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Template:PC Summary Requiem

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Personal Information


quite short in stature she is fine boned and carries little excess weight her hair is cropped just bellow her ears and is a brownish blond in color. she wears a long skirt and a scarf covers her hair. Her eyes are are green but have been known to change in response to her mood She carries a small dagger at her waist, and also a thick book bound in black leather which if you glance inside contains a strange version of shorthand that would take a significant amount of time to decode (or atleast she hopes it would). she has a pencil which she carries usually behind her ear and unless it is activly pointed out she will not surender it as a weapon. after all only an idiot would think a pencil could surfice for a stake, far to fragile.

Smiles are not uncommon but usually she shows little expression though she keeps her head high unless in the company of one clearly above her such as the prince,the keeper of elysium or possibly the sheriff.


Quick witted and curious she exibits many of the traits of a good mekhet and a better spy but she is also very loyal to those worthy of her trust, and especially to those she considers family. She is quiet prefering to listern rather then speak but this should not be mistaken for shyness she will quite happily stand up if she thinks she has something to add to the situation or conversation. She is pasionate and meticulose not the type to give up on something once she gets started,and though she is not the kind to pick a fight, prefering to sit back and watch the outcome and tactics of the combatants she is not above leaving a dagger in someones ribs if the need arrises, preferably from the shaddows, though if it gets to that stage there is probably little chance of her surviving, she prefers the games of pollitics.

Mortal World

Her past identity is badly damaged any anyone looking for her today would not almost certainly fail to connect her to the young woman who went missing walking home from the library one winter night. Still she tries her best to avoid the areas of her birth and any people who might recognise her.

Currently her identity is in tatters though she holds to a possition one of her regents arranged for her when she was still a ghoul volunteering as a night nurse in a local lower class surgery. She is working on gaining a fuller identity as she will soon have to change professions people are starting to question why she does not appear to be ageing.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1964 = Born in Glen Innes
  • 1984-1999= Was bound to a now dead kindred male who treated her poorly but held her loyal through blood bonds
  • 1999- 2000 = Her regent dies and she becomes A rouge ghoul in the court of Armidale
  • 2000-2014 = Fell in with the Lancea Sanctum who seemed to respect the idea of minamising blood bonds.
  • 2014 = Embraced by Alim

Recent History


  • MAR - was aknowlaged by the prince of armidale, met many of the position holders within armidale, met her nephew Tybalt and his childe Florence.
-Assisted with the disposal of twelve weighted bodies into a dam near armidale, and the capture and interigation of a ghoul found on the sceen.
-Was somewhat distressed by the ghouls demise.
-Placed a tracking device found on the bodies into 'the web' a night club somewhere in armidale, on the orders of the most senior of there hunting party.
  • APR - was part of the group responsible for accusssing Bertrand
- settled an issue that arose during the pervios month with a bonfire at dawn, was saddened by it and now carries a small vial of ashes in a necklace as a reminder.
- assisted in the investigation of the warehouse in acacia park and the retrieval of the "sentient stone"
-yelled at Hanz and then was suitably terrified when he popped shadows.
- regestered a boon lets see what comes of that.
  • MAY - Details
  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Ghair Ma’loum (Unknown, Sire)

Known Sire

Alim Al Rashid - Respectable and knowledgeable, though perhaps a little vague in the ways of the modern world...and really an 18 wheeler.

Known Siblings

  • Garrick Smith (unknown)

Known Childer

  • None

Known Grand-childer

  • None


Quotes By

"Turn that thing off or get the hell out" Snarled at Hanz in response to his anti-mekhet device deafening her in the middle of a fight.

Quotes About

"You may certainly have a word in private with my Childe, however as she is unreleased at this time, it is my duty to be in attendance for this private audience" - Alim Al Rashid to his Grandchilde and Karlin's Nephew, Tybalt.


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Secrets - Zutons
  • In the Air Tonight -Phil Collins
  • Trained to another use,
We march with colours furled,
Only concerned when Death breaks loose
On a front of half a world.
(The Spies March - Rudyard Kipling)
  • This season's Daffodil,
She never hears
What change, what chance, what chill,
Cut down last year's;
But with bold countenance,
And knowledge small,
Esteems her seven days' continuance,
To be perpetual.
(Cities and Thrones and Powers -Rudyard Kipling)
  • I Would Die For That - Kelly Coffey


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Kat
Number: 2013090005
Domain: PTAP