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==== Family Rivals: Friends with Van'Galen ====
==== Family Rivals: Friends with Van'Galen ====
*Rí O'Callaghan
*Rí O'Callaghan (Friends with Kristopher Van'Galen)
***Zere Camden
***Zere Camden

Revision as of 12:09, 22 September 2016

Template:PC Summary Requiem 250px|right

Personal Information


Standing with a slight muscular build at 187cm, caramel beige skin framed by black hair style simple short, with blue-gray eyes that show no warmth despite his charismatic attitude. Usually dressed in professional and stylish attire, sometimes you'll even see him in a doctors labcoat due to his profession.


Seemingly warm and kind to everyone, but eyes always show iciness. Charming on the outside, true nature unknown to anyone other than his sire. He claims to want to want to make the world a better place, but will only do things he feels like doing. His faith does not waiver that he is following the path he was meant to.

Likes and Dislikes

  • His job as a doctor.
  • Knives.
  • Helping others when necessary.
  • Useful people.
  • Sharing company with people similar to himself.
  • Large spaces with room to move.
  • The scum of the world like those who sell their bodies.
  • Small spaces, feels claustrophobic.
  • Certain voices. Sensitive to voices and sounds, he'll sometimes excuse himself when they overwhelm him.
  • Collecting knives, sometimes as tokens of travel. They seem to go missing after a while though, but there is always one he favors more than others and would do anything to prevent losing.
  • Cleaning. Everything must be pristine always. If a doctor doesn't stay clean, it can mean the life of his patient.

Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


(This part is known only by sire and specific kindred.)

  • Born in London 1871
  • Embraced 1896

Travel around the world with sire, mostly consisting of Sweden, Germany and America. Trips are brief except for stay in Louisiana, returning to America and England in between visits to foreign countries.

  • 1932 Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 1947 Los Angeles.
  • 1957 Frankfurt, Germany.
  • 1984 Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 2005 - 2009 Louisiana.

Recent History

  • 2010 - Arrives in Australia. New Identity solidified. (Sire returned to England).
  • 2013 - Graduates University with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery while doing medical practicum.
  • 2016 - Fully licensed doctor, assigned to the hospital in Roxby Downs.


  • FEB - Completed Australian criteria to become a doctor.
  • MAR -
  • APR -
  • MAY -
  • JUN - Transfer paperwork completed.
  • JUL - Assigned to the hospital in Roxby Downs.
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Kindred Family

  • Faux Claus (Under the Alias of: Kristopher Van'Galen
    • Alec Stryder
    • Kade

Opposing Family

  • Kristopher Van'Galen
    • Wren
      • Alistair Caster

Family Rivals: Friends with Van'Galen

  • Rí O'Callaghan (Friends with Kristopher Van'Galen)
    • Rinn
      • Zere Camden
      • Darius Knight
  • Alim Al Rashid
    • Garick Smith
      • Henry Lassiter
      • Tybalt
        • Florence Miller
        • Jack Doolan
        • Veronika Rostov
      • Karlin


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Quote" - Reference


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Shannon Spanks]
Number: 2015020003
Domain: Brisbane