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* 1 Minnor boon owed by [[Karlin]] to [[Leonardo]] for endangerment (August 2014).
* 1 Minnor boon owed by [[Karlin]] to [[Leonardo]] for endangerment (August 2014).
* 1 Major boon owed by [[Karlin]] to [[Alim Al Rashid]] for insurance (September 2014)
* 1 Major boon owed by [[Karlin]] to [[Alim Al Rashid]] for insurance (September 2014)
* 3 Minnor boons owed by [[Karlin]] to [[Bertrand Hills]] for 2 territories for a year and his not impeding Black Mass (June 2015)
* 3 Minnor boons owed by [[Karlin]] to [[Bertrand Hills]] for 2 territories for a year (June 2015)
* 1 Major boon owed by [[Bob the bogan king]] to [[Karlin]] for offence offered
* 1 Major boon owed by [[Bob the bogan king]] to [[Karlin]] for offence offered
* 1 Major boon owed by [[Karlin]] to [[Vilrec Langlifr]] for aiding her in frenzy
* 1 Major boon owed by [[Karlin]] to [[Vilrec Langlifr]] for aiding her in frenzy
* 1 Minor boon owed by [[Samuel Parker]] to [[Karlin]] for dragging her into issues with the Carthians (October 2015)
* 1 Minor boon owed by [[Samuel Parker]] to [[Karlin]] for dragging her into issues with the Carthians (October 2015)
* 1 Trivial boon owed by [[Karlin]] to [[Marquerite]] for clarification (November 2015)
== OOC Information ==
== OOC Information ==

Revision as of 03:09, 26 November 2015

Template:PC Summary Requiem

Karlins mask and scarf.jpeg

Personal Information


quite short in stature she is fine boned and carries little excess weight her hair is cropped just bellow her ears and is a brownish blonde in color. she wears a long skirt and a scarf covers her hair. Her eyes are are green but have been known to change in response to her mood She carries a small dagger at her waist, and also a thick book bound in black leather which if you glance inside contains a strange version of shorthand that would take a significant amount of time to decode (or atleast she hopes it would). she has a pencil which she carries usually behind her ear and unless it is activly pointed out she will not surender it as a weapon. after all only an idiot would think a pencil could surfice for a stake, far to fragile.

Smiles are not uncommon but usually she shows little expression though she keeps her head high unless in the company of one clearly above her such as the prince,the keeper of elysium or possibly the sheriff.


Quick witted and curious she exibits many of the traits of a good mekhet and a better spy but she is also very loyal to those worthy of her trust, and especially to those she considers family. She is quiet prefering to listern rather then speak but this should not be mistaken for shyness she will quite happily stand up if she thinks she has something to add to the situation or conversation. She is pasionate and meticulose not the type to give up on something once she gets started,and though she is not the kind to pick a fight, prefering to sit back and watch the outcome and tactics of the combatants she is not above leaving a dagger in someones ribs if the need arrises, preferably from the shaddows, though if it gets to that stage there is probably little chance of her surviving, she prefers the games of pollitics.

Mortal World

At the moment she has few connections after being forced to cut and run from her old identity.

Information Known by Kindred Society


7/05/1962- Erol Hoffman (her brother) is born
22/03/1964 – Born Genevieve Hoffman
1970 – Starts Preschool
1971 – begins primary school
1978 – Begins High school, realizes just how broken their family is.
1982 – Begins Dating Micheal Rowe
1983 – Leaves with Micheal for Sydney University
18/08/1987 – Goes to the library after a fight with Micheal, Ghouled 1 point blood bonded to Gregario
25/08/1987 – 2 point blood bonded to Gregario
31/08/1987 – 3 point blood bound to Gregario
1988 – Gregario ghouls three more people, Snake (Female), Dog (Male) , and Lion (Male). Gregario is forbiden from creating more ghouls.
03/5/1989 – Gregario kills Micheal, Genevieve is renamed Mouse
14/7/1989 – Lion Dies Defending Gregario (Insults a member of the invictus and Gregario Tears him appart to placate them)
10/12/1991 – Gregario Almost kills her when one of his experiments goes wrong
5/9/1992 – Snake is caught infiltrating the princes haven and is killed in front of the court
9/10/1994 – Is lent out to another dragon who torturers her to test if she can break the blood bond that way
22/3/1996 – Dog dies in a mortal accident
03/13/1996 – Mouse's Memory Starts to fail
28/01/1998 – Mouse is set the mission to infiltrate the carthian holdings to retrieve a book, she researches intensly
30/01/1998 – she sets out on her plan but security has changed, she is almost captured the carthians identify her
01/02/1998 – She reports her failure to her regnant furious her yells and slashes her across the face and leaves. She manages to stitch herself up and slowly heal the wounds
06/02/1998 – Shows up at court looking for her regnant, finds out he is dead
February 1998 -Fed by Brother, Is renamed Victoria.
November 1999 – Fed by Crowely, Is Renamed Elizabeth
October 2000 – Fed by Fabian, Is Renamed Victoria
March 2001 – Fed by Brother Gregory, Renamed Sister, Encouraged to join the lance and is placed with the Lance in Armidale
2001 to 2014 – Is fed by the Lance in Armidale
28/02/2014 – Is Embraced by Alim

Recent History


Karlins First year as one of the kindred she was thrown head first into the politics of the court, she learnt to trust her gut but to be cautious of the impact of her words. She has seen to that proffecies can come true and that alternate worlds can and do exist. she has lost this year, the brood child that called her mother, and some of her mind destroyed by the prince and the abyss concurrently. But she has also gained, her freedom being released by her sire and possition amoungst both her clan and her covernant. She has mostly overcome her doubts and now strands true with her covernant a silient member of the agnostic Lance.


Jan - participated in the capture of the two brood kindred, and with Leonardo's help calmed the crowds so they would not cause issues. held the from of the Coughing gerkin securly hidden whilst the two where interigated.

Feb - Very little ended up in a car chase with a Valdyr named Eira who she likes despite her better judgement and the direction of others started to figure out how Ace continuelly manages to survive.

March - the Expletive hits the fan, is unwilling a part of the Volmark plot led by Charles Volmark to execute Eira was aproached by Bertrand Hills for her support among the Lance on a praxis claim, refuses.Then was told she was to be the next bishop after Wolfric Abendroth, refuses, is latter "excommunicated" though reassured that she is still a member of the Lance by Lothar establishes she is pretty much the only choice for bishop and Priscus.*cries silently*

April - there was no time to deal with anything socially this month, the moment she reached the place where court was being held she was dragged into the hunt the first place was the hospital where she found a kindred feeding on her patients and eventually with the aid of Marquerite and Mathias reduced all of them to either torpour or death. she stayed behind to help with the cover up, saved a young girl brought to her by Mathias then traveled to the grave yard on the out skirts of town killing a necromancer and being torpoured by one of his raised zombies. Bertrand Hills awakens her and she spends the rest of the night in court to hurt to leave the building without drawing notice.

May - Karlin takes two new kindred with her on a mission set by Bertrand Hills to blow up a residential building and prenet the escape of any brood from inside. The group splits with the two new kindred going after a departing car and subduing the occupants, Whilst Karlin attempted to sneak into the house to set the bomb. She is hit by a clay-more blast and confronted by 3 Blue Tattooed kindred bluffing her way through she ends up almost embracing two humans they have caught. 6 torpoured BTK are stored in Alim Al Rashid's trailer. Karlin races back to warn them what the BTK said about the end of the world coming tonight. Karlin is torpoured and woken by Samuel Parker. Suspects she has been past up for city status again and fumes quietly.

June - Holds her first ever Dark Gathering on the topic of cooperation and the dangers that lurks outside Kindred society. Arranges feeding territories for the Lancea Sanctum, is charged boons and fumes quietly. Participates in a land hunt in Uralla where she locates a small group of will workers she i cautious of them but these one do not seem an immediate threat. Helped to find the source of a note which suggested a coupe against Bertrand Hills, makes a mental note to talk to the person who was planning the coupe.

July - Karlin watches over Tempest as she is experimented on by the Dragons then tries to protect her resulting in getting slightly messed up when Tempest Frenzies. Stands at her side regardless when the challenge against Betrand Hills is announced, does not need to get involved in the fighting and so doesn't. Speaks with Alim Al Rashid about dropping her position as Bishop and receives his blessing as the only other active member of the Armidale Lancea Sanctum. Gathers up Fabian Bainbridge's wooden sword to ensure it doesn't fall into unfavorable hands after he is torpoured.

August - Karlin is draw into a civil war between supporters of Bertrand Hills and supporters of the newly elected supposedly now dead prince Tempest. after facing and escaping a badly damaged building Karlin volunteers the haven she is building for herself as a temporary haven for the small group of Tempest's supporters. Going out to investigate Tempest's haven Karlin is away when she hears what sound like her haven is under attack she returns to find her haven has been damaged and falls to anger frenzy. She is put down by Grizzly and is awoken by Alim Al Rashid to find that large numbers of people in the hotel have been brutally murdered. she clears out the others and remains to confront the police and try to clean up the masquerade breach that has occurred. she is taken into custody forced to escape and is forced to abandon her current identity. She begins to plot murder but lays aside the plans when the new Prince Esteban Cortes calls for peace.Visits Toowoomba she is hunted by a creature which douses her in a foul scent presumably to aid tracking she is forced to strip to lose the scent, she ingests a foul smelling substance which she believes to be dead and decomposing human bodies, it is unpleasant but she justifies its need and the face that flesh is not so biologically different from blood (humanity loss). She also attends Brisbane court entering a debate with Pietro Navishenko and almost attacking another member of the sanctified she is "rescued" from that fate my Vilrec Langlifr and Pietro Navishenko the latter of which induces a 1 point blood bond. she finds out about a something which may or may not be trying to kill Pietro Navishenko.

September - she witnesses the torture and torpouring of Mathius and then she left moving to Sydney for a holiday for a break from Armidale. she looks into Theban sorcery that could help her and prepares for conclave.

Conclave - Attended conclave carrying a letter from Fatimah al-Mu'allima supporting Nyx as Lance speaker, it being the only nomination put forward. she found out about ghosts and assisted in the exorcism of three at three different stages. Is left completely exhausted and returns to Sydney to recover with many new shinies.

October - Alim Al Rashid attends court and Fatimah al-Mu'allima breaks out the blood memory Karlin is very tempted to steal it away, but Alim Al Rashid eventually accepts it taking it in in court and causing a massive cluster-fuck. His actions trigger memories in Karlin and she is left terrified. She talks to Nyx and reaches an acceptance of her. Stays in Sydney.

November - Spend most of the night waiting to speak to the prince finds and dismisses the pissed off rain as not involving her. Talks to Yū Mizushima again about the missing pen and the ring which Samuel Parker stole. Found out about the Palletorium and half considered just burning them all and retiring to the Brisbane archives



Ghair Ma’loum (Unknown, Sire)

Known Sire

Alim Al Rashid - I ... I don't even know anymore

Known Siblings

  • Garrick Smith (unknown)

Known Childer

  • None

Known Grand-childer

  • None


Quotes By

"He may bar me from services, throw me from the Sanctified but he can not stop me believing what i believe"

- To Florence Miller and Lothar after being "Excomunicated" from the Lance.

"I may not like Nyx, but you have my word, I will watch her back"

- To Fatimah al-Mu'allima

"... Then he was tourpored. But hear my words this is not a victory this is not something to be celebrated. this is a sad thing and a sad day."

- To Edan Nightchild about Mathius's tourporing.

"No person can serve two masters loyally, sooner or latter you will be forced to chose and then the other will suffer"

-given to Wolfric Abendroth as the reason he does not hold her implicate trust.

"I tried, i tried to apologies, he told me he would kill me, that i was useless, pathetic and his claws, they where sharp, so sharp..."

-To Fatimah al-Mu'allima as she recalls her first keeper's departure.

Quotes About

"You may certainly have a word in private with my Childe, however as she is unreleased at this time, it is my duty to be in attendance for this private audience"

- Alim Al Rashid to his Grandchilde and Karlin's Nephew, Tybalt.

"She is quiet, and nervous, and studious. She wishes to go about her duty before the Most Merciful, and does not wish to attract attention. She's just like me, and thus every intrusion thrust upon her cuts me as it does her. I am sorry, little sister and daughter, for the burdens you will have to bear, but Allah needs you right where you are."

- Fatimah al-Mu'allima

"She's weak. Like Grayson, or Fatimah. But she's a Lance, and we need those like her for the pathetic sheep who can't turn back from fear, but need guidance from a shepherd. She better fight for that sire of hers though, because if she can't, I'll do it for her. And when that's done, I'll box her myself so she can think on her failure as a childe."

- Nyx


- conversation bettween Karlin and Fatimah on the loss of Eira and the need for caution and strength
  • "You accepted death and damnation. You accepted your faith. Would it be so difficult to accept me?"

"If acceptance is all you wish you have it, I accept you as a kindred and a proper Prince. If you are looking for trust however; well that is a thing hard won from me."
"We don't get wiser as we get older, our deaths have locked us in place. But, we do learn to avoid or raise a certain amount of hell. Depending on which we prefer."
*Uncertainty crosses her features for a moment, then she smiles* "but of cause even the very young know how to raise hell if given half a chance, we are purhapse just a little worse at avoiding the consequences of our actions"

- conversation bettween Esteban Cortes and Karlin.


  • she is secretly a member of the cathian movement and is passing information to them.\
  • might also be part of the OD its hard to keep track.
  • She is systematicly bumping off people who hold positions of power over her, how else could a neonate be Bishop, Primegin and Priscus...

Inspirations and Soundtrack


  • Wake me up - Avicii feat. Aloe Blacc "They tell me I'm too young to understand, They say I'm caught up in a dream. Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes, Well that's fine by me."
  • Push - Matchbox 20 "She said I don't know if I've ever been good enough, I'm a little bit rusty, and I think my head is caving in, And I don't know if I've ever been really loved, By a hand that's touched me, well I feel like something's gonna give, And I'm a little bit angry"
  • The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy "So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked, One maniac at a time we will take it back, You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start,So dance alone to the beat of your heart. Hey young blood, Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?"
  • Haunted - Evanescence "Long lost words whisper slowly to me, Still can't find what keeps me here, When all this time I've been so hollow inside, I know you're still there"
  • Promise Land - Hannah Miller "Weary of this fight, This long and lonesome fight, Every step I take I feel farther away, Can't get it right. Now I'm stumbling, Towards the promised land"
  • Demons - Imagine Dragons "So they dug your grave, And the masquerade, Will come calling out, At the mess you made. Don't wanna let you down,But I am hell bound, Though this is all for you, Don't wanna hide the truth"
  • Fake It - Seether "And just fake it if you're out of direction, Fake it if you don't belong here, Fake it if you feel like affection, Woah you're such a fucking hypocrite"
  • The Truth Beneath the Rose - Within Temptation "Pray for me cause I have lost my faith in holy wars, Is paradise denied to me cause I can't take no more? Has darkness taken over me, consumed my mortal soul, All my virtues sacrificed, can Heaven be so cruel? Forgive me my sins"
  • Wrong Side of Heaven - Five Finger Death Punch "I spoke to God today, and she said that she's ashamed. What have I become, what have I done? I spoke to the Devil today, and he swears he's not to blame. And I understood, cause I feel the same."
  • - Wait For It - Hamilton "My grandfather was a fire of brimstone preacher,But there are things that the homilies and hymns won't teach ya.My mother was a genius my father commanded respect. When they died they left no instructions. Just a legacy to protect. Death doesn't discriminate Between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes and we keep living anyway. We rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes.And if there's a reason I'm still alive when everyone who loves me has died I'm willing to wait for it."


  • The Spies March - Rudyard Kipling
  • Cities and Thrones and Powers -Rudyard Kipling
  • What is my name? - Hope-Is-My-Life


  • "Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus
  • "Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God." - Hippocratic Oath


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Kat
Number: 2013090005
Domain: [[PtAP]]