Archived-Crimson Blades

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Crimson Blades banner.jpg

In the early 18th Century, the Kindred in the domain of Bristol were beset by vampire pagans and monsters along with their mortal thralls from Wales as they made regular incursions into the heart of England. This escalated on the night of the 20th of March on the Vernal Equinox when a massive force of savage Kindred descended on their civilised cousins in Bristol. Two foreigner Kindred who were relatively recent to the Bristol Court fought side by side with their strange foreign blades to defend the city from the heathens and drenched themselves and their weapons in the vitae of the enemy. For their dedication to defend the city, they were given positions of honour and became known as the Crimson Blades by the local Kindred. The threat did not end there, and the Crimson Blades became an institution in the city for several years, being sent on missions that involved all manner of bloodshed behind enemy lines. Finally, peace was achieved, but the cost was severe, and the Crimson Blades disbanded in 1751.


  • 1730 - Archived-Alim Al Rashid and Archived-Pietro Navishenko become known as the 'Crimson Blades' after their defence of the city from the Battle of the Vernal Equinox.
  • 1740 - Ulrich Volmark responds to his old friend Pietro's contact and joins the Crimson Blades.
  • 1751 - Masked Crone come to Bristol Elysium under parley to negotiate peace, and the Prince agrees to giving them Retribution for the doings of the Crimson Blades, to which they immediately behead Pietro's childe, Hollie, Pietro frenzies at the nearest Crone, Alim and Archived-Ulrich torpor Pietro to avoid sanction. The remaining Crimson Blades are banished from Bristol along with their torpid brother and the Crimson Blades disband.

Members of the Crimson Blades