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Template:PC Summary Awakening

Age: 35
Shadow name: Senka
Sleeper Alias: Samantha Connor
Physical description: Taller than average, medium brown hair falling to slightly below her shoulders and blue eyes. Usually found casually dressed in neat but comfortable clothing, but always adorned with a scarf of some description.
Nimbus: A sudden, bone-aching chill suffuses the area, as though all the warmth of the living has been stolen. With particularly powerful magic a light wind may bring flurries of snow or ice may form on nearby structures


1980 - Born in Albany, WA
1997 - Awakens in Thredbo, NSW
1998 - Joins the Guardians of the Veil under Dagon, studies at UWA
2008 - Moves to London to study Forensic pathology, occasionally travels throughout Australia on assignment for the Guardians
2011 - Returns to WA, working in regional areas as an on-call forensic pathologist
2014 - Returns to the Perth Consilium at the request of the Guardians.


Quotes by

  • "Be careful. You don't want to end up in my office sooner than you have to"
  • "That is the thing that most people do not understand. Death is not the end, it is simply a transition from one state of being to the next. Beyond that, nobody is really sure what happens. But I do know that a Moros fallen to hubris is a truly terrifying prospect - one I hope never to see first hand"
  • "There's too much blood in my caffeine stream"

Quotes about

  • "When you're ready to stop lying to me... you have my number. I'm ready to listen but only to the truth." Aletta having coffee with Senka


S: "Have you tried the special yet?"
A: "The Senka Special at Fusion, triple espresso affogato? Yes, I tried it. I didn't sleep for the next 3 days, how the hell do you function on that?"
S: "Tolerance"


  • Is in the process of leaving the Guardians following admitting to being burnt out at the constant deception and betrayal of those she cares about.
  • Has been placed under the protection of the Path Council to prevent possible retribution from the Guardians
  • Has been seen in discussion with Magnus Arlington, Aletta and The Director - looking for a new Order, perhaps?
  • Has her own coffee on the menu at Fusion - a triple shot affogato. Purely because she bitched to Achilles that there wasn't enough caffeine in a regular affogato
  • Has found a unique way of sourcing mana. Some people are less than approving

Inspirations and Soundtrack

Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park

Memories consume
Like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again

I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not alright
So I'm Breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit

OOC Info

Member Information
Player: Claire A
Number: 2005100736
Domain: Perth