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{{PC Summary Masquerade 2
{{PC Summary Masquerade 3

Revision as of 09:09, 17 February 2014

Template:PC Summary Masquerade 3

Personal Information


Small, scruffy and usually crawling around on the floor, it's often rather hard to get a clear glimpse of what he looks like in any real detail. Form what most people have seen his finger and toe nails have turned into hooked, dirty claws, his mouth is filled with huge sabre like teeth and his spine has twisted into a hump.


Hyena is a very simple creature for the most part content to find shiny things and give them to his Pack or trade them with other Packs. He is undyingly loyal to his Pack, esspecially the Ductus Aunty Nancy though he does appear to be rather subservient to anyone in any kind of position in power. Due to his squed and more animal focused mindset he has also shown great difficulty in being able to determine people's gender, he instantly percieves all people who are dominant or in a position of power while those who are more quiet or are followers are seen as male.

Notable Traits

  • Beastial *5

Information Known by Kindred Society

Hyena is a fairly new shovelhead from the attack on Brisbane. While most ran north to storm the city, he got turned around and ended up running west and missed the actual attack, taking him a few days to find his way back and settling at the first place he found that smelled of kindred. After being found sniffing around the bushes the Black Kiss effectively adopted him as their mascot and pet. While fairly stupid and crazy (so much that he believes he's an embraced Hyena who's animal form is "human") he has an almost supernatural ability for finding things and trading them for even better things - in his first night with the Sabbat alone he started with an adult diaper he found on the floor and ended with $400.


Quotes By

- Cheerfully cried out when asked to torture people to ensure their loyalty and trust.

"I find, is ours now..."
- His usual response to picking up literally anything he finds on the floor, ranging from diamonds to adult diapers.

"Monomacy. One person get old and other talk to wall."
- When explaining the act of Monomacy to his fellow Sabbat.

Quotes About

"Would you stop dealing with the shrude businessman? First month you pratically hand over $400, and now you've been roped into finding him a Golden Mace; I don't even wanna know what you're getting from this deal..."
- Crazy James to Aaron.



  • Something is living inside of him, it's been seen crawling out of his mouth from time to time
  • Is an embraced Hyena, his animal form is really Homo Sapien
  • Was the most successful Bishop of Brisbane, with no Sabbat deaths and he survived when replaced.
  • Is less of a "Mascot and Pet", more of a Slave.
    • Slave? Really? It looks more like he's the one who's really in charge.

Inspirations and Soundtrack



OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Corwin Wright
Number: 2010090011
Domain: Brisbane