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** He's good at it too. If you need training in... well, anything. Ask him, chances are he'll be happy to.
** He's good at it too. If you need training in... well, anything. Ask him, chances are he'll be happy to.
* Thoth is a really nice guy, as long as he's not cleaning up your mess.
* Thoth is a really nice guy, as long as he's not cleaning up your mess.
* Occasionally carries around a shotgun.
** Might be only so he can make the 'gettof my lawn' joke.
* His aura is terrifying, seriously.
* His aura is terrifying, seriously.

Revision as of 19:56, 21 October 2016

Template:PC Summary Awakening

"Come, sit with me. We have much to talk about."

Thoth carries many extremely aged scrolls on his person... not many know why

This is a proposed character for Awakening 2.0 and is currently not finalised. It also also incomplete. Beware it is subject to approval and may change!

Most of this is OOC information. It is best used for links and OOC fun.

Born: 07/09/1901
Age: 115
Rank: Classified
Titles/Memberships: Classified
Various nicknames and aliases: Vigil
Physical description: Thoth's age is hard to determine. First glance would suggest extreme age, as his hair is bone white (though still full) and his wrinkles are deep and many. Second glance would put a guess of an age between 70 and 80. Still, though frail he appears to be in excellent health. He is heavily scarred from a lifetime of combat in a multitude of forms.
Nimbus: Thoth's nimbus brings with it an overwhelming sense of age and power, cowing those who see it.

Gets around a bit. Not slack on investigating signs of magic.

Quick facts

Known in the Sleeper world

Given his professed age, it seems likely that he's had to sever ties with


  • 1901: Born
  • 1918: Enlisted for WW1 at the age of 16 using his older brother's ID.
  • 1918: Is discovered to a sleepwalker by a Thyrsus called Caraway, his then Sergeant. Caraway educates him in the truth about the Fallen World, and the supernatural undercurrent of the War in progress.
  • 1919: With the war at an end, Caraway, inducts him into the Adamantium Arrow as a Banner-Bearer. He takes the name Vigil.
  • 1939: With the sparks of World War II igniting, Caraway and Vigil reenlist. Caraway convinces the rest of their cabal to enlist as well. Despite some suspicion by army recruiters over the group's level of competence, Caraway's old influences allow them to be made into a special forces unit. Under Caraway's command, the group focuses primarily on countering Axis Awakened influences on the War.
  • 1941: Caraway and most of the rest of the cabal perishes when a Seer Master of Matter invokes a paradox; resulting in an Abyssal Manifestation. Vigil survives, if barely. He remembers little until he is fully recovered, but by the time he's mobile again he has awakened to the Watchtower of the Iron Gauntlet.
  • 1942-1945: With his new capabilities, Vigil rapidly rises through the ranks. By the War's end, he has reached the rank of Colonel. However, he again gets released from the army, devoting himself to service in the Adamantium Arrow.
  • 1969: Is presumed dead in the Dubbo singularity. Details on the events are scarce, but seem to indicate that all of the Mages present were retroactively erased from Time itself.
  • 1972: Vigil resurfaces as Thoth. He seems quite different, and bears many scars. On his return he formally quits the Adamantium Arrow.
  • 1978: Thoth formally claims membership in the Guardians of the Veil.

  • 2010: Discovered Circe in Launceston. Took her on as an apprentice. At her request, prepared her for Arrow initiation.

Quotes by

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you."
-His usual line when someone examines his aura.

Quotes about



  • He's been finding and teaching Awakened longer than most Awakened have been alive.
    • He's good at it too. If you need training in... well, anything. Ask him, chances are he'll be happy to.
  • Thoth is a really nice guy, as long as he's not cleaning up your mess.
  • Occasionally carries around a shotgun.
    • Might be only so he can make the 'gettof my lawn' joke.
  • His aura is terrifying, seriously.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

I'm always happy to be contacted via Facebook/Mage forums, or even by phone if it needs an immediate response. On all feel free, I enjoy chatting.

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Joshua Smith]
Number: 2014020035
Domain: Canberra