Difference between revisions of "Percival Arturus Mortlock"

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==== Quotes About ====
==== Quotes About ====
<!-- Quotes about the character, often by other characters -->
<!-- Quotes about the character, often by other characters -->
"Quote" - reference
"Quote" - reference
==== Conversations ====
==== Conversations ====
<!-- Conversations of note involving the character -->
<!-- Conversations of note involving the character -->
"Quote" - reference
"Quote" - reference

Revision as of 10:23, 13 August 2021

Percival Arturus Mortlock
Concept: Soldier
Sect: Anarch | EmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Clan: Malkavian | EmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Generation: 12th
Coterie: The Moirai
City: Canberra
Title: "The Cutter of the thread" / "The Past"
Sire: ?
Player: Shane McKinnie
Storyteller: Canberra VST

Personal Information

Basic Overview of the Character


Description of how the character looks including notable traits and quirks


Description of how the character acts including notable traits and quirks

Mortal Days

What was the character's life like as a Mortal, who were they? How does society see them now?

Kindred Nights


  • 1980 - Details
  • 1990 - Details
  • 2000 - Details
  • 2010 - Details
  • 2020 - Details

Recent History


  • FEB - Helped rescue the package of the staked Ventrue in Roseworn, Jaquelope ran a lights show
  • MAR - Met up with the Sonja (and had our first Kiss), learned about the Blood Tithe, Planted Asbestos in the building next to 'Mirrors'
  • MAY - The Succubus Club was opened (We left a one-star review). Seth was taken. (First mention of Omega Skull) Met Denim for the first time.
  • JUN - We meet in Queen Anne's ballroom and make a mess. Robbie goes on a disastrous date that ends with a fight; his date Denim ends up staked. The Moirai hear him through the cobwebs and ask for him to be released. The anarchs look for Seth.
  • JUL - it is revealed that Denim has a twin self; 'Desmond'. Denim is released. The Moirai are VERY angry with Julie. Seth is believed to have been taken by 'Armun', the Banu Haquim Primogen.
  • Aug -


Known Sire

  • Unknown

Known 'Siblings'

Known Childer


Quotes By

"Yes, there are three of me.
I don’t know who my sire is, but when I was embraced I saw myself as a single being with two others.
Two strangers who look and are nothing like me.
We were three faces in the single head of one being, and ever since, we’ve been able to… sense each other. Complete each other, like three sides of a single whole.

- Robbie, to Denim about The Moirai.

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


  • Details
  • Details
  • Details

Inspirations and Soundtrack



  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Name
Number: 0000000000
Domain: Domain