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==== Personality ====
==== Personality ====
Barnett is the type of man who looks like he could explode at any minute, despite this he is calm in all things.
During early Chron Barnett was truly angry at his lot in life, by the end of it all he'd come to peace.
==== Mortal World ====
==== Mortal World ====

Revision as of 05:31, 3 October 2017

Hayden's OWoD Characters:

Barnett Henderson - Camarilla

Dr. Barnett John Henderson Jr.
Sect: None --
Clan: None (Masquerade) --
City: Brisbane --
Pack/Coterie: The Family of Aldalheidis and Hathus.
Title: None.
Sire: None
Lineage: None
Embraced: 6/6/1896
Generation: N/a
Player: Hayden
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
Barnett talking with Kate Horton's childer at the South Bank Elysium

Personal Information


Barnett, upon arriving in Brisbane, sported a brown longcoat, a white (and dated) formal shirt, a pair of brown trousers, a bandana tied around the neck, a bandolier, and a belt with holsters attached. He has of late updated to a full black suit and white, tailored, formal shirt with a Red Necktie. He currently sports a clean-shaven look, but has been known to wear a well-groomed van dyke, or a full mountain-man beard. All of his hair is brunette, and his eyes are blue.


During early Chron Barnett was truly angry at his lot in life, by the end of it all he'd come to peace.

Mortal World

Before embrace Barnett was a Doctor, both surgical and diagnostic. He moved to Boston in 1876 to go to Harvard, before moving back to Dallas (Texas) in '82. He returns again to Boston in 1893 to pursue his own fortune despite already being rich. He opened up a stay-in clinic that should very well have been performing at a loss, if not for Financial backing from Anonymous source, and other business ventures.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1860 - Born in Texas to Barnett Henderson Sr.; a 38-year-old businessman who made his fortune in Gold, and Nancy Cartwright; a 16-year-old showgirl.
  • 1876 - Moved to Boston, Massachusetts for College. Studying a Doctorate of Medicine. Meets Theodore Donowitz and Evangeline Séguier.
  • 1882 - Finishes College with Flying Colours, top of his class. Moves back to Texas and opens a clinic to pay his Pa back.
  • 1883 - Barnett Sr. Dies of a heart attack, all of the Estate was left to Barnett. Barnett Jr. left the house to his mother for the rest of her life.
  • 1885 - Sold his clinic for a fair price. Moved back to Boston a rich man. Buys a multi-building large property, the buildings being decommissioned factories. 2 of the Converted factories are turned into Housing, one a Large stay-in Clinic. He often took up police work on the side.
  • 1896 - Embraced by Theodore Donowitz, Ghouls his cousin Allistair Henderson.
  • 1900 - Buys the 1900 print U.S. Edition of Les Miserables in Celebration of his release by Theodore Donowitz and Acknowledgement by Prince Quentin King III of Boston.
  • 1903 - Reclaims family home after the death of his mother.
  • 1906 - Embraces Allistair Henderson in Boston. Withdraws from public eye.
  • 1911 - Releases Allistair Henderson.
  • 1914 - Disappears for months at a time, occasionally resurfacing, until 1919.
  • 1920 - Fights against the prohibition movement.
  • 1939 - disappears for months at a time, occasionally resurfacing, until 1946.
  • 1980 - Attends the 1980's musical stage production of Les Miserables with Evangeline Séguier, Theodore Donowitz, and Allistair Henderson. All but ignores the Anarch/Camarilla war.
  • 1988 - Aaron Fontaine is embraced by Theodore Donowitz in Brooklyn, U.S.A.
  • 19?? - Kate Horton is embraced by Theodore Donowitz in Brisbane, Australia.
  • 2013 - Moves to Brisbane after attempts on his person, and the apparent death of his Cousin/Childe.

Recent History


  • JAN - Settles into the Brujah headquarters with his sire.
  • FEB - Presented to the Prince, Iadro Orsini.
  • MAR - Takes action in a raid against some triads believed to be involved with the Sabbat. Later in the month he is reunited with Allistair Henderson.
  • JUN - Appointed co-leader of the Basterds along with Emily Black.
  • JUL - His sire, Theodore Donowitz is sentenced to 100 years in Torpor for slaying Prince Iadro Orsini, Barnett is then appointed Sheriff by Prince Karl Montgomery, tracked a Sabbat member to their Haven.
  • AUG - Investigated the basement of TLSO's haven.
  • SEP - Started an Investigation into the Fairytale Killer with more than half the court deciding to tag along for the ride.
  • OCT - Met Derek Scantlebury, and the Elder Kaloyan in Sydney at the Conclave, became Clan Head of the Brujah. Continued the Investigation into the Fairytale Killer.
  • DEC - Scotty, of clan Gangrel, makes a Praxis claim in the absence of Karl Montgomery, he is removed as Sheriff and is replaced by Emily Black. Captures 3 Lasombra with the Aid of Scabs, Ian Darro, and Mick Diamond.


  • FEB - Defends the Toreador Haven against a Sabbat Attack which is followed by a Hunter Incursion, receives scaring that would be considered lethal to a Human.
  • MAR - Extracts information from the Captured Lasombra with the Help of Scotty, Walker, and Ian Darro. With a decent-sized task-force in-tow takes on a Sabbat Pack in their haven in the North Brisbane Industrial Area. Capturing 5/6, Slaying 1.


Barnett Henderson found god again, devoted his unlife to redemption, and found love and family in the most unlikely of places. He forgave all who had trespassed against him. He confronted Teddy.

On October Second, Barnett became mortal again. A man in his prime, the world his oyster, no doors were barred from him.

Former Lineage



d'Lumiere: "He's the son I never had."
The Prophet: "And is Aldalheidis a mother to you Barnett?"
Barnett: "Something simil-.......Yes."
Barnett and the Prince of Brisbane talk often.
Whether Ghost or Impostor Victor stopped Barnett from making a huge mistake, and he's thankful.
"Why would you try to stop me from embracing my deserved fate?"


None, life is for love.

Neutral Parties

"I forgive you."
"I hope you are doing well."


Quotes By

"Dr. Barnett Henderson M.d., at your service (Madam/Sir)."
- Greetings from a Gentleman.

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"If ya get worms through ya dick I'm cutting it off."
"And no sleepin' with yer cousins."
- Teddy, welcoming Barnett to Brisbane.


  • Has earned the title "Sheriff China Princess Barnett the fragile".
    • Certain Kindred of the Brisbane Court would do well to remember Barnett taking 4 direct shotgun blasts in raid against Sabbat Ghouls in February of 2014, and seizing a Sabbat Member's Haven by force in July 2014. Certain Kindred of the Brisbane Court were curiously absent during both of these raids, mayhaps they are projecting their fragility?


  • Jean ValJean from Les Miserables.
  • Doctor John Watson from Sherlock Holmes.
  • Deputy Marshal Everett Hitch from Appaloosa.
  • The Ninth Doctor
  • "What is a human being, then?"
"A seed."
"A … seed?"
"An acorn that is unafraid to destroy itself in growing into a tree."
- David Zindell, from 'The Broken God'.



  1. Acknowledged.
  2. Resourceful for services to the city by Prince Karl Montgomery.
  3. Useful for services to the city by Prince Mick Diamond.
  4. Really Useful for services to the city by Prince Mick Diamond.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Hayden
Number: 2013080002
Domain: Brisbane