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== Quotes ==
== Quotes ==

Revision as of 16:12, 1 March 2021

Floyd Fox
Floyd Fox.jpg
Concept: Creative Enforcer
Sect: Anarch | BlackDot.pngBlackDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Clan: Brujah | EmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Generation: 12th
Coterie: TBA
City: Adelaide
Title: TBA
Sire: Michael_Larson
Embraced: 1st January 2000
Player: Tom Whitney
Storyteller: Adelaide VST

Personal Information


Floyd Fox (Floyd de Vaux) is 188cm tall and 105kg or dead average as he'd put it, though others would call him stocky. He maintains a fading tan though it was much darker in his mortal days and has greying dark brown hair.

Although born in the 60s, Floyd's formative years were the 70s and 80s, where he was influenced by punk and gothic/swampy dress styles. Nowadays, his preferred outfits include Anarchy styled t-shirts, dark black jeans, and Dr. Martens boots (designed for kicking heads). His signature look also includes a dark frock coat, which pays homage to his favourite musical artist, Falco.



Floyd is many things all at once, and is often described as not knowing whether he's coming or going. Perceived sometimes as a quiet thug, vocal critic, and genially insensitive he can be focused and aggressive. Enjoying a creative streak with his violence, preferring to push holes through people rather than punching holes. Beyond these descriptives of violence Floyd considers himself a caring individual finding the people at the bottom and lower middle classes of humanity to be the best bearing fruit.

Floyd cares not for the upper echelon/class of humanity, those who would consider themselves politically favoured, financially superior, or born with superiority endowed in their blood and breeding.

One of Floyd's pet hates is people referring to things as fake news, its either real or bullshit...

Lies are not 'Alternative Facts' and should be treated as such... with nothing but utter contempt.

Mortal Days

Floyd de Vaux was born in the 7th Arrondissement of Paris out of wedlock on 15 Sept 1965. He never knew his father, but his mother loved him greatly, and considered him her 'gift from God'. Sadly, love alone wasn't enough to provide for Floyd, and he found himself growing up in the seedy French underground while his mother worked as a prostitute. As Floyd grew up, he found himself spending more and more time in the maze of tunnels, sewers, and ancient catacombs under the city.

As a teenager, Floyd's size and strength led him to become a hired thug with a feral child gang. They roamed the streets, causing chaos, until he was caught by the authorities and sent to a home for troubled children, where he used his strength and fighting skills to intimidate the other residents. At 16, he was thrown back onto the streets to fend for himself.

Unable to find his mother, Floyd moved to the UK where he worked as a bouncer for an illegal underground nightclub. He loved the the clubbing lifestyle, the music of the Sex Pistols, and the violence.

Over the years, Floyd shifted from being a bouncer to a roadie. He used his many trips to try and find his beloved mother. Finally, he found the devastating truth: she had died in 1989 of AIDS, from sharing infected needles to feed her drug addiction. In her will she'd left him with what little money she had, a dilapidated basement unit, and the knowledge that his father had been one of her clients.

In the 1990s, Floyd moved to Australia to continue his work as a roadie. He adopted the English meaning of 'de Vaux' to signal his new life.

Kindred Nights

Floyd Fox's identity as a Brujah is important to him, even though it caused a massive rift with his Sire, who joined the Camarilla several months after Floyd joined his Clan. Floyd values the freedom the Anarch Movement allows him, so he can act with speed and aggression, no pesky rules.


  • 2000 - (early Jan) Floyd is embraced during a New Years celebration at Henley Beach. Floyds sire is Michael Larson. The embrace occurs as a result of Floyd taking on a dozen armed bikies interrupt.
  • 2000 - (mid Jun) Floyd joins the Anarch Movement. During his first territorial scouting mission, he discovered that his no good, shit-faced sire had become a tool of the Camarilla, turning his back on family and protecting the people in favour of his own personal position. Disgusted by this action, Floyd embarks on a mission to interfere in all things Camarilla.
  • 2004 - Floyd assists in the defense of Adelaide from the marauding hordes of the Sabbat.
  • 2005 - Floyd evades capture by his sire directing the capture of many Anarchs from their havens during the day.
  • 2006 - Floyd endears himself with a rave crowd and first responders as he calls a comrade Rafael Caldera to halt a bad batch of party drugs from killing dozen goers.
  • 2006 - Floyd returns from a mission badly beaten and missing a hand after escaping capture from a Camarilla Einsatzgruppen.
  • 2012 - Because of the actions of Andronikos (Andy) interfering in territorial affairs, Floyd flipped out and in the intervening melee a few cars were overturned and the Masquerade was challenged. Floyd was required to assist Andy in cleaning up his mess and the Masquerade.
  • 2017 - Floyd acts as muscle to assist the Anarchs control a Camarilla-owned television station for the famous Berlin rebroadcast.

Recent History


  • FEB - Surprised the newer anarch community as being insular for no apparent reason. Floyd is amazed that influence and duty to the Anarch movement is brushed aside unless one is popular and speaks loudly. Pissed that John Johnson (an apparent person of respect) & Anya Westwood (a nobody) both speak to him as though he's a child. Anya attacks Floyd with her "magic" treating him as though he is a nobody.

Generation 12th

Known Sire


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


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  • Details

Inspirations and Soundtrack



  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Tom Whitney
Number: 0000000000
Domain: Adelaide