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'''Various nicknames and aliases:'''  
'''Various nicknames and aliases:'''  
'''Physical description:'''
'''Physical description:'''

Revision as of 07:39, 29 August 2016

Template:PC Summary Awakening


Born: 15th January 1998

Age: 18

Rank: Disciple of Time, Apprentice of Space, Initiate of Fate, Initiate of Time


Various nicknames and aliases: Jimmy

Physical description: Amaymon is an 18 year old boy, He stands at 170cm tall with Short Blonde hair and grey eyes. He is often seen wearing a Pink or Blue button up shirt as well as Chinos, he is never without either a scarf or Tie depending on the time of year. He has bags under his eyes from constant nights of cramming for school as well as stress and always seems to smell of citrus.

Nimbus: The world around seems to grow dark and Amaymon's eyes glow red, his hair curling to look like horns. Those around would hear whispers about their failures being reminded of what they couldn't achieve.



  • November 10th 2013:

Despite his Father and Mother being divorced Mephi out of the blue invites Fiona, Evelyn and Amaymon to the Beach for a day. Its out of Character but not unwanted, They all really enjoy themselves and finish the day with a snapshot of them all playing together. 3 days later his Father was found shot and decapitated, Amaymon never got over it.


  • June 2016:

Amaymon is leaving Uni after a long day of class when he begins to feel incredibly sick, He vomits over the side of the Lock Bridge before being face to face with a demon. The Demon shoves Coals in his mouth and he flees, As he is fleeing Amaymon is met by figures from his past all of them telling him he's failed and a traitor for his class in the world. At this point he is picked up by a Demon who flies him to what looks like a watchtower. He Climbs to the top but is unable to write his name no matter what he does. Getting frustrated he yells at the Demon. The Demon flies to see him telling him the others made it this far and didn't fail, He gets Angry, Punching the Demon and cracking one of its Horns to write his name. Amaymon awakes to find Claire Lying on the ground before him.

Recent events


June: Amaymon is taken along to his first meeting of the concilium. It doesn't go well... Human Skulls, Werewolves, Sprites and his Dad not being dead. Is being a Mage really worth it?

July: Amaymon


Quotes by

  • "YOU! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD" - Amaymon about Mephi

Quotes about



Inspirations and Soundtrack