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* She's [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IdenticalStranger not exactly Evelynne].  
* She's [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IdenticalStranger not exactly Evelynne].  
** No, clearly she's Evelynne. The death was fake. She went to Sydney to get a new identity.
** No, clearly she's Evelynne. The death was fake. She went to Sydney to get a new identity.
*** She can't be, she doesn't know everything that Evelynne knew.
*** Then why'd she come back from Melbourne?
**** She's nicer at least.
**** Didn't she come from Adelaide?
* Doesn't hate when people use magic unnecessarily like Evelynne did.
* Occasionally raids Anubis liquor cupboard with Journeyman.
* Occasionally raids Anubis liquor cupboard with Journeyman.
* She's nicer at least.
** And doesn't hate when people use magic unnecessarily like Evelynne did.
* Has an unaffiliated relationship with a man known as Sebby.
* Has an unaffiliated relationship with a man known as Sebby.

Revision as of 02:38, 14 September 2015

Template:PC Summary Awakening


Born in 1989, Vyra has no family to speak of. She awoke several years ago, but couldn't tell you the exact date. Or maybe she can. But she won't. Vyra has blond hair, brown eyes and a friendly smile.

Vyra is a quiet, calm, and relaxed woman, who will protect those she views as her children, and does her best to ensure that they reach their full potential within their abilities, without compromising who they are as a person. She encourages the use of magic for mages to better themselves and believes that mages should strive to be the strongest, most dedicated and most informed versions of themselves. Those who have spent enough time with her generally find her likable, if a touch too motherly.

Don't think for a second that this means she won't stare you down till you cower into submission, or break apart a fight. If words could physically harm there'd be a lot more blood on her hands. There is already a fair amount, so far as she'll tell you, but she doesn't like to speak of her past unless you are already a part of it.


  • 1989 - Born.
  • 2015 - Moves to Canberra three weeks after Evelynne disappears is found murdered in Canberra while running from " Police".


Quotes By

"it's pronounced Vy-Ra. Not Vera. It sounds just like it is spelled. I guess what I am trying to say is Vy rhymes with high, and Ra is a sun god."

- When people get it wrong.

"Yes sweetie, She is dead. Yes sweetie, I am the new Evelynne. No honey, you can't call me that. Or Eve. Sorry but Vyra will have to do."

- To a mage who knew Evelynne.

Quotes About

"its not a question of replacing her to a satisfactory degree. Its a matter of emotion, people will miss her and the feelings they had for her, and you seek to replace that?"

- Journeyman when told by Vyra that she was Evelynne's replacement.


Daisy: "Why'd you save me?"
Vyra: "Because you would have died otherwise. I know you're upset, but I had to."
Daisy: "But she's dead and I am alive now."
Vyra: "I could only save one of you, I had to make a choice."
Daisy: "So, why'd you save me?"
Vyra: "I don't know. But you can't blame yourself for her being dead and you being alive. This wasn't your fault"
Daisy: "I know it's not. It's your fault."
Vyra trying to console a distraught (and surprisingly serious) Daisy-Rain after Piper's death.


  • She's not exactly Evelynne.
    • No, clearly she's Evelynne. The death was fake. She went to Sydney to get a new identity.
      • Then why'd she come back from Melbourne?
        • Didn't she come from Adelaide?
  • Occasionally raids Anubis liquor cupboard with Journeyman.
  • She's nicer at least.
    • And doesn't hate when people use magic unnecessarily like Evelynne did.
  • Has an unaffiliated relationship with a man known as Sebby.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


  • Lorde - Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Mage Society: Acting on your best behaviour, turn your back on mother nature, everybody wants to rule the world. Of freedom and of pleasure, nothing ever lasts forever, everyone wants to rule the world.
  • Say Anything - Do Better Individual Mages : You could do better, you could be the greatest man in the world, we could do better, we could do better.
  • Placebo - Song to Say Goodbye Before she was a Mage: You are one of god's mistakes, you crying tragic waste of skin, I'm well aware of how it aches, and you still won't let me in, now I'm breaking down your door, to try and save your swollen face.
  • VNV Nation - Illusion Dornelia: The feeling sometimes, wishing you were someone else, feeling as though, you never belong, this feeling is not sadness, this feeling is not joy, I truly understand, please don't cry now, please don't go, I want you to stay, I'm begging you please, please don't leave here, I don't want you to hate, for all the hurt that you feel.
  • Juventa - Superhuman Daisy-Rain So maybe I fall, maybe I fail, maybe my hearts not made of stone, maybe you’ll see, secrets I’d never want to show.