Difference between revisions of "Archived-Aksel Vinter"

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(Replaced content with "Held for Joel")
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<!-- Character information template -->
{{Proposed PC Summary Requiem
|covenant= Circle of the Crone
<!-- Character image, set to 250px wide -->
[[Image:Coming_Soon.gif|250px|right|link=Special:Upload|Upload your own picture and replace this section with your own]]
== Personal Information ==
==== Appearance ====
==== Personality ====
== Information Known by Kindred Society ==
=== Timeline ===
* 2000 - Details
* 2010 - Details
* 2013 - Details
=== Recent History ===
==== 2013 ====
* JUN - Details
* JUL - Details
* AUG - Details
==== Mortal Society ====
== Lineage ==
<!-- List lineage or link to lineage page -->
==== Known Childer ====
==== Known Grand-childer ====
== Quotes ==
<!-- What the characters and others have said -->
==== Quotes By ====
==== Quotes About ====
==== Conversations ====
== Rumours ==
== Inspirations and Soundtrack ==
* [http://www.website.com Website]
* [http://www.website.com Website]
* [http://www.website.com Website]
== Status ==
<!-- Numbered list of status gained by the character -->
==== City ====
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
==== Covenant  ====
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
==== Clan ====
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
# Given by [[Character]] on date for details.
<!-- List of boons owed to and by the character -->
* Trivial boon owed by [[Character]] to [[Character]] for details (date).
* Major boon paid by [[Character]] to [[Character]] for details (date).
==== Reference ====
<!-- Store of information and data for future development -->
<!-- Player OOC information, can remove -->
{{Proposed OOC Info
Held for [[Joel]]
Held for [[Joel]]

Revision as of 20:58, 26 February 2013

Held for Joel