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Character summary template at Template:PC Summary Requiem

Character page at Requiem Template

Morana casting a spell

Sire: Yulechka (NPC)

Bloodline: Vedma

Notable Traits: She's wild and weird and somewhat animalistic. She doesn't really get normal social mores. Perhaps she's spent to long trapising through the mountains of Central and Eastern Europe.

She usually wears a flowing red dress that seems odd and out of place enough that it must have some significance to her. Her hair is matted, her fingernails dirty and broken. Her teeth have grown pointed and sharp and are stained through years of living on animals. There's a wild yellowish glint of something wicked in her eye.

She claims that she is a goddess of death and winter. That she is a part of the eternal cycle of life and death that keeps the world turning. After all, winter must die each year so spring can be reborn, perhaps she exists to make sure that can happen.

Titles: She really doesn't care much for titles. If someone wants to call her something, that's their business. She knows she's a goddess of death and winter, she doesn't need you to validate her. She's be introduced as Haruspex of Canberra

Kindred she chares about:

  • Dante Cervantes: They met in the early 1900s. He introduced her to the Circle of the Crone and many of the ideas she has about who and what she is.
  • James Masterfield: She started working for him in 2003. She admires his intelligence and resourcefulness and she trusts him to take care of his people.
  • Bear Sundancer: A mentor and hermit she spent some time with in 1998.
  • James Cannon: Although whether she likes him or hates him is unclear
  • Boris Karklins: She seemed to respect him and almost like him (one of the few to do so), but then she killed him for breaking Elysium.

Information Known by Kindred Society

  • She's spent most of her requiem being mostly nomadic and rather hermit like
  • She's never been one for joining in with the usual courtly games of the Danse Macabre
  • She cares about those she cares about, and has little time for any kind of organised society
  • A few kindred met her during the 100 years between 1900 and 2000 she spent running around Europe learning about the Circle of the Crone
  • She's wild and weird and seems to know a whole bunch of strange magic from the moutains of Eastern Europe
  • A couple of years ago she started working for [/wiki/index.php?title=James_Masterfield James Masterfield]
  • After Masterfield's death she became Keeper of Elysium and has insisted that this is a sacred duty of the Goddess

Recent History

  • Is now Haruspex of Canberra and has taken a few younger Acolytes under her wing
  • Has become Keeper of Elysium, a duty she takes extremely seriously
  • Killed Boris (then Prince and Hierophant) for descrating Elysium
  • Exposed James Cannon's various proclivities concerning his childe to the court
  • Has warned that she will immediately kill any kindred who do violence or cause violence to be done within the Elysium of Canberra, no matter who they are
  • Has sworn that she will not kill any acknowledged kindred who have not first broken Elysium

History OOC INFO

Note: The following information is OOC and is provided for the benefit of those looking to make character ties in backstory. It is not commonly known information IC

She was born in a village in Ukraine in 1830 (at the time it would have been part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) as Ludmilla. Her particular village was rather isolated and maintained a number of older pagan customs under the guise of Roman Catholic celebrations. One of these is a part of Maslenitsa. On the last day of winter the villagers drown an effigy of the goddess of death and winter, Maržanna (also called Mara, Moréna or Morana) in the river. This ritual “killing” of the goddess of death kills winter and allows the rebirth of her husband and brother spring.

However in Ludmilla's village, they sometimes drown a real girl instead of an effigy, usually a girl who has been accused of witchcraft or adultery or some similar crime. Ludmilla was such a girl.

The villagers left her unconscious and half drowned in the river at sunset. But it so happened that a vampire, Yulechka, was sleeping in the river (melded with the water). Yulechka awoke and, seeing the girl floating nearby as an omen, revived and embraced her.

Delirious from her near death experience (and perhaps due to lack of oxygen to the brain), she got confused about who she was and why she was still alive. Is she Ludmilla or Morana the goddess of winter and death? Was she always Morana and the villagers just figured it out before she did? Did being sacrificed to Morana turn her into an aspect of the goddess herself? Was the wet bedraggled thing which had dragged her from the river and from death itself really Morana? And hadn’t she passed some of her power onto her childe during the embrace? Yulechka had little in the way of answers for her new childe.

Yulechka let Morana travel around the wilds of Europe for a few years with her, teaching her to meld with the earth and a few other tricks. But Yulechka really had little interest in a childe and tired of her within a few decades, abandoning her without notice. Morana kept to the nomadic lifestyle, wandering around Europe for several years after, mostly keeping to herself.

Eventually she met Dante Cervantes whose Crone beliefs and practices seemed a good match and explanation for her own confusion about what exactly she became when she was embraced and what her relationship to Morana should be. He explained to her that when she was embraced she became an aspect of the goddess Marzanna and that she should embrace her new nature.

In time she got itchy feet again and wandered off.

More than a little crazy and socially awkward, it was only a matter of time before she got into trouble. in the late 1990s she managed to get herself caught by some mortal authorities who assumed she was a sadly disturbed young woman and took her to the nearest asylum. Low on blood and nearing sunrise she had little opportunity to escape.

A young doctor in charge of the asylum realized that she was something more than human and, without blood, was rapidly deteriorating. He helped her to escape before she was discovered.

Fresh out of her ordeal in the asylum she decided that more defensive abilities were the key. A Crone contact suggested Bear Sundancer, a Gangrel Crone in the United States, might have some useful things he could teach her. The contact helped arrange passage for her to the US where she spent some time with Bear Sundancer.

On her return to Europe she was tracked down by James Masterfield. He persuaded her that she owed him a debt of service for the kindness he had done her in the past. She agreed and has been working for him ever since.

In 2009 Masterfield sent her on a lengthy errand and told her to meet him in Australia when she was done. In December 2010 she finally joined him in Canberra.


  • Sire: Yulenchka (NPC)
  • Childe: N/A (email me if you'd like to become one)

Known Childer


Known Grand-childer



Quotes By

Things said by Morana...


Quotes About

“Loyalty is the greatest virtue an associate can have, Morana is the pinnacle of loyalty, which is fortunate as makes up for her many other flaws”
- [/wiki/index.php?title=James_Masterfield James Masterfield] to his childe [/wiki/index.php?title=Honey Honey] during a lecture on what to look for in an ally

"Don't trust..."
- Boris Karklins in a hiss...

"Dunno. I figure she bends over and moons her God one minute, and then the next she turns around and licks out her Gods vag..."
- Omen Novak, shrugging, when asked how someone Crone can also be Ordo Dracul.

"I have hardly met this one, yet the sound of her voice already annoys me. I can practically see James Masterfield's hand moving."
- Jaagup Rebane

"A flibbertigibbet in crimson, huddling behind [/wiki/index.php?title=James_Masterfield Masterfield's] legs, shrieking nonsense, sniffing strangers and flinging her sleeves about. She seems silly, even funny...but silly Kindred don't survive long. Do you know what does survive? Wild, unpredictable, carnivorous Kindred who know how to look silly...even funny. Watch Morana. Freeze while she sniffs you. Give her the road when she passes. And leave when she's agitated."
- Ivy Darling

""It is good to see the Mother's blood still flows close to the surface in some""
- Morgan


Ghoul union boy: Would you like a ghoul?
Morana: Do you have shepherd?
Ghoul union boy: I'm sorry?
Jakob Rebane: I think she means a leader who can guide another group of mortals to...
Morana: No. No. I meam shepherd. For minding sheep. They wander off.


  • Some say she must owe James Masterfield something terrible to suddenly start working for him
  • Morana and Dante Cervantes had a brief affair
  • Who knows how old she really is, she seems to know some things she oughtn't
  • She really is a goddess of winter, not a vampire
  • She's been known to respond to several different forms of her name, including Morena, Mara and Marzana
  • It wasn't that lengthy an errand she was on for Masterfield, she just got lost on the way to Australia

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Penny Sullivan
Number: AU2002090430
Domain: Canberra