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==Inspirations and Soundtrack==
==Inspirations and Soundtrack==
:The Men In Black
:The Men In Black
: Lene Marlin - [[Never to know|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7c7ZOuUiSY]]
: Lene Marlin - [[Never to know|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7c7ZOuUiSY | Never to know]]
: VNV Nation - [[Control|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiaL1pHsd90]]
: VNV Nation - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiaL1pHsd90 | Control]]
==OOC Info==
==OOC Info==

Revision as of 00:33, 6 September 2015

Template:PC Summary Awakening

This might be a photo of I. P. Smith, or not.

Age: 28
Shadow name: I. P. Smith
Sleeper Alias: None/Unknown
Affiliation: Sydney Concilium
Physical description: Average height, mid-shade hair, neatly slicked back, wearing a suit.Sleepers tend to get confused when describing him.
Nimbus: Bright light seems to shine from directly behind his head, blotting out his face and casting the surroundings into stark, obscuring, shadows.
Rank: Adept of Mind, Apprentice of Space and Life.
Titles/Memberships: No Such Individual.



1986 August 12– Born Mitchell Jones in the Blue Mountains, Middle class family, Father, Richard, a Rep for a tradesman’s tool company, Mother, Narelle, works as a receptionist for a double glazing company.
2004 September– Undergoes the Awakening, a disturbing occurance of violent and terrifying imagery in which demons and imps tear open his very soul and expose his weaknesses and imperfections.
2005 January – Grasping at the extent of his new powers Mitchel uses his unnatural influence over other minds for financial gain, personal pleasure and shits and giggles
2005 May – Following a heated argument with his parentys and an attempt to magic away his problems Mitchell looses control and unleashes a wave of paradox, leaving friends and family with no memory of his existance.
2005 June- Regulator, an aged old Mastigos GotV arrives and takes Mitchell away for training and introduction into mage society.
2006 Febuary– Mitchell formally joins the Guardian’s of the Viel, taking on the shadow name Blindside. Regulator begins guiding him in reshaping his soul to join the Bearers of the Eternal Voice.
2007 March – Blindside, completes the reworking of his soul and becomes a Bearer of the Eternal voice, and takes on the name Incogneto Persona Smith, or I. P. Smith. Still plagued by guilt over his parents he vows to protect sleepers from Awakened hubris and educate Awakened society to prevent anything similar from ever happening again.
2007 May – I. P. Smith is introduced to the Governess (Rachel Hardie’s PC) and the two form a Cabal, tasked with ensuring the Veil in Sydney is maintained and security of Awakened society preserved.
2013 November - Smith along with several mages from around the nation, is summon into an pocket of the astral realms. Smith undergoes and gauntlet to test his mental skills, and eventually works with others to free a mysterious and powerful spirit, on the basis that anything the abyss is trying to constrain should be freed.
2014 November - At a gathering at the formerly great Sydney Concillium Smith takes a leadership role within the Guardians, coordinating with the other orders, to counter the Tick-tock Men plot. Afterwards, Smith takes the unpopular stance that the the possessed grimoire crucial to victory should be destroyed.
2014 November - Smith takes on the role of National Speaker for the Guardians of the Veil, essentially the a point of contact for those outside the order, and way for the GoTV to release statements and declaration.
2015 February - Smith travels to Brisbane to assist Dresden with some minor matter.
2015 July - Smith, along with Daedalus Travel to Canberra to assist them with their banisher problems. While there, Smith encounters Molotov for the first time in several years, and participates in the planning for future offensives.



Quotes by

"I understand your distress ma'am, if you could just look at me for a moment, I'm sure we can sort this out"
- Smith, to a sleeper exposed to vulgar magic.
"pfft, so you're telling me these two guys came flying out the shop window, hurling, what did you say... 'purple fire balls' at each other? So you're telling my they had fireworks?, Two idots probably saw too much jackass and, predictably, almost burnt down a shopfront. Now, I wasn't there, but that sounds more plausible, right? "
- Smith, cleaning up after a Seer incursion.
"Swamp gas."

Quotes about

"Oh, well, I guess he was about... average height, sort dark brownish/blonde hair. Uhm... he was wearing a suit. ..I think."
"Smith's not so bad when you get to know him. He just wants to protect what's important to him - and that's all of us. Sure, he gets a little twisted up in it sometimes, but that's why man invented alcohol. Don't ask me about him - go find out for yourself, and buy the man a drink. You owe him one. We all do."
- Sunshine, helpfully pushing a tenner across the table.
"Now, Smith may be cold, corporate and probably a lizard person, but..."
"...but what?"
"I...forgot where I was going with this."
- Sash, to Ricochet.


  • "I. P. Smith" is actually a cabal of mages, all using mind and life magic to remain interchangeable.
    • There's at least one cabal in every major city, maintaining the veil in the face of Atlantean and Seer carelessness.
  • Can be easily convinced to... ...bend his rigid views in exchange for a bacon and egg roll, with diced spring onions and HP sauce.
    • Do NOT try to palm bbq sauce off on him, that shit will NOT fly.
  • Smith only became so adamant about maintaining the veil after a mishap in his youth left a dozen sleepers unable to tie their own shoelaces.
  • One brash young member of the Silver Ladder once spent a month thinking he was a five year old girl from Kansas after refusing to heed his warnings about the misuse of vulgar magic.
  • Has an on-again, off-again thing with Sunshine.
    • Calling it "on-again, off-again" implies way too much structure.
  • Ever notice how he never takes off those glasses?
  • Has seemed frequently unwell at recent meetings.
    • It's a rare cancer of the pseudonym,a form of schizonomia.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

The Men In Black
Lene Marlin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7c7ZOuUiSY | Never to know
VNV Nation - [| Control]

OOC Info

Member Information
Player: Guy Liplyn
Number: 2009040009
Domain: Brisbane