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:“They call us animals because they do not understand. They are like the civilians who called us returning soldiers mindless killers and monsters not knowing how much discipline was required to move carefully through hellish jungles full of gunfire and carve men open with knives, nor how much strength of character we needed to do that day-in and day-out without losing our sanity. They think it is a pejorative because they think we are weak, they do not realize that it is the challenge of checking the animal every day that makes us strong.”
:“They call us animals because they do not understand. They are like the civilians who called us returning soldiers mindless killers and monsters not knowing how much discipline was required to move carefully through hellish jungles full of gunfire and carve men open with knives, nor how much strength of character we needed to do that day-in and day-out without losing our sanity. They think it is a pejorative because they think we are weak, they do not realize that it is the challenge of checking the animal every day that makes us strong.”
:- Adrian’s considered response to a common Volmark insult<br>
:- Adrian’s considered response to a common Volmark insult
:“My faith? I choose to draw spiritual meaning from the stories of my ancestors and their gods. I do this because I could not bring myself to continue to believe in a God that would allow the violence I have seen to happen. The Gods of my ancestors were fickle, they were flawed, and they were human. That is why I embrace them.”
:“My faith? I choose to draw spiritual meaning from the stories of my ancestors and their gods. I do this because I could not bring myself to continue to believe in a God that would allow the violence I have seen to happen. The Gods of my ancestors were fickle, they were flawed, and they were human. That is why I embrace them.”
:- Adrian’s opinion of Religions of the Book and the Lancea Sanctum<br>
:- Adrian’s opinion of Religions of the Book and the Lancea Sanctum
==== Quotes About ====
==== Quotes About ====
:"You're very different to what I expected."
:"You're very different to what I expected."
:- ''[[Vilhelmiina]]'', first words upon meeting Adrian after coming out of Torpor<br>
:- ''[[Vilhelmiina]]'', first words upon meeting Adrian after coming out of Torpor
:"Too weak to be the blood of my foes. Burning flesh and wanton death used to be the currency of the Valdyr. They have grown desperate for claws in these later nights."
:"Too weak to be the blood of my foes. Burning flesh and wanton death used to be the currency of the Valdyr. They have grown desperate for claws in these later nights."
:- ''Lothar'', on the younger Valdyr.
:- ''Lothar'', on the younger Valdyr.
== Rumours ==
== Rumours ==

Revision as of 18:26, 2 April 2013

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Sire: Berengaria Lange

Notable Traits: Adrian maintains the rough appearance he had at the time of his embrace, his hair long and his beard shaggy from refusing to leave his apartment and associate with civilians who didn’t understand him. His body is well built, the result of a lifetime of soldiering and an unlife of clinging to those same values as his anchor to sanity. Beneath his fatigues his body contains a patchwork of scars and burns, the physical testament to his years of service in Vietnam. A soldier through and through; Adrian places value on self-discipline, loyalty, and efficiency. The military was his family in life, and when he had come to terms with his embrace the Valdyr replaced both at once. Though not a zealot per se, he is obsessively loyal to those he sees as his superiors in the family and dedicates himself to maintaining the skills which have become his contribution to the family.

Coteries/Societies: In life, Adrian was a soldier through and through. His father was a soldier and died fighting the Japanese in 1943; he himself went on to fight in the Korean War, Malaysian Emergency, and the Vietnam War. It was his skill as a soldier and, just as importantly, as a leader of soldiers that earned his embrace. In the time since then, he has come to serve the Valdyr as a master of arms, combat training, and where needed combat tactics and strategy.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1933 - Born in Brisbane, Australia.
  • 1943 - Biological father, who also carried Valdyr blood, killed fighting the Japanese in World War II.
  • 1951 - Enlisted in the Australian Army, and assigned to 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment.
  • 1952 - Deployed along with the rest of 1RAR to Korea, participating in Operation Blaze soon afterwards.
  • 1953 - Returned briefly to Australia when 2RAR was deployed to relieve 1RAR in Korea.
  • 1954 - After the ceasefire in Korea was establish, Adrian along with 1RAR were deployed again as part of the UN Peacekeeping force there.
  • 1956 - Following several years of service in Korea, 1RAR finally return home.
  • 1959 - With the outbreak of the Malaysian Emergency, Australia contributes 1RAR to the British FESR and so Adrian is deployed to Malaysia.
  • 1960 - As part of 1RAR, Adrian participated in Operation Magnet against the CTs using the Thai border to evade patrols.
  • 1961 - After the Malaysian Emergency was declared over and 1RAR had completed its training with FESR, they returned to Australia.
  • 1965 - Australia began stepping up its involvement in Vietnam, and Adrian was deployed with 1RAR to work with the US 173rd Airborne.
  • 1966 - With the arrival of the newly formed 1ATF, 1RAR was relieved in Vietnam and so Adrian returned to Australia.
  • 1968 - 1RAR was deployed to Vietnam for a second tour and Adrian with them, but soon afterwards he was brought home due to an anxiety disorder.
  • 1970 - Adrian completed a two-year treatment for his, poorly understood, PTSD. He was deemed unfit for further service, and honorably discharged.
  • 1974 - After a game of cat-and-mouse he was caught by Berengaria Lange and forcibly embraced. He adapted to it soon afterwards.
  • 2013 - Present Day.


Adrian was born in Brisbane on March 15, 1933. His father had not long before been deployed to fight in the pacific alongside American forces, and Adrian’s mother began raising him on her own. The situation didn’t change, however, as Adrian’s father was killed in action fighting against the Japanese. During his youth Adrian’s mother told him story after story about his father, and how brave and loyal he had been as a soldier willing to go and give his life to keep them safe. It was only natural that when he turned eighteen Adrian would enlist to follow in his father’s footsteps.

Adrian passed through boot camp with sterling results, showing a particular knack for marksmanship and command, and was immediately assigned to 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment. This assignment came just in time for 1RAR to be deployed to fight alongside other Allied forces in Korea in 1952. His time on deployment in Korea was characterized largely by time spent holding trenches, with the bulk of the manoeuvring warfare having concluded by that time. The notable exception to this came in Operation Blaze, which had elements of 1RAR attempt to take a series of Chinese bunkers with little success. Adrian’s performance during the operation, however, earned him a quick promotion to lance-corporal. Adrian spend much of time in Korea, with 1RAR returning to Australia in 1953 only to be returned as part of a UN Peacekeeping force in 1954 and remaining there until 1956 when they were finally relieved and sent home.

The outbreak of the Malaysian Emergency heralded the call to war again soon afterwards though, and in 1959 1RAR was deployed to work alongside the British Far East Security Reserve against the communist terrorist groups active in the region. Long jungle patrols characterized this deployment with the most noteworthy action being Operation Magnet, in which British forces attempted to flush CTs who had taken to crossing the Thai border to avoid patrols back into Malaysia where the Australians were waiting for them. In 1960 the Emergency was declared over, but 1RAR moved to Singapore for some time while they trained with FESR before finally returning to Australia in 1961.

When Australia began deploying troops to Vietnam in 1965, Adrian was amongst the troops of 1RAR and thus one of the first Australians to see combat. Adrian served in Vietnam for the full extent of 1 RAR’s first tour of duty until 1966, taking part in numerous patrols where he lead a section as a newly promoted corporal. He returned with 1 RAR for their second tour of duty but the conditions of the war took its toll on Adrian, and the experiences he endured whilst fighting against the Viet Cong during the early months of his second tour left him suffering from what would come to be called post-traumatic stress disorder. He was brought home soon after deployment in November of 1968.

After returning home and being diagnosed with a serious anxiety disorder, Adrian was admitted to an Army-run program for soldiers returning from service with psychological problems. For the next two years Adrian underwent treatment, responding slowly but eventually working his way through the disorder to the point where the Army felt he could be safely released from hospitalization. However, his soldiering days were over. He was honourably discharged for reasons of psychological disability, the doctors feeling that continued service would place him at excessive risk of redeveloping symptoms, and provided with a small government pension.

Adrian did not cope well with the return to civilian life, and the poor understanding of PTSD at the time meant that the treatments given to him were not as effective. Adrian soon had a severe falling out with his mother, and cut off contact from all of his civilian friends and family; he felt as though they did not and could not understand who he was anymore and felt somewhat betrayed by the government. Adrian became reclusive, living alone in a small apartment in Brisbane. Several years passed, and although he did not regress he remained unable to integrate properly again. He remained solitary and reclusive, until he figured out that he was being watched.

He was not sure who was watching him, or why, but Adrian was certain that someone had been. Little things changed without any visible reason why, and a soon familiar shape periodically lurked at the edges of his vision during the night. This provoked a reaction in Adrian, and he began preparing to deal with this would-be stalker of his. He laid out traps in his apartment, nothing complex but enough to wound a would-be assailant, and ceased to live there all the time. He began disguising himself as homeless and staying in shelters at night, returning to his apartment during the day to check the traps. He found some set-off on occasion, but soon found them the way he had left them. His stalker was learning, but so was he. After several weeks of cat-and-mouse, Adrian decided it was time to turn the tables. Maintaining his cover as a homeless drifter, he found an alley in the north of Brisbane which was far enough out of the way to allow him to set it up as a big trap without risking any bystanders. He spent a week preparing it but when it was done he had a setup that would allow him to lure a stalker inside, take cover, and then ambush the pursuer if they followed him in.

Adrian wandered the streets nearby that night, until his familiar shadow appeared. As planned, he proceeded to the prepared alley trap and scrambled into his hiding place. He did not count on a woman following him in, but what came as more of a shock was when the knife blow that should have put her on the ground failed to do so. He hardly had time to be surprised, though, because the woman was upon him faster than he could keep up with on his best day. He expected death, but awoke some time later with something rather different. Adrian did not, at first, take well to being embraced. It was not until his sire managed to hold him down long enough to convince him that he was not going to be hurt further that he was even willing to listen. It took him some time to accept that he was now a vampire, and that all that occult stuff from the movies had some truth to it. He managed to come to terms with it eventually; once it was explained to him that he was a Valdyr, part of a long and proud family of warriors, he began to relax into his new life. He had a family and superiors to serve again, people who understood.


Childe of Berengaria, Grand Childe of Vilrec Langlifr, Great Grand Childe of Hringr, Descendant of Hati Hróðvitnisson, Sun-Eater.
Brother to Rasmus Koskinen, Vilhelmiina.



Quotes By

"Orders, Sire?"
- A somewhat frequent request made of Berengaria

“They call us animals because they do not understand. They are like the civilians who called us returning soldiers mindless killers and monsters not knowing how much discipline was required to move carefully through hellish jungles full of gunfire and carve men open with knives, nor how much strength of character we needed to do that day-in and day-out without losing our sanity. They think it is a pejorative because they think we are weak, they do not realize that it is the challenge of checking the animal every day that makes us strong.”
- Adrian’s considered response to a common Volmark insult

“My faith? I choose to draw spiritual meaning from the stories of my ancestors and their gods. I do this because I could not bring myself to continue to believe in a God that would allow the violence I have seen to happen. The Gods of my ancestors were fickle, they were flawed, and they were human. That is why I embrace them.”
- Adrian’s opinion of Religions of the Book and the Lancea Sanctum

Quotes About

"You're very different to what I expected."
- Vilhelmiina, first words upon meeting Adrian after coming out of Torpor

"Too weak to be the blood of my foes. Burning flesh and wanton death used to be the currency of the Valdyr. They have grown desperate for claws in these later nights."
- Lothar, on the younger Valdyr.


  • Adrian's time spent fighting wars as a mortal has never really left him, and some nightmares still persist.
  • Though it was of little consequence at the time, time spent with "company" while on leave may have left a few bastards with Valdyr blood behind.
  • Adrian is a capable tactician but is also fiercely loyal, a fact that may be used against him.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

Soilbleed (v.3) by Grendel
Zodiac Killer (Full Metal Jacket) by DJ WM Soldier

Dalek “Metaltron”, Dalek
Wolf Scouts, Warhammer 40K
PFC Norm “Hoot” Gibson, Black Hawk Down

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Karl
Number: AU2012070001
Domain: Brisbane