Harpy Reports

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July 2015

  • Date: 11/07/2015
  • Location: St Henry's House Elysium
  • Host: Kalidas Singh
  • Setting: Reflection and Thanks
  • Notes:

Aug 2015

  • Date: 01/09/2015
  • Location: Metropolis Nightclub in Fremantle
  • Host: Victor Roe on behalf of the Carthian Movement
  • Setting: Nightclub, dancing, feeding and music
  • Notes:

VIP area is booked for members of the court, general public and mortals are not allowed. a rear entrance has been provided for those wishing to be discrete. The downstairs area has been designated for feeding, but discretely as it is a very public place and the masquerade must be kept.

The Bishop's Harpy is killed by strix en route from the Masquerade whilst in a moving vehicle. No survivors. Reports say the strix was inside the vehicle, possible under a seat.

Sep 2015

  • Date: 03/10/2015
  • Location: Perth Concert Hall - Grand Elysium
  • Host: The Bishop - Prince
  • Setting: Petitioning for positions within the court.
  • Notes:

Many petitioned The Bishop for positions within the court, most were written into a notebook.

The Bishop Succumbed to Torpor.

Oct 2015


  • Date: 31/10/2015
  • Location: Saint Marys Cathedral
  • Host: Stephen James of the Lancea Sanctum.
  • Setting: Ball and costume party
  • Notes:

Kindred were invited and expected to 'dress-up' for the occasion. Strange occult things happening during the night which lead to kindred investigating. Archbishop Durenkrail Stepped up and announced his intent to claim Praxis. No challenges. The Archbishop also announced that any who wished to contest his position are free to do so next month.

There were small spirits masquerading as trick-or-treaters that kept their hearts in a bag. They were dealt with. Apparently there was a headless horsemen. It was dealt with.

Positions in the new court are announced. Thamos Hagues is Praxis Harpy

Victor Aurelius Roe is Seneschal

Nov 2015

  • Date: 29/11/2015
  • Location: Top bar at the Ocean Beach Hotel (OBH)
  • Host: Ozymandias on behalf of the Ventrue
  • Setting: Games and drinks at the beach.
  • Notes:

Noone contested the Archbishop as Prince. Ozymandias suggested for ghouls to wear identification in the name of security, this was not taken well by those with ghouls who frequent the court. A Debate was held regarding this matter, ordered by the prince on the night. Results pending.

A number of kindred from the court ventured into Northbridge in order to reclaim a kindred. Mission was not a success. Strix are now corrupting corpses according to reports.

Priscus Harpy is decided to be Roman of the Ordo Dracul.

Dec 2015

  • Date: 19/12/2015
  • Location: Anglican Parish of Lakelands
  • Host: Thamos Hagues and Roman for the Harpies
  • Setting: Carols by Candlelight, with Paganism for flavour.

Quick Notes: Schovajsa Started without an arm. Jokes were made. Catch the Greased up pig event. Revenant brought into the church A Mehket with long blonde hair running around killing people with a sword. h long blonde hair running around killing people with a sword.

Main Report - December

Host: Thamos Hagues and Roman ██████████ Venue: Anglican Parish of Lakelands, South Lake Commenced Time: 7:00pm Report:

Last Night was started in Tandem with the nearby carolers. Pagan interruptions paired with blatant disrespects paint a poor picture of the court, and in turn, it’s Prince.

The evening consisted of interruptions involving a Pagan ‘tradition’ and the arrival of a Revenant.

At the start of the night a point of conversation was Schovajsa’s missing arm. He restrained himself well in regards to quite cutting remarks made and this restraint is to be applauded. There are many others who would do well to learn from his example.

Mags, who we all know as destructive, violent and crude seems to lack further self-control as each month passes. This month she went so far as to insult the Seneschal in the presence of myself, a Primogen and two Priscus. Her words will not be repeated for their vulgarity.

Chase Dawson at 9:30 announced the commencement of a Pagan competition involving a swine named ‘Baby Bacon’ and copious amounts of grease. It is noted that Mags, Schovajsa, Lord Victor Aurelius Roe and Deathroll participated in this event. Lord Victor Aurelius Roe participated by using occult means to instruct the swine to return to him at the beginning of the hunt, maintaining his presence at the gathering.

The one to return ‘Baby Bacon’ was in fact none other than fellow Dragon Schovajsa. He completed the task, presenting the prize to Chase, the organizer of the event. It is noted that he achieved this feat whilst missing a left arm.

On a more serious note, it has come to my attention that two ghouls were attacked this last week by Strix inhabited bodies during the day. These bodies were burned in order to reduce possible recontamination. I recommend that until otherwise noted, all take extra precautions with security.

Late in the evening the arrival of a subdued revenant resulted in opening an investigation into a Kindred who is believed to be a Blonde Haired Mehket wandering around the city wielding a Sword. Any sightings are to be reported to myself or the Seneschal. I conclude this report with some announcements.


Seneschal Lord Victor Aurelius Roe takes an extremely active role within the court, taking direct and personal responsibility for the court and wellbeing of the Kindred. He has proven that without a doubt, any reservations held by the court are entirely unfounded. The Seneschal has expended effort above and beyond what is expected, and is without a doubt an active and highly personal leader. A leader that has taken it upon themselves to preserve our Masquerade at great personal expense time and time again. As such, Lord Victor Aurelius Roe is now to be formally Respected among the Court.

Finally the Prince would like to display an expression of regret towards Herb of the Carthians, whom he feels he may have upset this last night with a possible task that may have come across as assured to occur. He wishes to express his utmost concern that his intentions were not made clear and endeavors to clarify his intents.

Through the use of his media influence and personal expenditures, Herb is to be formally Recognised within the court for protecting our Masquerade with diligence and persistence.

Infandous is stepping down as Keeper of Elysium

The Invictus now hold the title of Keeper of Elysium

Due to his new position as Priscus, Deathroll is now Recognised within the Court.