment of anger?". For those players with a taste for the combative, there will often be the chance for some rough-housing but it is by no means the games focus.
===4: Mailing lists, websites and other online resources used===
IC Mailing List (unofficial): [mailto:arm-req@googlegroups.com arm-req@googlegroups.com] <br/>
Venue Website: [https://sites.google.com/site/nightnet2013/ https://sites.google.com/site/nightnet2013/]<br/>
Venue Wiki: [[Armidale Requiem | http://wiki.beyondthesunset.org.au/index.php?title=Armidale_Requiem]]<br/>
Domain Headlines: [https://sites.google.com/site/armidalewod/news https://sites.google.com/site/armidalewod/news]<br/>
'''Character - Development Personal Dilemmas and Choices – 3'''<br>
For each of you, every game is about your character. The decisions you make, the path you choose will shape not only your character, but the characters around it, and the world around it. Every action or choice has consequences, but similarly have benefits. It’s up to you and your character to make those painstaking decisions. Murder, slavery and even the power to consume a soul are all tools that come naturally to the Kindred, all for the low price of your humanity, and possibly of losing yourself to the beast forever.
====1: Genre: Vampire: the Requiem====
Barely controlled predators who hide from humanity by playing nice with each other in a regular meeting to avoid open antagonism with complex machiavellian dance of tradition and politics among their own organizations of family, clan, ideology, religion and mysticism.  
'''Darkness - PC Death or Corruption - 2'''<br>
====2: Setting:====
Though tough choices are a dominant feature in this game, PC Death and Corruption is actually relatively rare. The death of an adversary should be pretty low on a vampires list of possible methods of prevailing. To murder without cause, without provocation can damage the humanity in kindred. Each kill makes the next a little easier, until one day its second nature, the day after that, the mind is gone, and you are a beast. A dog. A tormented creature with nothing left but to be put to rest by what were once your own kind. Vampires are immortal, and tread carefully, slowly. Death and corruption will occur, but not with any frequency.
Armidale Requiem is set in a vastly expanded and industrialised Armidale that has had a long history of compartmentalisation of information and secrets in efforts to achieve, control and maintain power over others. The city is a built up light of false hope in the encompassing darkness of isolated, untamed and unknown countryside colonised by Kindred in the rush of opportunity.
Information on the folowing are linked to below:
* [[Arm-Req-Background#Court | Court]]
* [[Arm-Req-Background#Elysium | Elysium]]
* [[Arm-Req-Background#Anathema | Anathema]]
* [[Arm-Req-Background#Places_of_Note | Places of Note]]
'''Drama - Ceremony and Grand Story - 4'''<br>
====3: Themes:====
The bread and butter of LARP. Drama is what makes for a cool game. Without drama, the game is cold, mechanical. It’d be like watching The Matrix acted out by a pair of mimes on stage. Sure, a little amusing at first, but it would get old fast. The drama, the speeches, the tension, the suspense and the mystery are all what make a LARP so much fun. There is no other system better equipped to deliver it. You are an immortal, why waste time on petty gestures and grudges when you can arrange a ball (or a betrayal) that could be remembered and talked about for centuries. You can help by helping the flow of the game. If your arch-enemy is in mid-speech, don’t shoot him in the face, let him finish if at all possible. Relent to challenges, narrate a scene between yourselves without lame mechanics and you’ll have more fun.
Themes will change over the course of the story as it unfolds and a also reliant on the players, so has been separated into two measures and displayed externally to dynamically change as the game progresses.
Player themes are what the players believe the themes expressed by the general player base to be. Plot themes are what the story is meant to portray, and while driven by the Storyteller and while less changeable, are still subject to interpretation by the players as they progress.
'''Intrigue - Politics and Negotiation - 5'''<br>
The most recent summary of how the players feel the game is thematically in both themselves and the story can be found on the [[Armidale Requiem Themes]] page.
The core of Vampire: The Requiem. Polite, courtly vampire society revolves around intrigue. They are few in number, but they have systems, positions, status, boons and entire chains of fealty dedicated to maintaining a delicate political atmosphere. By using politics and negotiation to get their way amongst their own kind, the Kindred allow themselves to forgo violence and chaos in favour of a fake smile and a timely bribe. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer and make them all pay as much as you can get away with. Boons are a key function in most polite kindred society and they all adhere to its laws, save unbound rabble. Playing this game will make it more fun for you, this genre was built with this stuff in mind, give it a chance.
'''Manners - Social Etiquette and Peer Pressure - 4'''<br>
====4: Mood (Listed and described)====
If intrigue was a vehicle you’d use to drive through the Requiem, manners would no doubt be the road. Manners pave the way for politics and negotiation to take place. If you’re insulted in court, and you kick and scream and yell and wave your weapons about in the air screaming bloody murder, then, no doubt you’ll be in far more trouble than your adversary. On the other hand, you can politely inform those present that you have taken exception to his comments, and demand satisfaction in the form of boons, blood or more. Manners allow for polite conversation, discourage anger and violence (and frenzied messes) and allow kindred society to function with some degree of civility. Keep this in mind, and take note of the people at games that seem to accomplish the most. They’re always the nice seeming ones.
Mood will change over the course of the story as it unfolds and is also reliant on the players, so has been separated into two measures that will change as the game progresses.
Player mood is what the players believe the moods expressed by the general player base to be. Plot mood is what the story is meant to evoke, and while driven by the Storyteller and less changeable, is still subject to interpretation by the players as it progresses.
'''Mystery - Enigmas and Investigation - 5'''<br>
The most recent summary of how the players feel the game has conveyed emotions is on the [[Armidale Requiem Mood]] page.
Does the Bishop have a shameful vice that can be used to discredit them, does the Invictus Knight have a mortal ward you can exploit to gain leverage over them? There are secrets behind the smiling faces, betrayals that even the Harpy hasn't yet heard, and secrets enough to keep even the most curious Mekhet sated. Plot to overthrow the Prince, or simply try and work out who left that warning in your Lair. Uncovering the whereabouts of that hunter group could easily get you in good graces with the court officials. Mystery is an important part of the World of Darkness. Even Kindred, with the eternity of knowledge and even psychic power do not know even close to everything that inhabits the world they live in. The mystery is what makes the world dark, spooky and terrible. Kindred and mortals winding up on the streets missing their eyes and teeth is one thing, but not knowing if it’s a mad man, or something much darker, perhaps even unnatural takes the game to a new level. Most of my plot will involve a good amount of thinking and resourcefulness on your part.
'''Pace - How Fast do Stories Emerge, Develop, and Resolve? - 2'''<br>
====5: Preferred character types, and restrictions:====
For the most part, the plots and stories in this game will range anywhere from 3 months to a year. Many plots will follow on from something your character has done, or instigated. In this game, the things you leave behind will come back to haunt you. If you’re smart and persistent, you may well overcome your problem in a single night.
Players are encouraged to make long lasting characters that are involved within the structure, drama, and action of the various games. 'Throw-away' or 'once-off' characters not be approved.
Players are encouraged to have one character and to play this character consistently until its death or retirement.
When you ignore plot, it doesn’t just fade away. The powers behind these plots have plans, and you’ll be allowing them to be fulfilled unchallenged. That often ends badly for your characters. On the other hand, there is always something to gain from pursuing plot arcs. Not the least of which is the awesome fun you’ll have along the way. If you attack a plot head on, you’ll draw attention but likely push it in the direction you’re after. If you simply observe, you’ll likely figure a lot out, but the plot will go ahead unhindered until you intervene. Ignored plots will grow to other stages, leaving the court with much bigger issues than originally planned, which will end up even worse for you when they found out your apathy allowed a catastrophe to happen.
Statistics by themselves will not be approved, all characters require more than just ‘dots-on-sheet’ to be approved, be this a written background, a detailed wiki, a completed CCD or something else.
== Storytelling Mechanics ==
Second Primary Characters will not be approved.
===='''Damnation City:'''====
We will not be using the “Domain” merits from Damnation City. The storytelling team is working to produce an alternative domain/territory tracking system where necessary.
===='''Feeding (MET Requiem p.230):'''====
Secondary Characters are strongly discouraged and will only be approved under exceptional circumstances. Wanting to “try something different” or simply wanting a range of occasional characters at your disposal is not a valid justification.
Blood totals are calculated as dictated in the MET Requiem book, supplemented by the Bloody Lands territory system.
Instead, players will be able to request a particular style of NPC to fulfil the role of what would be a secondary PC. If the player is consistent in their portrayal of the NPC, then the character is likely to be considered for Custodial Player Character status, or transferral to PC status if the player's current PC is retired or destroyed.
'''Bloody Lands:'''
This process is to assist the Storytellers in creating a stronger universe of Non-Player Characters, and to ensure that Player Characters are developed and interesting, rather than two dimensional cardboard cut-outs.
===='''Carthian Law:'''====
===='''Humanity Loss:'''====
====6: Location of Venue history information====
It will happen. Be warned.
Recent events: [[Arm-Req-Background#Game Events | Game Events]]
===='''Allies, Contacts, Retainers, and Status:'''====
Previous events: [[Arm-Req-Background#Kindred Historical Timeline | Historical Timeline]]
These merits are not limited to a single downtime action or single action per game. Players are free to use these merits as often as they wish, but remember that abuse WILL lead to lost dots and hardships for your character. Use common sense when using these items. Use them when you need to, not just because you have them. Remember also what each of these merits represent:
''Allies'' - are friends and associates that you can count on the help you out sometimes. They are not servants, flunkies, minions or yes-men. You must ordinarily ask for them to act on your behalf.
====7: Transport In/Out Information====
* Air - most flights are during daylight hours, with others often booked out due to those travelling in and out at the beginnings and ends of the day, and pre-dawn flights are subject to the time of year, some months the sun rises early.  
* Road - the highways are dangerous at the best of times given the wilderness they travel through and the recklessness of drivers and truckers, but at night it is more risky and entire vehicles have disappeared without a trace. Half of the buses travel in the night, but may start or conclude during the daytime in other origins or destinations.
* Rail - similar to Road however for some reason the overnight trains are not affected by disappearances, but there are other reports of strange happenings on the trains themselves at those times.
* Air -All major cities have flights to and from Armidale. Flights normally land at Armidale Airport between 5am and 10pm. There are however a number of small private airstrips, the most known is shared by Sumarez and Moore Park.
* Road - highway is the method of travel for those wishing to be more circumspect. Buses travel from Melbourne to Brisbane and back again via Armidale twice every 24 hours, meaning at least two buses arrive in hours of darkness.
* Rail - The All-Stops, Sydney to Brisbane train, does overnight in Armidale. However there is also a non-stop express.
''Contacts'' - collect information and pass it on to you. They are passive, require no roll and need minimal maintenance. Contacts may pass on information they feel is relevant to you without your asking.
''Status'' - is a representation of direct and recognised authority in the chosen organisation. Your character has official special access, rights or control over places, people and resources. A character should be a member of an organisation to have status in it, and is expected to fulfil the requirements of that position.
====1: Experience Awards====
See the [http://wiki.shadowplayinternational.org/index.php/Global_Addenda_and_Settings_Documents See the SPI Global Addenda and Settings Documents] for the current XP Incremental Maximum.
''Retainers'' - are your personal, loyal servants. They do what you ask them to do. When using and buying retainers consider the appropriate dot value carefully. Unless a sheet has been submitted for them, the dot value of the retainer will count for a LOT. Special retainers granted by special abilities (zombies, homunculi etc) MUST have a submitted sheet. When purchasing a Retainer, inform the ST of its primary function, and the ST will make calls based on the dot value of the retainer. As a general rule, the dice pool for a retainer will 2 x the dot value of the retainer. So if you purchase a “Gunman” at 1 dot, then the Gunman’s pool will be 2. A bonus of up to +5 or -5 may be applied for situational modifiers, such as tools, weather conditions, etc.
Creation Activities (Not subject to Incremental Maximum)
* 8 - Character Development Document (Over over-cap)
* 3 - Player Developed Wiki
* 3 - Character Background Beyond Wiki Information
* 1 - Per Character Tie (Max 5 XP, no max ties)
Game Activities (Max 5/ Game)
As normal, characters receive 2 downtime actions per dot in resolve, per game period. A player may either submit all their actions at once or only 50%, reserving the other 50% for acting in response to the VST's response.
* 3 - Game Attendance (includes AVSTs)
* 1 - Circle of Love Mention (includes AVSTs)
* 1 - Circle of Love Winner (includes AVSTs)
* 1 - New Player First Game Attendance
* 2 - New Player Second Game Attendance
* 3 - New Player Third Game Attendance (Over-cap)
''Learning out of clan disciplines'' - requires a number of actions be spent equal to the level of the power being learnt. These actions must be spent by both the student and teacher in downtime. Out of clan Vigor, Celerity and Resilience may be learned without a teacher, but the student must spend actions equal to twice the level of discipline being learned if a teacher is not assisting (as if the character is both student and teacher).[1]
Non-game Activities (Max 5/ Month)
* 2 - Downtime Submission
* 1 - Downtime Involving Another Player’s Character
* 1 - New Player First Month Downtime
* 2 - New Player Second Month Downtime
* 3 - New Player Third Month Downtime (Over-cap)
* 2 - Report On Local Clan/Covenant/Coterie Between Game Meeting
* 2 - PC Driven News Articles & Allies/Contact Information Write-ups
''Learning devotions'' - (including Invictus Oaths) from a teacher requires a number of actions be spent equal to half of the devotions prerequisite dots, rounded up. These actions must also be spent by the teacher. A character learning devotion without a teacher must spend actions equal to the devotions prerequisite dots.[1]
After A Story Activities
All XP in this category are awarded with VST discretion. A plot must be documented by the VST prior to achieving these awards. A documented long term character goal is one that is lodged with the VST prior to achieving these awards.
* 1 - Success - Successful completion of a Plot or a documented long term character goal.
* 1 - Danger - Being reduced to would penalties with lethal damage in pursuit of plot or a documented long term character goal.
* 1- Wisdom - Coming up with a plan for a Plot or or a documented long term character goal that allowed you to succeed where you otherwise would have failed.
''Rituals'' - of levels 1-3 cost one action by both student and teacher. Level 4 & 5 rituals cost 2 actions from both student and teacher. A character trying to acquire a ritual without a teacher must spend actions equal to twice the rituals level.
Miscellaneous Activities
* 1 - Wiki Updated Quarterly (Over-cap)
''Coils'' - require a number of actions to learn/teach equal to the new level being purchased for the student (for both teacher and student). As with other powers, a character developing this power on their own must spend a number of actions equal to twice the new level being purchased.
''Feeding'' - A downtime action may be spent for additional feeding on in the territories you have access to OR to feed in someone else's territory; the exact amount will depend on the territory used at the time.
====2: Custom Rules====
Testing may be performed without a VST/AVST/Narrator between characters is a mutually agreed on third party is present to adjudicate.
Character Vitae Pool for game is calculated using the Bloody Lands Territories system.
When testing for surprise, the surprised character(s) will get a penalty to the draw equal to the surpriser’s successes on an appropriate draw, usually Dexterity + Stealth + Obfuscate (if applicable).
===='''Status & Boons'''====
Carthian Law if meeting conditions to be implemented will be found on the [[Arm-Req-Background#carthianlaw | Carthian Law]] wiki page.
'''Eminence and Ascendance (MET Requiem p.290):''' Will be decided and only changed on a monthly basis. On the date of the game each month the total status of characters that attended the games in the prior month will be calculated. The resulting eminence and ascendance from this calculation will apply for the entirety of that month.
===='''Invictus Oaths (Invictus p.182):'''====
See the addenda for details.
Note that a character that swears many oaths, without the Resolve (DT Actions) to fulfil them will likely find himself in a lot of trouble as he or she is unable to fulfil their oaths (and suffer the subsequent consequences). A character will not be subject to the above penalties if the character is rendered unable to perform the actions required against his/her will.
====3: Downtime Handling Procedure====
All downtimes are due on 14 days before Game.
===='''Haven Merits:'''====
Downtimes sent in after this date will only be processed in lieu of an absent downtime for the month after.
Will have more appropriate, game affecting statistics. Havens are important, if not ESSENTIAL to a vampire’s existence. Other creatures have the luxury of staying where they like. When you’re a vampire during the day, you are comatose, will likely not wake up and the slightest pinprick of sunlight has the potential to destroy you completely. As a note, the merits Temple and Haven are completely interchangeable and are identical all respects. To gain the additional benefits listed below, a haven must be written up to the satisfaction of the storytelling team.
''Location:'' Will give you a bonus to your blood supply. The merit itself represents easy feeding around the haven. It represents the ease with which your character can feed in downtime. It represents convenience. This does not apply to random feeding scenes at games. A character can only benefit from one haven location at a time. You can’t simultaneously feed from 3 locations. This bonus, however, can apply to multiple characters staying in one haven.
Submit Downtimes at the [http://goo.gl/zjrBJ4 PtAP Online Downtime Form].
''Security:'' Will provide the usual benefits as per the requiem book. In addition, however, each dot in haven security will represent one obstacle that must be overcome by potential intruders. Alternately, the merit can represent the security systems listed in the Armory book (p.179). The dots in Security must equal or exceed the resources dots needed to ordinarily buy these security systems. Your haven write-up must include potential draws for overcoming each obstacle your security represents.
Players may receive downtime replies even if they have not submitted a downtime, or for actions they did not do if plot or actions of other players and that player’s allies/contacts/status would give them such information.
''Size:'' Will determine exactly how much space is covered by your other haven dots. It is by far the most underestimated of the haven class of merits. Haven size need not necessarily represent the actual size of your haven. For example, a character may own and sleep in a large sprawling country estate. At haven size 1, this estate has only a single room that the resident can count on to keep the light out and intruders at bay. At size 5, the entire estate is rigged with security systems and the resident(s) can find a place to bunker down within moments so long as they are anywhere on the grounds, even out in some field. It’s a big difference. As a note, a haven with zero size is effectively a character getting all his sunny protection from a coffin or box. If that gets taken away, you’d better have a contingency or some pretty darned exceptional sunscreen.
If no reply is given by the VST before the game and the downtime action is low approval and did not involve other players, that action goes ahead as stated.
''Library:'' The Temple: Library merit may be purchased as Haven: Library for any character, regardless of covenant, at low approval. Note, however that those not in the Circle of the Crone will need to provide much stronger justification as to why they have such an extensive, and genuine, library on the occult and how they attained it.
===='''Frenzy (MET Requiem p.253):'''====
====4: Crossover limitations and expectations====
Terrible and feared destroyer of countless requiems throughout the ages. Frenzy sucks. The beast is a vampire’s greatest adversary. It is simultaneously terrifying and exhausting. The beast is indiscriminate and brutal. A few clarifications on frenzy and the way it rolls in the Saturnalia venue.
Crossover will mostly occur through the effects on the shared World of Darkness in consultation with the other Genre VSTs - as such expect to hear that something happened in broad terms, but not that it was caused by another supernatural.  
Downtime crossover is a distinct possibility caused by the shared merits such as allies, contacts and others, again in consultation with other Genre VSTs.
Antagonism between genres is discouraged.
''Bringing someone out:'' If you enter frenzy, it takes a lot to bring you out again. Gone will be the days of touching your mate on the shoulder and saying “Come on mate, settle down” to bring him out of frenzy. If you want to bring him out, you need to arc up you need to yell and plea, you must grab their attention with everything you have and demand or beg them to stop. Anything less will fall on deaf ears and will not even warrant a card draw. You need to accumulate a number of successes on your “bring out of frenzy” draw as the frenzied character needed to resist the frenzy in the first place. If they’re really angry, it takes a lot to calm them down. After performing this action you have the targets attention and for better or worse, you are his new target/meal if he’s still in frenzy.
====1: Information for New Beyond The Sunset Players====
Vampire is a game of barely controlled predators making nice with each other in a structured and uptight way so as to not tear each other’s throats out - as such it is good not to arrive unannounced.It would be good to talk to some other players before the game to see if someone will at least accompany you in. A good port of call is to contact your Clan or Covenant representative in the area and be introduced that way.  
''Willpower:'' Once in frenzy, you can spend willpower to control your actions for one turn a piece. You can spend as much of this as you wish, but unless something drastic changes, you WILL still frenzy. Don’t take the lame route and act normal during this time. You’re effectively struggling to contain the equivalent of a demonic possession.
Be prepared to offer a couple of trivial boons (currency) for your first game to grease palms and get the right introductions - after all, anyone vouching for you is taking your actions as their responsibility - but any more than that and you may have acted badly, or are being ripped off.
''Successes to resist:'' Read the book. If you get hit, you need to accumulate 5 successes to avoid that frenzy. After the first draw, you resist frenzy for a number of turns equal to that draws successes. You draw the next card at the end of those turns. This continues, until you total the 5 successes or fail a draw. If you don’t spend the action, you frenzy. If you fail a draw, you frenzy. A draw to resist frenzy is reflexive.
The current prince assigns feeding territory (which you will need) by your Covenant, so if you are unaligned, consider getting one of the Covenant leaders to lie that you are one of them (may cost more than a trivial), lie yourself (risky) or consider paying lip-service to one of the least objectionable Covenants to your character.
''Rage Frenzy:'' When in anger frenzy the character attacks indiscriminately. If you’re there, you’re in danger. When in anger frenzy, your character will spend blood, willpower and whatever else he can to cause as much damage as possible with no regard to the consequences. This includes the use of physical disciplines (including protean) and abilities. A frenzied character will not use any weapon more complicated than a thrown piece of furniture.
When creating a new character, players new to the club would be advised to create a character specialised in one or at the most two things. Many others have been at this longer than you and will have achieved more - but if you specialise then you will be better and more useful at one thing, rather than be simply competent at a few things.
''Hunger Frenzy:'' Your character will feed from anything it can. He will use as little vitae as possible to sate his thirst as quickly as possible. Note that a character with a blood potency of 7 or higher cannot feed from mortals, so any hunger frenzy they enter will target kindred specifically. Don’t be in the room when this happens.
''Fear Frenzy:'' You will flee as fast as possible, as far as possible. Not stopping, not slowing. Any powers that might assist with such as escape are used constantly until the frenzy is over. Even once the source of the frenzy is long gone. Your character will spend blood, willpower and whatever else he can to get as far away as possible with no regard to the consequences. This includes the use of physical disciplines and other abilities.
====2: Information for External Players====
Character Sheets for character outside of Armidale should be sent to the dst@armidale.beyondthesunset.org.au including vst.requiem@armidale.beyondthesunset.org.au at least three days before a game.  
Excluding hunger Frenzy, the beast will cause your frenzied character to always use as much blood, willpower and disciplines as possible to achieve its ends.
Character sheets for character outside Australia should be sent to the aforementioned at least one week before game in case any conversions or plot information needs to be distributed.
These frenzy guidelines may seem harsh, but that’s the way it works. If you frenzy, chances are you’ll be drained of blood by the end. Hunger means that someone else likely is. Frenzy is the reason vampire society is so polite and political. Consider this before assaulting your enemy, he may frenzy, and hit you, then you’ll frenzy and so will your blood-bound childe and anyone else that gets involved. Once it’s all over, the blood and ashes are cleaned up, and the fingers will be pointing at you.
Proxy Play is via the method prescribed in the [[Arm-Domain-DSS#Rules | DSS]].
===='''Proxy Rules:'''====
== Character Creation ==
Characters of advanced age will generally not be considered. The Requiem Genre is one based on a younger age group than other types of Vampire settings.
a. 1801 to now: Go for it! <br>
b. Existed before 1800AD: With good justification, yup, I’ll approve them. <br>
c. Existed before 1600AD: Not likely. <br>
The reasoning is that most ST's want the majority of PCs to come from the "Modern History" eras. The Requiem books focus on younger vampires, and that's how we want the game to feel. We want older vampires to mean a lot. We want them to be scary by virtue of just their age, not the MC the player behind the PC has. We would like to see a younger character age average than we have had in the previous chronicle. That’s how the setting is written, and the age brackets above are there to drive that home.
We want most PCs from category '''A''' with a few at '''B''', and one or two rare exceptions at '''C'''.
=== Status ===
'''At Creation''' You start with 4 points to split amongst your Clan and Covenant a 3/1 split shows where your priorities and loyalties lie, 2/2 means you are walking the tightrope between two masters.
'''City Status''' Will be assigned at creation for those starting at the commencement of the Chronicle. Late starters will begin at 0.<br>
Alternate words or status are used in conjunction with certain positions.<br>
- Unacknowledged \ Fair-Game, Patsy, Dead meat<br>
O Acknowledged<br>
OO Recognised<br>
OOO Valued \ Feared(Scourge) Trusted(Sheriff) Knowledgeable(Harpy)<br>
OOOO Respected \ Devoted(Seneschal/Sheriff)<br>
OOOOO Admired \ Exalted(Prince)<br>
These alternates reflect the nature of the kindred's standing in the court.
=== Secondary Characters ===
As a general rule, secondary characters will not be permitted on the Armidale Requiem VSS. Why? For purely selfish reasons,
1) I will be delivering Covenant Plot, Clan Plot, Background Plot and Meta plot, if I'm working to give your characters a real input into the world I don't want it diluted over multiple characters and increase the workload and risk of knowledge overflow. <br>
2) There should be no such thing as a disposable character (unless it's an NPC), using secondary characters encourages throw away concepts and discourages investment in the game. Every entity (unless created to be suicidal) should struggle to survive, if not to win, Vampires that act contrary to that lack substance and believability.
== Travel ==
====''Air Travel:''====
Flights originating from outside Armidale will ordinarily land at Morningstar Field  Airport. There is however a small private airport shared by Sumarez and Moore Park
====''Road Travel:''====
With multiple roads and approaches into and out of Armidale, road is the travel method of choice for those wishing to be more circumspect. Even so, roads do leave some predictability in travel, and it is not completely unheard of for the occupants of a lone car to vanish without trace once it leaves the comforting lights of the city.
====''Rail Travel:''====
The All-Stops, Sydney to Brisbane train, does overnight in Armidale. However there is also a non-stop express.
== Experience Awards ==
As per DSS<br>
Potential XP each month are as follows: (Max 8/Month).
'''Attendance XP:''' (Max 5/ Game)<br>
Core Game (Armidale Court): 3 XP <br>
Mention during "Circle of Love": +1 XP This is usually due to Exceptional Costuming, RP, or Contribution <br>
Winner (most mentions) "Circle of Love": A further +1 XP
First Two Games Played (New Players): 1XP.<br>
'''Between Game XP:''' All at ST discretion. (Max 3/Month Total) <br>
+1 Attendance at a documented Support Game  (Scheduled Scenes, RTRs, etc) <br>
+1-2 Character Detailed Downtime/Game Summary/Live Journal Entry <br>
+1-2 Special Character Write-up/Story/Plot/IC Media Release
''Last Updated 15 February 2013''

Latest revision as of 01:24, 5 January 2018

Vampire: the Requiem VSS

VST Approved Date: 9th September 2014.
DST Approved Date: 9th September 2014.
GST Approved Date: 30th September 2013.
NST Approved Date: 6th December 2014.


1: Venue Name, Number, Domain Name, Number

Venue Name: Armidale Requiem
Venue Number: VTRVSS-1305-Armidale
Domain Name: Paraskeuê to Alpha Phaeos
Domain Number: PTAPAU032

2: VST & VC Names and membership numbers

VST: Conrad White, AU2002100383 (vst.requiem@armidale.beyondthesunset.org.au)
VC: James Greaves, AU2014060007 (vc.requiem@armidale.beyondthesunset.org.au)

3: Game Location, Time and Fees

Address: Chandelier Ballroom, Upstairs, 174 Beardy St, Armidale NSW, 2350
Time: 6:30pm
Date: 1st full weekend Saturday each Month
Fees: $4 (or $10 for all Armidale's games)

4: Mailing lists, websites and other online resources used

IC Mailing List (unofficial): arm-req@googlegroups.com
Venue Website: https://sites.google.com/site/nightnet2013/
Venue Wiki: http://wiki.beyondthesunset.org.au/index.php?title=Armidale_Requiem
Domain Headlines: https://sites.google.com/site/armidalewod/news


1: Genre: Vampire: the Requiem

Barely controlled predators who hide from humanity by playing nice with each other in a regular meeting to avoid open antagonism with complex machiavellian dance of tradition and politics among their own organizations of family, clan, ideology, religion and mysticism.

2: Setting:

Armidale Requiem is set in a vastly expanded and industrialised Armidale that has had a long history of compartmentalisation of information and secrets in efforts to achieve, control and maintain power over others. The city is a built up light of false hope in the encompassing darkness of isolated, untamed and unknown countryside colonised by Kindred in the rush of opportunity. Information on the folowing are linked to below:

3: Themes:

Themes will change over the course of the story as it unfolds and a also reliant on the players, so has been separated into two measures and displayed externally to dynamically change as the game progresses.

Player themes are what the players believe the themes expressed by the general player base to be. Plot themes are what the story is meant to portray, and while driven by the Storyteller and while less changeable, are still subject to interpretation by the players as they progress.

The most recent summary of how the players feel the game is thematically in both themselves and the story can be found on the Armidale Requiem Themes page.

4: Mood (Listed and described)

Mood will change over the course of the story as it unfolds and is also reliant on the players, so has been separated into two measures that will change as the game progresses.

Player mood is what the players believe the moods expressed by the general player base to be. Plot mood is what the story is meant to evoke, and while driven by the Storyteller and less changeable, is still subject to interpretation by the players as it progresses.

The most recent summary of how the players feel the game has conveyed emotions is on the Armidale Requiem Mood page.

5: Preferred character types, and restrictions:

Players are encouraged to make long lasting characters that are involved within the structure, drama, and action of the various games. 'Throw-away' or 'once-off' characters not be approved.

Players are encouraged to have one character and to play this character consistently until its death or retirement.

Statistics by themselves will not be approved, all characters require more than just ‘dots-on-sheet’ to be approved, be this a written background, a detailed wiki, a completed CCD or something else.

Second Primary Characters will not be approved.

Secondary Characters are strongly discouraged and will only be approved under exceptional circumstances. Wanting to “try something different” or simply wanting a range of occasional characters at your disposal is not a valid justification.

Instead, players will be able to request a particular style of NPC to fulfil the role of what would be a secondary PC. If the player is consistent in their portrayal of the NPC, then the character is likely to be considered for Custodial Player Character status, or transferral to PC status if the player's current PC is retired or destroyed.

This process is to assist the Storytellers in creating a stronger universe of Non-Player Characters, and to ensure that Player Characters are developed and interesting, rather than two dimensional cardboard cut-outs.

6: Location of Venue history information

Recent events: Game Events

Previous events: Historical Timeline

7: Transport In/Out Information


  • Air - most flights are during daylight hours, with others often booked out due to those travelling in and out at the beginnings and ends of the day, and pre-dawn flights are subject to the time of year, some months the sun rises early.
  • Road - the highways are dangerous at the best of times given the wilderness they travel through and the recklessness of drivers and truckers, but at night it is more risky and entire vehicles have disappeared without a trace. Half of the buses travel in the night, but may start or conclude during the daytime in other origins or destinations.
  • Rail - similar to Road however for some reason the overnight trains are not affected by disappearances, but there are other reports of strange happenings on the trains themselves at those times.


  • Air -All major cities have flights to and from Armidale. Flights normally land at Armidale Airport between 5am and 10pm. There are however a number of small private airstrips, the most known is shared by Sumarez and Moore Park.
  • Road - highway is the method of travel for those wishing to be more circumspect. Buses travel from Melbourne to Brisbane and back again via Armidale twice every 24 hours, meaning at least two buses arrive in hours of darkness.
  • Rail - The All-Stops, Sydney to Brisbane train, does overnight in Armidale. However there is also a non-stop express.


1: Experience Awards

See the See the SPI Global Addenda and Settings Documents for the current XP Incremental Maximum.

Creation Activities (Not subject to Incremental Maximum)

  • 8 - Character Development Document (Over over-cap)
  • 3 - Player Developed Wiki
  • 3 - Character Background Beyond Wiki Information
  • 1 - Per Character Tie (Max 5 XP, no max ties)

Game Activities (Max 5/ Game)

  • 3 - Game Attendance (includes AVSTs)
  • 1 - Circle of Love Mention (includes AVSTs)
  • 1 - Circle of Love Winner (includes AVSTs)
  • 1 - New Player First Game Attendance
  • 2 - New Player Second Game Attendance
  • 3 - New Player Third Game Attendance (Over-cap)

Non-game Activities (Max 5/ Month)

  • 2 - Downtime Submission
  • 1 - Downtime Involving Another Player’s Character
  • 1 - New Player First Month Downtime
  • 2 - New Player Second Month Downtime
  • 3 - New Player Third Month Downtime (Over-cap)
  • 2 - Report On Local Clan/Covenant/Coterie Between Game Meeting
  • 2 - PC Driven News Articles & Allies/Contact Information Write-ups

After A Story Activities All XP in this category are awarded with VST discretion. A plot must be documented by the VST prior to achieving these awards. A documented long term character goal is one that is lodged with the VST prior to achieving these awards.

  • 1 - Success - Successful completion of a Plot or a documented long term character goal.
  • 1 - Danger - Being reduced to would penalties with lethal damage in pursuit of plot or a documented long term character goal.
  • 1- Wisdom - Coming up with a plan for a Plot or or a documented long term character goal that allowed you to succeed where you otherwise would have failed.

Miscellaneous Activities

  • 1 - Wiki Updated Quarterly (Over-cap)

2: Custom Rules

Testing may be performed without a VST/AVST/Narrator between characters is a mutually agreed on third party is present to adjudicate.

Character Vitae Pool for game is calculated using the Bloody Lands Territories system.

Carthian Law if meeting conditions to be implemented will be found on the Carthian Law wiki page.

3: Downtime Handling Procedure

All downtimes are due on 14 days before Game.

Downtimes sent in after this date will only be processed in lieu of an absent downtime for the month after.

Submit Downtimes at the PtAP Online Downtime Form.

Players may receive downtime replies even if they have not submitted a downtime, or for actions they did not do if plot or actions of other players and that player’s allies/contacts/status would give them such information.

If no reply is given by the VST before the game and the downtime action is low approval and did not involve other players, that action goes ahead as stated.

4: Crossover limitations and expectations

Crossover will mostly occur through the effects on the shared World of Darkness in consultation with the other Genre VSTs - as such expect to hear that something happened in broad terms, but not that it was caused by another supernatural. Downtime crossover is a distinct possibility caused by the shared merits such as allies, contacts and others, again in consultation with other Genre VSTs. Antagonism between genres is discouraged.


1: Information for New Beyond The Sunset Players

Vampire is a game of barely controlled predators making nice with each other in a structured and uptight way so as to not tear each other’s throats out - as such it is good not to arrive unannounced.It would be good to talk to some other players before the game to see if someone will at least accompany you in. A good port of call is to contact your Clan or Covenant representative in the area and be introduced that way.

Be prepared to offer a couple of trivial boons (currency) for your first game to grease palms and get the right introductions - after all, anyone vouching for you is taking your actions as their responsibility - but any more than that and you may have acted badly, or are being ripped off.

The current prince assigns feeding territory (which you will need) by your Covenant, so if you are unaligned, consider getting one of the Covenant leaders to lie that you are one of them (may cost more than a trivial), lie yourself (risky) or consider paying lip-service to one of the least objectionable Covenants to your character.

When creating a new character, players new to the club would be advised to create a character specialised in one or at the most two things. Many others have been at this longer than you and will have achieved more - but if you specialise then you will be better and more useful at one thing, rather than be simply competent at a few things.

2: Information for External Players

Character Sheets for character outside of Armidale should be sent to the dst@armidale.beyondthesunset.org.au including vst.requiem@armidale.beyondthesunset.org.au at least three days before a game.

Character sheets for character outside Australia should be sent to the aforementioned at least one week before game in case any conversions or plot information needs to be distributed.

Proxy Play is via the method prescribed in the DSS.