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Tribe: Bone Gnawer
Auspice: Theurge
Rank: Adren
Faction: Road Warder

History according to Macca

  • Family where some of the first Swagmen in Australia and is just continuing on his families tradition, Waltzing Matilda is about his great grandfather and his fight with a Black Spiral Dancer Land Owner
  • His family reinvented much of the Bone Gnawer rites into Australian versions
  • Was raised by his Mother and her husband but his real father was a swagman.
  • His father went from job to job, and visited him once a year, he had a lot of different women on his routes and a lot of other children.
  • Mother did not want him to leave, but Macca ignored her threatening to tell her husband who his real father was so she let him leave.
  • Had his first change on his first trip with his dad, was a messy affair with a Fomori house wife.
  • Dad died in Canberra trying to rescue a bus load of kinfolk.
  • Inherited the family fetish (an old ute), and took over his route, the same spirit has served his family for generations in different vehicle fetishes.
  • Has allot of children across Australia from his trips.
  • Works in trade for things, e.g. will fix your car for petrol, help move your cattle to the sale yards for a cow.
  • Does not like to take charge, just drops into places says hello then disappears after helping out.
  • Has made allot of connections with Australian spirits around the nation, although is not really friends with the natives