Emerald Pearl Boxing Gym

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The Emerald Pearl Boxing Gym


Founded: The gym was founded by Mother Lupa in 2010.

About: This old schooled Boxing gym is open to select members and their guests, It provides fitness training as well as Boxing classes. A number of amateur Boxers have found there feet under the roof, and the Gym boosts about having trained many champions over the relatively short period of time its been opened.

Opening times: From 5am-10pm but rumors are it never closes.

Functions: Every couple of weeks there seems to be Friday night Fights, where all the boxers, family and friends attend to blow off some steam and show off skills, while trying to earn the right to face the founder "The Wolf" in the ring.

Previous Champs: “Broken Fist Tony”, “Two Hands Jenny”, “The Wolf.”


The "Friday Night Fights" is secretly just a Fight Club.



Eddie – (Ogre Cyclops) – Was a Claviger during his life time, 50yr old large gentlemen always seems to be in a wife beater singlet, and an old pair of jeans. Hard to deal with, an over bearing trainer who is trying to live vicariously through new boxers. Rumoured to be an alcoholic with a gambling problem.

Jaq Que – (Fairest Draconic) – 20ish year old, newish changeling that seems to be a little bit too good looking to be working at a boxing gym. An over zelous up in your face, why aren’t you at training…constantly chatting away to anyone that shows him the slightest attention.