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Ariyassa (nee Jayne Bennett)
Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Archived-Dragonic
Court: Winter Court
City: Perth
Entitlement: None
Player: [mailto: Mary Pope]
Storyteller: Perth VST


Personal Information

Ariyassa works in the hotel providing assistance to the security, social relations, research and finance departments with her computer skills, as of yet she does not have any real position.

Apparent Age: 22
Concept: Snapes Sister
Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Dragonic
Court: Winter


Mask: Humans see Ariyassa as a tall, slim, elegant woman with a frozen demeanor. She carries herself with all the class of her past heiress life, has long black hair, peaches and cream skin, long slender limbs which seem to drape around her body. Her eyes appear to be black although when she smiles, which is rare, they are proven to be all the hues of blue from van Goghs Starry Nights.

Mien: Ariyassas physical shape is the same as her mask, but also features scales that merge from blue, purple and sliver in the light. She also has a long tail with spikes along its length.


Ariyassa’s foul temperament protects a tender heart, and while she grumbles constantly about the ‘feckle brains’ of the other freeholders, there is not a thing she will not do to protect them. This mentality, as well as the almost panicked need to escape attention leaves her well suited to the winter court. As for her fetch, Ariyassa hold a great deal of contempt and anger towards the creature that replaced her. While she has no wish to return to the world she was once a part of, she also hates that she has suffered for so long while her fetch has had an easy life.

Mortal World

Sequestered away in her hole of a computer room, Ariyassa spends long hours struggling to catch up with the world that passed her by. Putting her basic computer skills to good use in the hotel, she drives herself relentlessly to learning more. Her research often goes long into the night after everyone else has gone to bed, constantly seeking information about everything and anything that could be of use to her and the freehold. However Ariyassa also finds herself relentlessly stalking any information she can find about the fetch that replaced her. When not in her computer room, Ariyassa can be found in a corner brooding over a glass of rum, people watching or unleashing her sharp tongue on a poor unsuspecting fool. It is because of this tendency that her queen, Bunny has specifically requested she does NOT frequent the hotels bar.

Information Known by Lost Society

Good with computers, rational mind, sharp tongue and willing fighter.

Arcadia - Capture and Escape

A very proper woman, Jayne Bennett, was an heiress to the Bennett fortune with a bright future ahead of her before she caught the notice of the fay. Once taken Jayne took the name of Ariyassa, and the form of a draconian. She started as a beautiful ornamental servant, and became a source of entertainment for any guests, as well as the educator of any new changeling that entered the household. While the master was cruel, twisted and demanding by human standards, compared to other fay, the master was quite benevolent. After the great escape she was promoted to head house keeper, but the master had changed. Angry, vindictive and delighting in torture, and given to devastating mood swings the master had become dangerous to be around. Ariyassa was gallantly doing her best to redirect the wrath of her employer from the more vulnerable changelings when the master decided to take an offer to sell Ariyassa as a sex toy. Knowing who her new master was to be, Ariyassa decided to risk trying the escape route through the hedge.

Recent History


Hidden Tears

alt text


Quotes By

Quotes About

"Oh Ari, you try so desperately to drown your sorrows. I hope that in time you will see that the more you lose to the bottom of that bottle, the more you remain enslaved by what They have done. Don't let Them take more from you then They already have" - Seraphina

"I don't get it, like, she's cool and seems reasonable in a stuck up and rigid way. I think we'll need to chill more." - Amp



  • Can handle her liquor waaaaaaay better than the Summer upstart Amp.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


Emilio Restrepo: That's what you want? You want me to teach you how to be a killer? Sure. No problem. I teach you. But you'll be dead in five years. If you want to be a killer and survive, you got to be a smart one. You have to know things besides how to pull a trigger. You have to know how the world works, how people think. You got to learn and understand how to be psychological. And I cannot teach you that unless you learn the basics at a school.

Hurt - Johnny Cash

I hurt myself today

To see if I still feel

I focus on the pain

The only thing that's real

The needle tears a hole

The old familiar sting

Try to kill it all away

But I remember everything


What have I become

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know goes away

In the end

And you could have it all

My empire of dirt

I will let you down

I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns

Upon my liar's chair

Full of broken thoughts

I cannot repair

Beneath the stains of time

The feelings disappear

You are someone else

I am still right here


What have I become

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know goes away

In the end

And you could have it all

My empire of dirt

I will let you down

I will make you hurt

If I could start again

A million miles away

I would keep myself

I would find a way

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Mary Pope]
Number: AU2015090004
Domain: Swan River Colony