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Line 19: Line 19:
*The Forge made good judgements a showed a dedication to the path of Wisdom with regard to spell-use.
*The Forge made good judgements a showed a dedication to the path of Wisdom with regard to spell-use.
*The Age of Reason problem is an issue still in progress
*The Age of Reason problem is an issue still in progress
*Jereld was formally removed from the concillium
*Jereld was formally removed from the concillium. He poses a significant threat.
Line 45: Line 45:
*The ravens agreed to send the mages back to their own dreams/bodies if one mage told a story now, and the others told a story at a later date. The mages agreed.
*The ravens agreed to send the mages back to their own dreams/bodies if one mage told a story now, and the others told a story at a later date. The mages agreed.
*The ravens liked the story and the mages were returned to their own dreams.
*The ravens liked the story and the mages were returned to their own dreams.
'''The University'''
'''The University'''
Line 50: Line 51:
*Boolamimbah house is the centre of power, where a 'professor' spirit gives out diplomas to its courtiers, who run off.
*Boolamimbah house is the centre of power, where a 'professor' spirit gives out diplomas to its courtiers, who run off.
*Mort intends to do a service for the professor - 'perform original research' in order to get information off the spirit on the region - which contains the Age of Reason lab.
*Mort intends to do a service for the professor - 'perform original research' in order to get information off the spirit on the region - which contains the Age of Reason lab.
'''[[Infinite Recursion Error]]'''
*Mages who knew Seeker7 have been messaged from a strange pseudo-robotic entity.
*Give it information that is not in it's database and it will answer any query you have in return, assuming it relates to the physical world.
*IRE is/are part of the University court.
Line 63: Line 70:
*Some mages think Charles is the fate master, but robots can't cast spells.
*Some mages think Charles is the fate master, but robots can't cast spells.
'''[[Infinite Recursion Error]]'''
*Mages who knew Seeker7 have been messaged from a strange pseudo-robotic entity.
*Give it information that is not in it's database and it will answer any query you have in return, assuming it relates to the physical world.
Line 117: Line 120:
*Someone was accused of being a vampire at the meeting last month, until it was pointed out that it was midday. The accuser went quiet.
*Someone was accused of being a vampire at the meeting last month, until it was pointed out that it was midday. The accuser went quiet.
[[The Forge]] has agreed to attend and find out what the fuss is about.
[[The Forge]] has agreed to attend and find out what the fuss is about.

Revision as of 23:44, 19 October 2013

This is a list of plots, encounters and other stories being investigated by the players of the Armidale Domain. As these plots get more complex, they may require their own wiki page for more details/supplemental materials.

Region events

The Master Vampire - October 2013

  • Carter storms into the Concillium demanding action over the 'flying saucer' incident: https://sites.google.com/site/armidalewod/news/flyingsaucermutilatesbikiesinarmidale
  • After being frustrated over the inaction, Carter storms out to do it herself. Determined to follow her, the concillium muster themselves and track her to PLC (the all girls school and residence of the Harald Gille
  • Carter is wracked by indecision over what to do, but makes up her mind when the concillium arrive - to kill the Master Vampire in an attempt to free it's slaves that caused these atrocities.
  • Harald's thread of fate is removed from the tapestry as Mort and Carter bring him Final Death.


"Ok, look, there's all these strange things going on. I'm just going to note down a few things that we should probably look into. I don't catch everything that happens, so you'll need to update this yourselves." -Seeker7 1980-2013

An established concillium

  • The concillium had another major victory in killing the 'Master Vampire'.
  • At least until the consequences are apparent.
  • The Forge made good judgements a showed a dedication to the path of Wisdom with regard to spell-use.
  • The Age of Reason problem is an issue still in progress
  • Jereld was formally removed from the concillium. He poses a significant threat.

A Season of Illusion

  • A Japanese shrine has been seen on the outskirts of Armidale
  • Casper, The Forge's familiar, brought in a fox spirit bound in a piece of paper written in hand-drawn kanji.
  • History repeats itself?
  • Hidden fox spirits pose no threat. Go look at other plots.
  • Fox spirits are manifesting at children with large bushy moustaches. They are actively playing tricks on the concillium.

The Parliament of Ravens


  • The verge in Madgwick leads to a corpse of trees with thousands of Ravens who speak in all languages, including English, the First Tongue and others.
  • They demanded a story from each of the travelers, in order to pass through to the Shadow.


  • After encountering an individual claiming to be Odin in the Temenos, several mages encountered a massive flock of sentient ravens.
  • The ravens agreed to send the mages back to their own dreams/bodies if one mage told a story now, and the others told a story at a later date. The mages agreed.
  • The ravens liked the story and the mages were returned to their own dreams.

The University

  • The spiritual reflection of UNE is a university of information spirits. Each minor spirit looks like a humanoid in graduation robes, running from building to building with a 'diploma' of information.
  • Boolamimbah house is the centre of power, where a 'professor' spirit gives out diplomas to its courtiers, who run off.
  • Mort intends to do a service for the professor - 'perform original research' in order to get information off the spirit on the region - which contains the Age of Reason lab.

Infinite Recursion Error

  • Mages who knew Seeker7 have been messaged from a strange pseudo-robotic entity.
  • Give it information that is not in it's database and it will answer any query you have in return, assuming it relates to the physical world.
  • IRE is/are part of the University court.

The Age of Reason

  • Employing robots that are veiled from magical scrutiny to look like humans - it is quite easy to tell they are not with some scrutiny.
  • The AoR Bugged the concillium with 7-8 robotic cockroaches in July 2013.
  • In the wake of the trolley attacks at the start of July, the AoR provided lab-grown fruit and vegetables at $1 per kilo, to any resident in Armidale that wanted it.
  • Resources 5 and knowledge a speciality in finance/trading is needed to attack their assets in any meaningful way.
  • Both Mr Krip and Arran have seen the astral reflection of the AoR. The device/creature that manipulates fate is beneath the Daedalus Biotechnology base of the AoR.
  • Arran signed a contract with the dream reflection of the AoR fate manipulation device without knowing the terms of the deal exactly. This was a terrible idea. His resonance changed to 'icy mechanics' and his fate was manipulated towards some nefarious doom.
  • The body of Charles Montgomery was delivered to Entropy's domicile in two black bin bags. He is/was a robot. His car was found burning in a ditch on the outskirts of Armidale.
  • Some mages think Charles is the fate master, but robots can't cast spells.

Older than one month

The Lady Bast

  • Some sort of incarnation of the Egyptian goddess Bast resides in the dreams of Armidale.
  • Entropy is one of her favourite dream-consorts, he doesn't get much restful sleep.
  • She did however, protect him from the hydra dreams that had blighted Armidale.
  • Norse Gods Odin and Loki visited Bast this month bringing gifts.

The Anomaly

  • A mirrored hole in reality. Leads to a place outside of time, space, not connected to anything magically.
  • Walking inside it makes you gain the attention of what can only be described as 'Abyssal reality-eating bees'.
  • There are multiple anomalies in the rubble of the collapsed mine, and they are growing...

Icy Mechanics resonance

  • It's everywhere.
  • It was on the Abyssal Mirror, it was in the mine full of zombies, it's all over the Age of Reason lab.
  • All mages in the AoR seem to have the 'Icy Mechanics' resonance, somehow.
  • It has been linked to the death of the previous concillium at every turn.

Mr Krip and Arran have found the astral reflection of the Age of Reason and the source of the resonance.


  • Carter is mentally unstable after her imprisonment inside the mirror and watching the other concillium members descend into the abyssal maze before disappearing.
  • Carter is a blood relative of the shapechanger that entered the astral mirror.
  • Carter has her own spirit court of shadow spirits, which she administrates from her own house in Invergowrie.
  • Carter declared she had an issue with the mage Lazarus, because he was killing stray cats in their shared neighbourhood. Lazarus has agreed to stop this behaviour and the matter is considered settled for the time being.

Mr Krip is providing ongoing psychological counselling to Carter and attempting to diffuse the situation.

  • No contact with Carter in August. Is she OK?

Cats in hats?

  • A cat wearing a cat-sized mailman's hat was seen using the secret entrance to the concillium in June and delivering a poorly-written, vaguely-threatening poem to the concillium.
  • Local cats have intelligence generally around the level of a three-year-old child. There is no change to their biology or spirit, only their minds. Their 'potential' has been unlocked.
  • FriskyWhiskers1974?
  • Lazarus was the subject of this poem, and has been threatened with a duel/magical war by Carter over actions in their shared neighborhood.

Cartographer's Society

  • Meeting at midnight and midday every month. Is an intermediary between the other supernaturals of Armidale.
  • The concillium needs a presence at those meetings.
  • Someone was accused of being a vampire at the meeting last month, until it was pointed out that it was midday. The accuser went quiet.

The Forge has agreed to attend and find out what the fuss is about.


The Murder of Seeker7

  • The Age of Reason tacitly confirmed they were the cause.
  • The Hierarch was shot in the head twice to confirm his death, just as Seeker7 had figured out something important about the Age of reason.
  • The assassin was a robotic entity with a magically-powered railgun. It walked into a dumpster and fell apart.
  • Attributed to the AoR. No action is being taken against them.

Wyrd Things shipment

  • A shipment of strange occult items arrived in the concillium, with supplies having been ordered by deceased concillium members.
  • The address of the shop is in the CBD of Armidale.
  • Many of the items in the shop had or have a significant role to play in the fate of the local area.
  • Owned by a Mr Low-Key, a mortal with a 'mysterious fate energy' about him.


A REAL Concillium - October 2013

  • The concillium was visited by a retinue from Brisbane and Toowoomba.
  • A communication breakdown almost caused half of mages, exploring the abandoned mine shaft, to be killed in a gas explosion organised by the other half.
  • The destruction of the primary infection source of Necrocheese in an abandoned mine shaft is the concillium's first major victory.
  • With the major positions filled and significant representation at a national gathering, Armidale concillium is known, if not respected, as an independent entity.

'Necrocheese' Zombie Mold - September 2013

  • Lethal infection that kills its victims and animates their bodies as shambling corpses.
  • Controlling fungus can be directly attacked using life magic while the corpse can be destroyed physically by any number of means.
  • Confined to an abandoned goldmine shaft North of Armidale.
  • Found on magically animated trolleys that attacked the shops of Armidale in July 2013. These trolleys were clearly 'sick'. They were disposed of with fire. Icy Mechanics resonance was NOT found on the trolleys, unlike the infected zombies in the mine.
  • The abandoned mineshaft was assaulted by a combined force of local and visiting mages. The front line force delved deeply into the tunnels but were forced to seek another path to the epicentre of the infectious material when stage 3 infected corpses used the blast numina against them. They retreated and took a spirit road into the Shadow, where they discovered several things...
  • The shadow of the mine contains an enormous serpentine spirit that sleeps coiled around a locus.
  • A large 'heart like' mass of infected fibre lay at the bottom of the mine, with hundreds of zombies.
  • With the mine collapsed the source of infection has been cut off.

The Dream Army - September 2013

  • Residents of the city of Armidale had been blighted by dreams of dragons and hyrdas, spitting poison and filth that would leave the dreamer drained when they woke up.
  • Dream army consisting of a hundreds of Cossacks, dozens of Vikings and Mafia enforcers, and a handful of lions, rampaged through the dreams of Armidale residents, killing every single serpent and hydra and nightmare before departing for ...Brisbane?
  • The Mages has no explanation for these events (though fate suggests a link to the theatre of Dusk and Dawn).

Return of the Old Gods - The King In Yellow - August 2013

  • The incarnation of Bast manifested in the Theatre of Dawn and Dusk as they finished a special showing of The King In Yellow.
  • At the same time, a creature of abject horror manifested in Armidale Belgrave Cinema. Only Lazarus knows what happened, everyone else fled in fear and were unable to recall what they saw.
  • Bast appeared to draw every waking human being into the Temenos, where many of them fell under how power and started worshiping her. The worship quickly turned into an orgy. Several elderly and frail theatre goers died of exhaustion as a result.
  • Entropy, a new mage in town, seduced/was seduced by Bast during the orgy. Nothing bad can come of this.
  • 'Cultists' in robes with a rising sun were outside the theatre, leading the...festivities.
  • Several Mages encountered Odin Duskbringer in the shared dream. He was identified as another supernatural, but he suggested it was in their best interests that they do not share information with each other or follow him into his own dream. He did suggest they could find their way out of the dream by finding their own Oneiroi, however.

Night of the Living Trollies - Regional event June 2013
All the trollies in Armidale became alive and raided shops, particularly food shops, and carried the goods off into the night. The trollies themselves originated from some other plain of existence (OOC: the Hedge), and had the fates living beings 'sewn' onto them. These trollies made bleating noises like sheep, and seemed to feel pain. A small number of the trollies were 'wrong', and covered in grey spores. See Zombie Mold below.

Astral/Abyssal Mirror This was a pathway to an Abyssal labyrinth that snaked through Armidale. It was full of strange things - endless deserts, cinemas with giant tentacles, elevators to the sky, otherworldly tube maps. The Armidale mages walked the abyssal path backwards to destroy it, and now the mirror is a physical portal to the local astral space. It seems to react to the thoughts of whoever is touching it. The Mirror is in the possession of Mr Krip who has created a basic ward to stop anybody on either side from noticing the portal.

The Vault The old concillium vault was guarded by a spirit bound by Carter. The new concillium raided the vault and took everything that was there. The empty vault now remains below the library. Entry to the vault also requires knowledge of the secret passage into the concillium.