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==== Past Timeline ====
==== Past Timeline ====
'''''This is all to be confirmed and relevant approvals submitted'''''<br>
'''''This is all to be confirmed and relevant approvals submitted'''''<br>
'''1021'''  Turstin is born to Norman parentage, a direct descendant of the original Vikings to settle in what became known as Normandy, France. Groomed to become a soldier from an early age, Turstin's destiny would always be entwined with death.<br>
'''1049'''  Turstin is Embraced by [[Ydva |Ydva Tyr Úti]]<br>
'''1066'''  Turstin lies in slumber beneath the Battle of Hastings, the battle that would likely have claimed his life had he not been embraced. he unknowingly gorges on the blood of the fallen and when he wakes among the corpses, vows never to fight in open battle, for to die there is to die in weakness. The scene of carnage places a mark upon him he will not likely forget.<br>
'''Year'''  <br>
'''Year'''  <br>
'''Year'''  <br>
'''1400'''  In a betrayal to the family, Ári is killed. [[Ylva]] and [[Ljónynja Øringr | Ljónynja]] escape, forced to leave an injured [[Ydva]] and Wodan behind. Unsatisfied with the fallout of events, Wodan leaves to forge his own path, Taking a new name. <br>
'''Year'''  <br>
'''1400'''  In a betrayal to the family, Ári is killed. [[Ylva]] and [[Ljónynja Øringr | Ljónynja]] escape, forced to leave an injured [[Ydva]] and Wodan behind. <br> Unsatisfied with the fallout of events, Wodan leaves to forge his own path, Taking a new name. <br>
'''Year'''  <br>
'''Year'''  <br>
'''Year'''  <br>
'''Year'''  <br>

Revision as of 21:55, 15 November 2016

character is in the process of creation for 2.0, please just use this as OOC information, and hit me up if you want ties!

Template:PC Summary Requiem

Personal Information


Tall and built for making war in an ancient time.


Acts Like

Mortal World


Information Known by Kindred Society

Most species bare their teeth as a threat. as a display of aggression, of leadership.

It is a reminder that these clenched jaws can - and will - open your yielding throat.

I want you to think of this the next time I smile.

Past Timeline

This is all to be confirmed and relevant approvals submitted
1021 Turstin is born to Norman parentage, a direct descendant of the original Vikings to settle in what became known as Normandy, France. Groomed to become a soldier from an early age, Turstin's destiny would always be entwined with death.
1049 Turstin is Embraced by Ydva Tyr Úti
1066 Turstin lies in slumber beneath the Battle of Hastings, the battle that would likely have claimed his life had he not been embraced. he unknowingly gorges on the blood of the fallen and when he wakes among the corpses, vows never to fight in open battle, for to die there is to die in weakness. The scene of carnage places a mark upon him he will not likely forget.
1400 In a betrayal to the family, Ári is killed. Ylva and Ljónynja escape, forced to leave an injured Ydva and Wodan behind. Unsatisfied with the fallout of events, Wodan leaves to forge his own path, Taking a new name.
1600 Returns to his family for the first time in 200 years to bear witness to the embrace of skye-. some old wounds still sting, however the family is strong.

Recent History



- Ydva
- Ari - Deceased.
- Ljónynja - The Little Lioness
- Those lost to Antiquity...
- Vala - The Curse Binder
- Garmr - The Lost Boy


Quotes By

"It was Said."

- Why it was Said.

Quotes About

"Thing that was said."

- Who said it.


Ljónynja - "I Judge not based solely on a Kindred's Clan or Covenant"
Wodan - "And herein lies your greatest weakness. You have far too much faith in others."

Wodan - "I heard your curses while I slept, little Vala. You spit the words with such ferocity."
Vala - "Who... are you?"
Wodan - "Shh... not now little Vala. First attend to your murderers. Show them your ferocity. Teach them your pain. Hunt them. Then, I will teach you the true meaning of the marks you wear, and of the Wilde Jagd."


Inspirations and Soundtrack


  • [ :] .

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Luke
Number: AU2013030010
Domain: Canberra