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Template:PC Summary Masquerade 3

"One, two, fuck you."

Personal Information

Placeholder. Original image at; http://kelleylcox.com/blog/2012/3/on-the-road---lubbock---dallas, all credit to Ms. Cox.


Boots. Coat. Hat. Leather and road-dust. Razor ("Rayza", in her distinctive Darwin growl) looks like she just drifted in from the Wild West, or maybe stepped off the deck of a pirate ship. Glittering grey eyes. Permanent sneer. Stubby, bitten nails. Scarred knuckles. She's all sharp edges and brooding malice, held barely in check like a dog on a chain.
Is she hot? No. God, no. Well, maybe if she smiled...but even that's purely speculation, as it's a phenomenon that's never been observed.


A fierce Loyalist, and veteran of many savage skirmishes with the Camarilla, Razor's seven parts flesh, and three parts bile and vinegar. She thinks you're a piece of shit, and she's not scared of you knowing it.
For someone with so unmistakable an aura of coiled violence waiting to break loose at any moment, she's surprisingly still. You'd expect her to be edgy, twitchy, restless - but she's not. With the exception of a predilection for prowling back and forth like a caged tiger when agitated, movement is generally economical, never purposeless, and like action, is held fire until needed. Terse and surly, she's just as sparing with words.
She doesn't walk, she stalks. She doesn't wait, she skulks. She doesn't speak, she snarls. And she doesn't laugh. Period.
Razor has a very strongly developed sense of herself and her own - which is not necessarily limited by her Pack - and with those, can be surprisingly, casually tactile. Everyone else is meat to be wasted.

Notable Traits

Dirty blonde dreadlocks. Northern Territory accent. Snarling manner. Loping, slouching walk, like a wolf with a long way to travel but in no hurry to get there.

Information Known by Kindred Society


She was shovelheaded amidst the carnage of the Brisbane Crusade by the now-defunct Pack, Tempers Fuckit, as part of a recruitment push before an intended raid. No-one really remembers what the mortal known as Sarah Strait was like before her entry into the Sword of Cain, but the general assumption is that the corrosive hardarsery was a result rather than a cause of her Embrace.
She's a veteran of the campaign, now, and over her time, she's racked up a couple dozen Campire kills by popular counts - as well as a handful of Monomacies.
Sadly, Tempers Fuckit is no more. Recently, the Pack went after a well-defended Camarilla outpost in Roma, and the raid was a disaster. Only Razor survived, limping back alone.
Her sudden orphaning doesn't appear to have done much for her disposition.


Quotes By

"Fuck that."
- response to learning the Gehenna prophecy.
"I'm not a wiseguy, I'm a 'slinger. You want muscle, I'm here for you. You want help doin' someone over...I don't hold with lies."
- to her Ductus
"Kill 'em, skin 'em, kill 'em again for good measure."
- on the subject of werewolves.

Quotes About


"See you in Hell, bitch."
"Yeah, you tell the Devil I'm a-comin', Campire. *spits* You tell 'im to put the fuckin' kettle on."
- Razor executes an enemy.
"Ah, Palla Grande. That magical time of the year when some fool occasionally tries to make Razor wear a dress."
"And she stabs them."
"And she stabs them. *chuckles* Good times."
- two Packmates, in conversation.


  • She's got a soul so black and rattlesnake-mean, the Devil himself spat her back out of Hell.
  • Once tore the arm off a Toreador Anti for trying to get "friendly". No-one's tried it since.
    • Yeah, that's the sort of thing you really only have to do once...
  • Is Vic's Sire.
    • Not that he'd know it

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Anne Bonny, Black Sails: "Fuck you, Jack."
  • Juliette Flowers, The Last Rites of Ransom Pride: "Which one a' you sorry mothers wants breakfast in Hell first?"
  • Charlie Prince, 3:10 To Yuma: "Mister, you better tell me where they took him, or you will burn."
  • The Saint of Killers, Preacher: "Figure you got yourself some guns in them belts, boy." "Yeah. But you don't look to me like the man who'll take 'em."
  • Roland Deschain, The Dark Tower: Any thoughts of guilt, any feelings of regret, had faded. The desert had baked them out.
  • Fire And Brimstone by The Bootleggers: The whole world was standing still, and the moon was turning red; I saw a sign in the sky, "I have come to set you free"
  • Cowboys From Hell by Pantera: We're gonna take what's ours to have, spread the word throughout the land. They say the bad guys wear black
  • Dream On by Aerosmith: The past is gone; it went by, like dusk to dawn. Isn't that the way? Everybody's got their dues in life to pay
  • Vera Flew The Coop by Marian Call: Vera rode with lawless men who trembled when she talked; she never flinched, she never smiled and her gun was always cocked
  • They Say by Scars On Broadway: If you were me, could you defend the given rights to all of man? Let's fuck the world with all its trend; they say it's all about to end



OOC Information

Member Information
Player: P. Saunders
Number: 2003100615
Domain: Brisbane